Captain Sofia joins the PrettyTiny pirate crew! (new Jan. 5)
Ahhhh, this looks amazing! I am happy to take Influencer Credit for this one!

The "Whoooa" picture, where Sunsette first meets the new crew member, is hilariously awesome! I LOL'd!

I shared a link to this post on one of the Action Figure forums, and at least three or four people have already stopped in to take a look. Sadly, none have ex-pressed interest in the Dolly Market Forum as a whole, but your ex-cellent and thorough photo documentation was appreciated, and there will be a number of people searching for parted-out heads, boots, and other accessories online.

Those heads, the face-ups, the eyes... yeah, how do they do that? Amazing, huh?

To my eye, the hands do not appear disproportionately large in any of these photos. I mean, you could say the same thing, only in reverse, about the unnaturally small, paddle-like hands of Pullip dolls, I suppose. The large appearance could be a result of being more familiar with "playline dolls," most of which, even non-Pullip types, have disproportionately large heads and undersized hands and feet.

Possible alternative for changing out the hands: use hot water instead. I've never used a blow dryer. I usually just tug until they pop off... which probably isn't a great idea. If hands or feet seem inordinately difficult to remove, I heat up a mug of water in a microwave oven and dip the appendage in for 60 seconds or so. I also do this to soften up hands to put on to figures. I drop the entire hand or foot (or plastic shoe or boot -- I wonder if it would help with that vinyl hat?) in to a cup of super hot microwaved water and leave it for a couple of minutes.

I love the photos with all the gear! But I bet it was a chore to put it all together. I have had to seek out Youtube videos on a few occasions to figure out how to assemble some pieces -- belts and straps in particular.

The accessories look like fun. I like it that the pistols do not match. They seem more like "spoils" from a pillaging raid that way!

The pix with the treasure chest are nicely staged! That treasure box has been needing a pirate to go with it.

The pic with the dagger tipping back the hat is particularly jaunty!

The final pic is sweet - The Scourge of the Seas regaling little Sunsette with tales of derring-do, and Sunsette looking appropriately wide-eyed in awe!

I wonder: will the PTFCo crew be a mellowing influence on Cap'n Allie... I mean Sofia? Or will the Cap'n inspire the crew to even greater mischief and tomfoolery?
They're not dolls, they're action figures!

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RE: Captain Sofia joins the PrettyTiny pirate crew! - by davidd - 11-30-2023, 08:17 AM

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