Chat challenge #10: Christmas preparations
Last weekend to get things ready if they're supposed to be shipped off. How does your doll(s) cope?

(remember that anyone can create a challenge if I am not online for a day or two, like yesterday!)
Gift wrapping has degenerated into dueling.

Leave the Gift Wrapping to Us
You're doing awesome in this challenge, good job! I haven't been able to take pics every day myself, but I try to put up a challenge anyway.

Love the tree and the ornaments! <3
Can we only add pictures on the day the challenge is posted? I haven't had time to do any of these because of work, but I'm hoping to get some time once work slows down or on my days off.
I originally intended it to be like that, but none of the people in the chat at the time the challenge was decided have been contributing so I guess the rules are up for adjustment. smile The main purpose of the game is to provide everyone with cues/inspiration for taking pictures, and in that regard it doesn't really matter on which day you do so.
Thanks, birdie! And I'll take any excuse to play with my dolls.
[Image: pullips121710003.jpg]
I got Christmas cards in the mail from my aunt today, and the candy canes had these adorable little candies attached. I figured they were the perfect size for pullips. Though I really want to burn Sophie's wig. No matter how much I brush it, or straighten it, the wig insists on having lots of flyaways. Still thought this was cute.
Gah, Ddalgi's wig is the same, sooo much static electricity flyaways.. Awesome miniature gingerbread! And the penguin made me smile. smile
I second the awesomeness of that mini gingerbread house!

Sometimes to deal with that degree of flyaways, I wet a paper towel and smooth the hair down with it. It won't last long, but I just need it to last long enough to take a picture.

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