Tiphona Stock?
Hi, I recently bought a Tiphona doll but I decided I want a more modern outfit, so I plan on selling her stock (minus the stand and possibly the shoes). Is $50 to high to ask?
Collab stocks like hers usually go for around $40 since she's not sold out. If you didn't include the shoes, you'd probably be looking at around $30.

[Image: 25zqs0p.png]

- The Girls -
Veritas My Melody x 2 Hello Kitty x 2
Nina Chill x 2 Papin Fanatica Nana Chan
Greggia Nahh-Ato x 4 Ddalgi Stella Sfoglia
Lunatic Queen x 2 Peter Pan '14 Kirakishou Nanette
La Robe Vert Clair Favorite Ribbon Prupate x 2
Yeolume x 2 Puki JouJou x 2 Maretti
Sucre Chanti Heart Macaron

[Image: 25zqs0p.png]

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A 50/50 split of the brand new collab doll, based on PS's current price would put it at ~$60. If you offer it with the shoes, I think I tried asking for $50 based on it being a name brand Lolita collab. If it doesn't sell at that price you can try dropping it from there. I'd take $10 off if you're keeping the shoes.
Really fancy stocks with lots of fluff and details tend to go around $50-ish, but it would be less without the shoes... perhaps $40 minus the shoes.

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