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So cute. I probably said the same thing last time you posted her, that I'm often not a fan of freckles on Pullips because they're so often overdone and look like a rash. Hers are perfect. Meg looks like a girl who is a ton of fun.

Interesting about the bush. I'd never seen mine so loaded with blooms last year. I don't recall the previous winter was particularly mild, but, it was probably getting extra fertilizer from the planter in the middle of the garden.
Bangs across big brown eyes -- swoon! My favorite look!
Week twenty-two
Another take-a-walk-with-a-doll-and-choose-a-random-but-color-appropriate-backdrop shot.

[Image: 121693966_b3b710596e6c99cfa413e388a5ef22ff_large.jpg]
I love the side-eye glance... and the grey eyes!

Nice to be able to pick any doll and then find random flowers to match the colors. The spring weather seems to be cooperating with your photography objectives this season.
That looks like a fabulous rosebush!
Love the blonde hair. I wish mine was even halfway-that-colour.
Week twenty-three

[Image: 121694053_8fbf9a124cd078205dfc0d0e347c8bb5_large.jpg]
Is he ex-ploring a castle?

Or does he live in a castle?

Nice "aloha" shirt!
Looks like he's up to something LOL
Quote:Is he ex-ploring a castle?

Or does he live in a castle?
It's a historic mill... I've driven past it from one direction a million times, but hadn't realized that it was actually within walking distance from my house from the other direction until now. Stumbled upon it during a dolly-walk, and definitely want to go back at some point with some more appropriately-dressed dolls (not entirely sure what historic mill attire will be, but not the aloha shirt...)

Week twenty-four
I found this little wheelbarrow at Target, and thought we could have some fun with it...

[Image: 122485947_8129e79e6884704693166b001ad3be73_large.jpg]
That’s cute. “Take us for a ride, mom!”
The wheelbarrow looks like fun! Or work.

You live within walking distance (dolly walking distance, no less!) of an old mill and didn't even know it? What a fortuitous discovery!
Week twenty-five
I've been ignoring the Isuls for way too long...

[Image: 122845824_424374bf374bb9d0221429d1593fb9e2_large.jpg]
Cute. Perspective makes him look like he’s a looooong way up.
He looks quite confident up there! More confident than I would be, that’s for sure!
He's probably about six feet up, but to an 11 inch doll, I guess that's more like 36 feet... yeah, I would not want to be that high up myself!

Week twenty-six
[Image: 123221746_521f4d3f340ac895c21bf8b8a9401731_large.jpg]
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