Neon’s A Doll A Migraine-less Day, More Or Less - 2019 edition!
(11-12-2019, 12:01 AM)werepuppy Wrote: Vintage Lala feels like she's stalking someone...

eta: also, Cleo was right - it's clearly the added weight of the gold I was talking about... /shifty eyes.

I don't know when she went vegetarian, so it's entirely possible!


(11-12-2019, 02:30 AM)dargosmydaddy Wrote: Ooh, I love her dress. All three versions of that picture are just perfect!

Thank you very much!!!

(11-12-2019, 03:13 AM)davidd Wrote: Karel Zeman! I've only seen still photos of his work in old books when I was a kid! A quick glance online just now reveals a plethora of info! There goes the rest of my day!

And... there's a Karel Zeman museum in Prague! That is where Reimei is going to take us on her next outing!!!! Right???

The first filtered pic, with the hint of colour, is absolutely fantastic! It is a beautiful and artistic rendering. And fits right in with the æsthetic of the Karel Zeman stills at which I was just looking!

I love his work, my personal favorites are An Invention for Destruction / The Fabulous World of Jules Verne (US title is, pardon me, weird), Baron Munchausen / The Fabulous Baron Munchausen and, naturally, [i]Krabat — The Sorcerer's Apprentice[/i].

I'm not sure it's going to be the next Smart Doll adventure, but I do want to take her there eventually. There are reconstructions of some of his famous sets, people can take photos in them and kids can play there, so... Yeah.

Thank you!!! I really enjoy using this filter.

Day 316

I've been too busy in various graveyards, so I've been neglecting this girl.

[Image: 418381f55e25a1c5b88b8cf172859959.jpg]

In the gardens of filter madness:

[Image: f7e9a316267c852a365e6b7d18f6cf22.jpg]

[Image: d2d2e4cfc2c7c0918d66ff7d45a8b64e.jpg]

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RE: Neon’s A Doll A Migraine-less Day, More Or Less - 2019 edition! - by neon_jellyfish - 11-13-2019, 01:00 AM

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