Turning the tables! X3
I was thinking about it...

we're constantly demanding "moar!" when it comes to cute pictures of our dolls, and I wonder if they ever get sick of being the center of attention?
What if they felt like taking photos of you sometime? XD

Hoshiko is a professional photographer, and I thought it would be fun to turn the tables and let her photograph me for once- instead of me always taking the photos of her! Plus, she wanted to practice with her "macro" setting. 9__9

[Image: 4689672389_b53eed1464.jpg]
Hoshiko- "Say cheese!"

[Image: 4690306784_76d9bea1c4.jpg]
Hoshiko- "How's that look?"
Krista- *thumbs up!*

[Image: 4689674767_c7b78dffaa.jpg]

[Image: 4690307576_c683bfa562.jpg]

... and because it's true, I DO love taking tons of photos of my girls, here are some bonus shots of my Bouquet, Yuiitsu~ ^__^

[Image: 4689653917_2b1deb723a.jpg]

[Image: 4690289548_4537ac5557.jpg]

[Image: 4689656595_821dc915c5.jpg]

[Image: 4690294916_a253e7e967.jpg]

[Image: 4690296636_c13f8d0185.jpg]

Thank you for looking! ^^
Haha what a great set of pics! Thanks to you and Hoshiko for sharing! I esp love the one where she is showing you the shot on back of camera smile

Your dolls are very pretty smile It's great to see things from the Pullip-point-of-view once in a while!

[Image: dollbbc.php?sex=girl&back=0000&friendsu=...&acch=0000][Image: dollbbc.php?sex=girl&back=0000&friendsu=...&acch=0000][Image: dollbbc.php?sex=girl&back=0000&friendsu=...&acch=0000]
   Sara (HK)        Juliet (Suigintou)    Nova (Rot-chan)
hehe! I love those first pics smile a very interesting twist!

Those second ones are lovely, so serene & pretty <3


Thank you both!
Super cute & creative set of photos. It was definitely fun to see.
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How fun! And great photos! LOL Tongue
[Image: 14939124571_371f909e27_m.jpg]
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Awww! I love those pics! super cute! Where did you find that cute camera?
Thats brilliant!

Great to see the girls taking photos!
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Thanks everyone! ^__^

The camera came in a Barbie baby photographer set from a little over a year ago~ :0 I love it!
I'm so glad that you are finally pulliping again!!!! XD YAY!!!! This is an awesome picflic! <3
Thanks, Amy!~ <3

I'm glad I'm getting back into them, too. ^__^
I knew it wasn't a permanent break from them, but GOD it lasted forever. DX
This is a great idea! Plus, you're Bouquet looks a little bit like you with her glasses!!
[Image: dm.jpg]

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Seriously. XD I was starting to think it would be another year before they got any attention. LOL! XD
Thank you! Ahaha! I totally do see the resemblance! I want to get a glasses chain like she has, actually! I just can't seem to find one~

AMY!!! If you come in town on Thursday instead of Friday, you can come to the party at the apartment (Thurs night) and Toy Story 3 Friday morning! For the party, we're all dressing nice and cleaning the place up! You should come! *__* You can still stay with me too, if you wanna! Call me or something!

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