Taeyang NOSFERATU -- A quick review --
Groove's little instruction sheets are amusing. Every Pullip works the same way, and it's not hard... They could save paper and just put a little diagram on a box. Tongue. Bjd manuals are typically more useful. LOL.

And yeah, Kanrabat, Book of Circus Sebastian is a sorry excuse of a Taeyang. His face-up looks so generally awful it's shocking. I don't know who redesigned it, but they screwed up. The initial Sebastian releases really had something going for them. I wonder if there's anyone who actually appreciates the BOC Sebastian..?
The first Sebastian (butler version) came with four knives and four forks, the second (tutor version) came with a well-made outfit like the first and also unique glasses, and Book of Circus... came with a cheap silk suit and hat and stickers. And the worst faceup in Pullip anime collab history.

Comparing BOC Seb and Nosferatu is almost like comparing two entirely different doll brands. Tongue.
[Image: 49035651448_1fbe84a2fc_o_d.jpg]


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RE: Taeyang NOSFERATU -- A quick review -- - by *NatTheCat* - 05-10-2019, 07:57 AM

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