Neon’s A Doll A Day… Again (2020)
I typed a long-ass reply to Collecting Realisations thread and obviously spent today's supply of energy on it, I'm suddenly very tired and kind of numb, and I can't quite think clearly. So I'm afraid that the story about a pirate, a ghost pirate and a mermaid is currently missing, though there was one in my head last evening.

As for the covd situation, these past two weeks have been crazy and nobody knows why, we're just having a sudden influx of new cases, between 2000 - 3000 new cases per day, when there's 10.69 mil of us. Though our media may have panicked when reporting about us having the highest increase of new cases in the whole world. Still very low death rates, so I more or less think we're fine. We're re-introducing some restrictions, but a total shut-down of everything doesn't seem to be the plan for now. Schools are closing one after another, but they're doing it of their own accord, not because of the government orders. The beginning of the school year (sept 1) seems to have propelled the spreading of the virus, though we don't have many infected children. I don't really know anymore, it's a mess. I'm not afraid of the virus myself, and I found ways to have fun with masks, so I don't really pay it much attention anymore, the chaotic approach of our government stresses me out more than the virus itself.

I think the biggest problem is that Czechs aren't too good at this social distancing thing, and when the restrictions were lifted in the summer, most people took it as a sign they don't have to be so careful anymore. We as a nation keep acting painfully stupid during this whole kerfuffle. I never really liked us, and now I like us even less.

And I just wore myself down even more. Nice job, me.

Day Who Even Cares At This Point?

[Image: 36ed41c7723177a11a66863c533ec8bc.jpg]

This precious bookbinding thing here isn't in fact a book - it's a magazine! From 1976. Sadly, this magazine no longer exists. It was a monthly magazine, and for the lack of a better word, I'll say a hobby magazine. But while it was aimed at hobbyists, it had depth and high standards of publications meant for professionals. It taught real craft, not a home-made DIY projects in makeshift conditions, it was meant for people who were really serious about their hobbies and wanted to do stuff on as professional level as possible. It covered wide range of topics, not only all sorts of crafts, but also science (math, astronomy, etc) and technology. I only have this one. 

It has great tutorials for a few most common types of hand-binding, some leather binding (which I cannot do, I'm neither trained nor equipped to work with leather, but I also don't feel the need to, paper and cloth are enough for my personal needs) and a short summary of history of bookbinding. Concise and accurate. It also has many photos, as it was made for self-taught people who didn't have a tutor to show them stuff. Great for a beginner!

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RE: Neon’s A Doll A Day… Again (2020) - by neon_jellyfish - 09-20-2020, 09:15 PM

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