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Petunia in the Garden - Printable Version

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Petunia in the Garden - Missy_Crane - 05-30-2014

Lily got a lot of fuss as my first Dal, and Bella got a lot of fuss as my grail Dal. Poor Tuni, stuck in the middle and waiting ages for her new wig, hasn't had much attention yet. So I took her out into the garden recently to enjoy this sunny weather we've been enjoying.

How do you like the great British countryside, Tuni? grin

[Image: 107wen4.jpg]
Tuni: You call this a garden? It's all rocky! What if I fall and scuff my knees? Better take Mr Ted with me as a cushion...

[Image: 23lkrac.jpg]
Tuni: Ah! There's some flowers over there. It's ok Mr Ted, I won't be needing your services after all...

[Image: wrcir.jpg]
Tuni: Now this is a bit more like a garden. Hmph. I guess it'll do.

[Image: 33cyumv.jpg]
Tuni: I'll sit here a while and look adorably contemplative while you crouch amidst the wet grass and ants to get some shots of me. Be sure to get my good side! ~

[Image: 2mze7nk.jpg]
Tuni: I think I'll stay here and get a suntan.
(Me: You're more likely to go yellow than brown Sweatdrop )

Bonus shot!!

[Image: 11c8njr.jpg]

I always have fun taking my girls alfresco, but Dals are so floppy! o.O and as Tuni kindly pointed out the front garden is 60% gravel, so it doesn't make for a dolly-friendly environment if one of them decides to faceplant LOL

RE: Petunia in the Garden - KiraKira - 05-30-2014

Cute outdoors shots, Missy! I love that last photo of Tuni with the dandelion puff. She looks very Alice-like in these garden shots. smile

RE: Petunia in the Garden - ByronicHeroine - 05-30-2014

I was thinking Alice too! It's very sweet. The lighting makes the dandelion puff shot look vintagesmile Very cool.

RE: Petunia in the Garden - Cosmicheart - 05-30-2014

Sooooo cute!!!!

RE: Petunia in the Garden - Cornflower Blue - 05-30-2014

She looks adorable amongst the flowers! Which Dal is she?

RE: Petunia in the Garden - Alliecat - 05-30-2014

Yeah, faceplants on rocks are scary. But you still have 40% non-gravel, right? Love the last photo too!

RE: Petunia in the Garden - Audacia - 05-30-2014

She is adorable. She does very much remind me of Alice. I know some have already said it, but she really does. Very cute <3

RE: Petunia in the Garden - beajjai033 - 05-30-2014

I love the last photo smile
(05-30-2014, 01:38 PM)Cornflower Blue Wrote: Which Dal is she?
I'm guessing.. Jouet 6th? smile

RE: Petunia in the Garden - Missy_Crane - 05-31-2014

Thanks so much everyone!! Heart 2 I ought to photograph the Dals and Taeyangs more often smile

CB she is as Jai said indeed a Jouet 6th Anniversary. I love original Jouet but her cost, plus her lack of sparkly eyechips, made me lean toward the re-release.

RE: Petunia in the Garden - ichigo3lemon - 06-01-2014

She is so sweet and adorable!

RE: Petunia in the Garden - Missy_Crane - 06-02-2014

Thank you Ichigo! She would certainly like to think so Tongue