PrettyTiny Film Company -- random pix (May 30)
Thanks, gang smile

(03-14-2021, 11:07 AM)davidd Wrote: And yes, I'm hijacking Alliecat's topic, but since the discussion is about both Star Wars and pirates, I don't think she'll mind too much!
Interesting article, apart from the painful writing...  Smuggler vs. pirate sounds like the same kinda grey zone encompassing privateer vs. pirate in our world.  Some of the former became the latter, and some of the latter claimed to be the former LOL
Yeah, I'm gonna go with "smuggler" too... real pirates would be rampaging around killing everybody.

(03-15-2021, 04:23 AM)Loona Wrote: Lovely photos! And a lovely bouqet - I really like tulips, though they are so short-lived sadly - especially in a vase....Well, wait, did it even have any fragrance (I think tulips seldom do)?
It was very faint.  And ain't that the truth about short-lived.  This batch didn't have a price on it, and I decided I didn't care because I was celebrating finally getting my car back, but it turned out to be rather overpriced for the fact that they didn't open, and all drooped pretty quickly.  Oh well.  They were nice for a couple of days! LOL

Dolls With Flowers, again.  A few more of Pam with the Christmas cactus.
It can be hard to nail focus on a little face with shallow DOF, so I was really pleased with these considering hand-held on the floor in a corner of the kitchen wink

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RE: PrettyTiny Film Company -- random pix (new March 17) - by Alliecat - 03-18-2021, 03:02 PM

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