10-02-2021, 02:41 PM
Thanks for the nice comments ages ago! I can't believe it's been almost ANOTHER year!!
So I took him out for the pic-a-week shot and as usual, I can rarely take Just One Photo of any of my models, so even though the light wasn't great, I took a few more.
The fact that it gave an opportunity for a few movie-reminiscent shots is NO consolation for the trashed woodlot next door which has become a building lot, complete with horrible racket far too early in the mornings.
Yeah, let's torch it.
And I felt pretty much like the movie characters did watching the trees fall several years ago. I am bitterly cursing Dad's decision not to buy the lot when it was for sale (he said it was overpriced) and then my own failure to inquire when it went up for sale again (after they'd wrecked the trees). >sigh<
Sometimes, you just get tired of the fight...
...but you gotta keep going.
Thanks for looking!
(11-04-2020, 02:32 AM)davidd Wrote: [ -> ]It is like Jake has constructed a totem or sculpture of Neytiri to remember her by... or to summon her!That's a good idea! We'll go with that...
So I took him out for the pic-a-week shot and as usual, I can rarely take Just One Photo of any of my models, so even though the light wasn't great, I took a few more.
The fact that it gave an opportunity for a few movie-reminiscent shots is NO consolation for the trashed woodlot next door which has become a building lot, complete with horrible racket far too early in the mornings.
Yeah, let's torch it.
And I felt pretty much like the movie characters did watching the trees fall several years ago. I am bitterly cursing Dad's decision not to buy the lot when it was for sale (he said it was overpriced) and then my own failure to inquire when it went up for sale again (after they'd wrecked the trees). >sigh<
Sometimes, you just get tired of the fight...
...but you gotta keep going.
Thanks for looking!