May (the 2020 Quarantine End Soon) Scavenger Hunt
Sorry for the extreme delay, guys!

The Final Shot is upon us!You have two options.

Option no.1 is the same as the last round, because I think it's a really good one. Pick five prompts from the list, and have fun with them.

Option no.2: eventhough I think Alliecat's version is the best, I felt like I should come up with something, so here we go. It was actually ready from the start, sitting in my spreadsheet, but it took me this long to put it on paper. Truly a gargantuan task...

[Image: ce0b2a5653bf72ba91ce36814be0f1c3.jpg]

This uber-simple crossword puzzle will give you a total of five propmts (four from clues, plus one in the purple column). Pick at least three for your final photo. Here are the clues:

  1. Cats use these as interdimensional portals (which is why the 'Schrödinger's Cat' thought ex³periment doesn't really work). People aren't as sophisticated, so we just store things in them. Your first prompt is a ___.
  2. You can play with them, pay with them, give them to other people so that they don't forget your name and number, you can use them to send words across long distance, some of them can even unveil the future! Your second prompt is a ___ of any kind.
  3. The best material for slippers. Hands down. It can also capture demons if shaped and positioned correctly. It can stop the wind and rain but let the light through! It can bring closer things that are far from our sight, let alone reach. It can help us reflect upon ourselves and see who we are, or at least that we should fix that cowlick. And accidentally breaking it brings good luck. It really is quite magical, if you think about it. Your third prompt is anything made of ___.
  4. One of the best shinies out there. Unless you're a vampire. Or a werewolf. For your final shot, you can use real ___, or anything ___-colored.
If the clues aren't clear or the language doesn't look like English, let me know!

Last but not least, this 'puzzle' is really primitive, but not everyone logs in daily, so if you want to go with this option, please give it three days before you post your photo. If you want to do option no.1, you can post right away. If you want to confirm your results because you're confused by my caveman-level Engrish, hit me with a PM wink

Have fun!

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RE: May (the 2020 Quarantine End Soon) Scavenger Hunt - by neon_jellyfish - 06-29-2020, 12:02 AM

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