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Full Version: Feedback For Acidteiae
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+1 as a seller
Great communication and fast shipping!

+1 as a buyer. quick payment, great communication. thanks!
+1 as a seller for Pinky:St items

+1 I did a split with acidteiae, she was very nice, everything went smoothly!!

+1 for seller awesomeness. <3
+1 as a seller for Kirsche's dress =)

I bought from her and the item arrived SUPER quickly!
+1 for seller - sold me a wonderful stand. Well packed, shipped fast and was in perfect condition.
She sold me a pinky and it came in perfect condition!!!
Another +1 from me! Super-duper, awesome buyer! Fast payment, extremely lovely to do business with!


+1 Good communication, Items arrived in great condition! Thank you!
+ 1 for being a wonderful seller!!! Thank you so much!!! Hugs <3
+1 thank you for the Prunella stand! Great seller!
+1 for Youtsuzu and her stand. She's a super nice seller, great communication and over all someone that was really nice to work with. I would buy from her again. Thanks so much.
+1 as a seller. Thanks!
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