Pre-Halloween Greetings from KiraKira & the Hawaii crew
Some day-before-Halloween Greetings to you all! I know it's not quite Halloween, but I figured I'd upload this before I forget and it's too late.
Trick or Treat!

Her Royal Highness, Tekka-Maki
Tekka-Maki: My first royal decree is to order you all to give your Halloween loot to me!
Tekka-Maki has decided that she wanted to be really girly for Halloween, so she put aside her ninja-in-training garb for this "Tangled"/Rapunzel ensemble. I think she's got the whole regal attitude thing down!

Caveboy Kaz
Kaz: Is it too late to change my mind about my Halloween costume?
Kazuhiro picked out this caveman costume...but he didn't realize that he was going to have to show so much skin. He's a little I'm not sure how many houses he'll be able to hit before he's too mortified to go on.

Moe the Ladybug
Moe: Hmmm...I guess wearing the grown-up lady shoes wasn't a good idea. I can hardly walk in these...
Doesn't Moe look cute in her ladybug costume? I can't recall who made it, but I've had it for a couple of years and I got it from someone on this forum. Moe loves bugs of all sort, so she adores her costume...but her comfortable sneakers were pink and clashed with the red & black of the costume. The only black shoes that would fit her chubby obitsu feet were these pretty snazzy caberet shoes...

And pukifee crew wanted to send some Halloween wishes as well. They don't have costumes...but they do have voodoo dolls!
We'll put a spell on you...

Have a happy, safe & fun Halloween, y'all!
Currently playing:  Animal Crossing: New Horizons on the Nintendo Switch
Friend Code 2036-6707-2961 (KiraKira)
Currently reading: If I Had Your Face by Frances Cha
Last movie I saw:  Parasite

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Pre-Halloween Greetings from KiraKira & the Hawaii crew - by KiraKira - 10-31-2012, 05:18 AM

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