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My friend was supposed to stay this weekend, but she isn't well sad So I've been at a loss for what do do with myself :p So I ended up taking some very quick shots of my dolls yesterday.


Raven & Fenn
^Raven & Fenn

Meg & Ginny
^Meg & Ginny

Meg & Jake
^Meg & Jake

Freya & Polly
^Polly was not impressed about being photographed with Freya!

^She prefers to have the limelight to herself :p

^Erin, hopefully this is her final wig! & the paper all slipped down behind without me realising :/

^Kitty, Erin, Kenna. By the time I got to this photo I'd lost my rag with the paper slipping all over the place :p & I was struggling to pose all 3 dolls without them falling over.....I don't know why I didn't just take Erin out, as I did a photo of her alone anyway :s lol. So it's a rubbish picture I'm afraid.

^The whole gang! With my poor Elisabeth who never gets photographed because I don't like her T4 sad & don't have any clothes to fit her. I really should just take the dive & either Obitsu her or make her some clothes that will fit!...& name her too, lol.
I hope your friend feels better soon so you can hang out. least we got to see all of your girls and one boy! I think you have one of the most distinctive families. They are all so different and unique and their personalities just POP out of the screen even though they're not saying anything. Sorry if I'm not making sense.

I do love looking at your dolls--I could really tell that Polly wasn't too thrilled about having to be in the same photo as Freya--the disdain just shows on her pretty face. LOL

Is Raven a new girl? I don't remember seeing her before, so I must have missed something. She's really gorgeous--she looks like she's one of the 'older' models--I love that sculpt.
Thanks, I do like to style my girls individually! Raven is fairly new yes smile She's a Fanatica <3 There's a thread on her below from when I got her new wig through....
All of your dolls look just amazing Heart 2
Ah, Polly, my favourite Aya ever. Heart
Your lovely bunch got big! I never realise how many dolls someone has until they post group picture of them all, even that I have seen them separately already.
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee grin

my favourite family !! Wow Gem, your lot has grown SO much ! I mean, I knew, but not having seen much of Jake, Raven, Ginny & nothing of poor Elisabeth :p it hadn't registered LOL

I adore Raven in the orange wig ! I think your family is so distinctive and memorable because, not only do they have strong clear styles of their own, but you do some fairly "different" things with details (like hair colour) and they always work !!

Favourite photos -- hmm, Raven & Fenn are stunning together, Meg & Ginny likewise and the pic of Meg looking up at Jake ... Heart 2 it looks SO natural ! (love his jacket by the way smile )

I wanted to smack Polly even before I read your caption on the photo with poor Freya LOL - I do believe Miss Polly knows just how beautiful Freya is grin
And your Elisabeth, she looks gorgeous with the black hair and I hope you do get a chance to make some clothes for her (or dress her in the best class Barbie clothes, they fit, right?) I want to see more of her smile

Thankyou for putting a big smile on my face. I am sorry your friend is ill, but I am so happy to see the gang !
Thanks everyone smile Lovely to read all your comments smile

Thanks little_spark! smile

Martah, I need to photograph Polly more, I actually find her really difficult to take pictures of properly. I think it's her eyes, if you get the wrong angle she just looks all starey & wide eyed :p which is kind of scary, lol. I cannot believe how much my family has expanded either, I'm putting limits on myself this year, I'm budgeting my doll spends every month, & I'm only allowed 1 doll purchase in 6 months! eek! lol (Which in fairness is 4 dolls in 1 yr, as I always buy 2 at once to save on shipping).

Miss Edith, lol! :p aww, thanks! smile Raven's pretty new so I haven't photographed her much yet, & Jake still has no clothes, lol, I must shift my bum & sew him some. Ginny's got more clothes now, she's coming together slowly but surely - She's not as goth as I wanted, but it's tricky to get really good goth clothes at decent prices, so it's gonna take a while to get her exactly as I want her. & yes, poor Elisabeth :p I must do something with her. None of the Barbie clothes I have fit :s Yeh Meg & Jake are a cute couple, he brings out the soft side of her smile I've modelled their relationship on what's happened with me, I've gone from pah relationships, pah men, pah! to meeting someone very special & suddenly finding I'm all mushy & ridiculous! lol. Which I never thought was me, but apparently it's in there somewhere. Yes you're exactly right with Polly & Freya, don't know if you've noticed but they're both on an L bust :p Polly is not impressed at all! Especially as Freya is a lot more modest & dresses quite classically, & still manages to be beautiful & sexy.

Thanks again all smile
They're all beautiful. I love Polly. smile
Very nice shots.

I think Erin is so pretty.
I like Kenna's face.
I was soooooo happy to see you had more pictures up! smile Hehe, no picture is a rubbish picture with your dollies in it! Also, I found that Azone clothes fit my Elizabeth well, and Re-Ment clothes with the velcro closed tightly work too! smile
Thanks all! smile Thanks kitten squid, I'll try some rement on her smile
Oooh, I almost forgot, Bratz Boyz clothes work like a charm too!
ooh ok, not sure they'll suit Elisabeth but thank you for the suggestion smile