Lady Helena (Lilith), a picture and a review :)
Lilith's stock is crap. I'm glad I was pre-warned it was crap before she arrived otherwise I'd be pretty peeved right now. Luckily though because I had let my expectations hit rock bottom for her when I finally opened her box I was actually presently surprised.

  • Her sleeves are too long, this is true. They are designed to be bunched up a little though (but even then they are still slightly too long)
  • Her shoes are too big for her. And to top it off one of mine was actually broken. AND they look out of place with the rest of her delicate stock
  • I cannot get her overskirt to sit properly nomatter how many times I try. I've given up on it.
  • Her crown choker is *really* fiddly. I've also given up on that.
  • Her faceup is paler than the promo pictures.
  • The lace on her beige skirt is really delicate and would probably be easy to come off.

But aside from all those negatives Her face up is *still* gorgeous and I find personally there isn't that much to really complain about. And that beige skirt, aside from the fact the lace is only just stitched on, is really divine.

I bought Lillith as my first Byul because I though that she pulled off a freaky undead look really well with her giant eyes and tiny lips. And now she's here she looks really sweet and innocent (yes even with the yellow demon eyes).

[Image: 40260_1560787582363_1315505592_1506302_3162726_n.jpg]

I switched out her hair straight away, because the freaky and cool long green hair didn't go well with her in person as I had originally assumed. (and I hate long wavy ratty prone hair anyways). Her wig was really glued down. It was harder to get off than Mercu's was.

See I think the problem with Byul in general is, her features in person are so darn *cute* but they don't translate well to photos (as in she isn't photogenic - which is something I can personally relate too >_>).

So in short to me she is well worth the $100 she cost - her stock not so much but thats okay, I can always get her new clothes.

Helena (Lillith) has converted me into a Byul fan and I hope I'm not the only crazy one that she has converted.

**The 'Facts' are truths about her stock reported by other owners and are true with my doll as well, not something I came up with**
[Image: richestoresin.png]
thats a good wig for her - what do you plan to do with her stock wig?
Thank you for the review. Lilith converted me too. I did already have my eye on Paulia, though.
@ MissMandyLynne - Thanks smile I dunno. I seemed to be lucky with mine considering the reports of badly wonky buns - even though my dolls hair didn't have perfectly symmetrical buns they were placed evenly on her head. So either I'll keep it in her box with the rest of her stock I'm not using, I'll find I like it on another doll or I'll sell it. Given she's a limited though it will probably be the first but who knows really *shrugs*

@ Marsha - Yay I'm not crazy =D I've started wishing for Pollon now>_>
[Image: richestoresin.png]
I realliy love this doll!! It's a good wig for her
She does look cute in the new wig!
~*My Dolly Flickr*~ **Kawaii Kandy**

My Girls: Kirsche, Xiao Fan, Papin and Prunella grin
My (Don't I Wish!) Dream Girl: Haute NY
This review sounds quite familiar. I'm hoping that Ddalgi's stock won't be such of a rip off because that's mostly why I bought her!

If Lillith's stock wig isn't too bad I'll take it! I've been wanting it but I figured not many would re-wig her since she's limited.

Please, if you deal with me, leave feedback!
Oh wow, Lilith looks great with black hair and I think Helena is the perfect name for her Heart 2
My dolls:Samara (Sfoglia), Mara (Custom), Corey (Seiran), Shizu (Yuki), Anomaly (Lunatic Alice), Aiden (Naomi), Sadie (Zuora),
Crimson (Lunatic Queen), Amalia (Elisabeth), Bloody Mary (Mir), Lana (Eos), Jareth (Sebastian), Dante (Butler), Tarja (Tiphona), Cassidy (Jaldet), Elliott (Naomi), Snookie (Chelsea), Lazulie (Another Alice), Silence (Regen Noir)
@ Angie-83 and @ Mag - Thanks!

@ SilverSumire - It does? O.o The only other 'reviews' I have read on her were both Hannah's box opening thoughts and Requiem's Flickr so mine was written to cover topics brought up by them and then my own thoughts thrown in lol Perhapse my point of view is a more common opinion amongst her owners. *shrug*

As for her stock wig I'll wait and see if I decide I want to keep it or sell it yet smile You are dressing Lillith in Ddalgi stock, or you ordered a Ddalgi because you like her stock? smile

@ Little_Spark - Thanks!

Her wig is actually 'Hope' in the Monique Gold collection if people are interested in knowing, colour - Nearly Black. It's actually a really dark brown smile
[Image: richestoresin.png]

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