Neon’s A Doll A Migraine-less Day, More Or Less - 2019 edition!
Thank you guys! I'm glad it looks normal to you.

Day 58

Some time ago, werepuppy inspired me to take a photo of normal people. Most of my dolls are monsters, fairy tale characters or total psychos, so normal people seemed like an interesting and unusual idea.

Normal People

[Image: ad56c3c9138ce76727fa7bc8af99a2ae.jpg]
"It came to my royal attention that our thread doesn't have any normal people in it -"
"Uhh huuuh aaaaah"*
"Nonsense. Anyways, I sent a text-command for all the normal people to gather in the gym to have their photo taken."

* "That might come across as offensive to people who comment there, you know?"

[Image: 3ef137e8c37402ccd232777ceb70eec3.jpg]
"Oh my Ra, what is this?!?!?!"

*"Seems pretty normal to me..."

[Image: 28a488d8f440f084f1f1e9a7bf89d20b.jpg]
"Vroooom vroooom!"
"Wait, you little -" "Teehee, yeeaaah, NO!"
"Seeing thing from different perspective is always interesting..."

[Image: 283ef50643f35c89a5bf8e98d27312f4.jpg]
"I give up..."
"Oooh hu-huh uuuaaah."*

*"Let's try again tomorrow"

To be continued...

Tally-ho! Posing and balancing these two was quite a feat, so I took some bonus photos:

[Image: 6cdbc0da094809aeb8efd96f4649b1b7.jpg]

[Image: 63c802ac6a73d9560fa161b8319340b1.jpg]

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RE: Neon’s A Doll A Migraine-less Day, More Or Less - 2019 edition! - by neon_jellyfish - 02-28-2019, 02:17 AM

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