Snow White, aka Orchid: Some photo spam
Here are some photos of Orchid, my Snow White. In my dollhouse, Orchid runs Bubbles Bakery, which sells all manner of Japanese erasers shaped like baked goods. She's slightly shy, and so she's more cunning than most of my other dolls realize.

Orchid is on a white SBH large-bust obitsu and is wearing a Xiao Fan wig and a Blythe dress & jacket set from Etsy. She's one of my most photogenic girls and one of my favorites! Heart For your viewing pleasure, ridiculously massive versions of these photos, plus roughly a billion other photos of Snow White, are available on my Flickr. I hope you enjoy these!

[Image: 9635107952_1211db2021_z.jpg]
Pullip Snow White by vadafade, on Flickr

[Image: 9635114042_d54471c2b9_z.jpg]
Pullip Snow White by vadafade, on Flickr

[Image: 9632002169_a935c72755_z.jpg]
Pullip Snow White by vadafade, on Flickr

[Image: 9635308240_415d2a9c17_z.jpg]
Pullip Snow White by vadafade, on Flickr

[Image: 9635267286_2228c26db1_z.jpg]
Pullip Snow White by vadafade, on Flickr

[Image: 9635294134_2ecf407b02_z.jpg]
Pullip Snow White by vadafade, on Flickr

[Image: 9635320378_5d95c6266d_z.jpg]
Pullip Snow White by vadafade, on Flickr

[Image: 9632064189_c0f3d3376b_z.jpg]
Pullip Snow White by vadafade, on Flickr
She's lovely <3 That outfit set is so cute! She looks like she's a really versatile doll.

OMG I love the shots with the warmer lighting! She looks so cheerful! smile
[Image: banner_zpsf7d48356.jpg]
I love her eyes and her hair!!! Squeee soo cute!
[Image: signaturenew_zps2f73652d.png]
I love the way you dress and style all of your dolls. This girl looks so pretty in Xiao's purple wig.
Currently playing:  Animal Crossing: New Horizons on the Nintendo Switch
Friend Code 2036-6707-2961 (KiraKira)
Currently reading: If I Had Your Face by Frances Cha
Last movie I saw:  Parasite
Thanks so much, guys! Heart

And thanks, Kira -- I adore her in Xiao Fan's wig. It's like it was made for her character!

(ETA: I've fixed the broken link to the second photo. Dang, you go into Aviary just to brighten it up a touch and *BAM!!* link broken. How annoying!)

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