So I have one, not sure if I want to part with it. What kind of price would you put on its tiny plushie head??
ETA actually I have fanatica's stock. I don't have the bloomers or stockings, and I wish to keep the boots. how much is it worth including the following items??
tartan over skirt waist thing
plush doll
muff minus charms
I have seen the hat alone at $30, and the boots at £15.
Is it worth selling the plush dolly alone, what do you think???
i think you can ask 8 dollar for it, or something like that, most plushies go for about that price.
Her plushie is very rare and a lot of people want it so I think you could get between 10/15 Dollar.
- DallyDoll
- Jun 11 2009, 06:46 PM
I know, hence why I'm asking! I have Fanatica's almost complete stock, I'm just trying to work out the difference the doll being missing would make, if you know what I mean.
I don't use the stock...... I wonder what the entire thing (minus boots, bloomers, stockings) is worth? I'm keeping the boots definately (have doll shoe obsession) but I've seen those at £15!!!
I'm still interested. So let me know what you want for it, no rush I can wait. I'll be at a BJD show all weekend.

If anyone is interested there is a Ball Joint doll show in San Fransisco Friday. Sat, and Sunday this weekend. Lots of fun stuff for sale and classes.
I was wondering what a NRFB Fanatica would cost now?
Thanks! <3
Pullipstyle is selling Fanatica NRFB for $345 right now

Thanks for your reply!
I've seen Fanatica on both PS and TVOTD, but they don't seem to sell, so I thought the price was maybe too high!
Yes I agree 345 Dollar isn't really cheap, 250 Dollar would be a better price for a NRFB Fanatica in my opinion.
I saw one for 200 on ebay about three months ago.
Does anyone have an idea of how much Fanatica's complete stock would go for..?
I paid $50 for fan's complete stock a few years ago
I few years ago I sold Fan's stock complete, only missing the hell doll for $55...I think. It might have been $65 but it was a while ago. But it really has more to do with what people will pay. At the time I sold mine it was in high demand and I had a buyer right away.
Thank you Leannarchy and Joni!