Werepuppy's A Doll A Day Challenge 2020
I'm coming to the rescue to save the Sailor Moon imbalance! Tongue  I've been a massive fan of the franchise for about 2 decades now. Even my nickname (which I got in my teens) has its connection to it  LOL 
That Usagi is so cute! Great find, she's such a unique doll in the Sailor Moon world smile I really loved the Live Action series - admittedly needed some time to get used to its cheesy feel, but it had such great character development, and some plot changes&twists that made it much more appealing to me as an adult. I think it wasn't made with the same audience age in mind as the animated series (that, or they weren't trying to make it appealing to the international market).

Moanica... well. I tried to like her, I really did. The thing is, she would have a lot to make it easy for me to like her. First of all, we share a name (minus the porn star grimey twist in hers Sweatdrop ), how cool would that be to own a doll who is called like you (and it's not your customised mini-me)?! Secondly, she's grey-skinned, and back then I had this idea of desaturating every doll who doesn't need a full body repaint to become black&white, and making a bunch of b&w customs. As part of this idea I even ended up buying a number of dolls who previously didn't even interest me. Not one of these custom ideas have ever materialised, and by now I have realised that some of them will likely never will. I am still a massive monochrome lover, but no, I don't need and won't like every doll just because they are black&white. I still plan to make some of them happen though, maybe someday. Back to Moanica though... when I had a chance to buy her for a price I'd have been OK with, I was already in the phase of realising that I don't *need* to own every Monster High doll in b&w, and thus I was able to look at her a bit more objectively. And I unfortunately couldn't come to like her head mold. I do think her evil smile is cool and unique, but it isn't what I look for in a doll. I even tried to look at repaints to see if I could make her look more appealing to me, but then I came to the conclusion that what doesn't come, shouldn't be forced. I never really regretted not getting her. I can't say I wouldn't pick her up if I bumped into her in a thrift store (maybe seeing her IRL would make a difference), but I'm not considering seeking her out otherwise.

That said, I still think she's a cool and unique doll, which was pretty rare in the G2 era - I kind of believe she would have done pretty well if she was released a few years earlier. Her design is strong and she has qualities that make her stand out, I'm sure many fans who have left the boat by the time she appeared would have liked her. I love the way you posed her, the way her right hand is positioned and angled with the direction she's looking at makes the pose very dynamic - plus she looks totally badass!
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"I wear my sunglasses at night
So I can, so I can
See the light that's right before my eyes"

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RE: Werepuppy's A Doll A Day Challenge 2020 - by Loona - 07-03-2020, 06:15 AM

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