No waiting this time; Cocoa Mirai arrived today, and here she is:
Culture Japan shipping carton for a single doll
Upon opening the shipping carton, this is what you see: a canvas bag bearing
the "Keep Calm and Carry a SmartDoll" logo, which is a parody of a British
Second World War motivational slogan
If you open the box from the other side, this is what you will see. The stylized
"CJ" logo stands for "Culture Japan," the company behind the Smart Doll
Peeking in to the bag: Smart Doll and her box of goodies (stand, wig, and any extras purchased with the doll)
Close-up of the doll in her bag, securely wrapped in plastic wrap for shipment
Bubblewrap wrapped Smart Doll
Plastic wrap inside the bubble wrap to keep your Smart Doll safe during shipment
"Emerging from the Bag" photos are something of a Smart Doll trope
Wild-haired Emerging from the Bag photos have become a Dollie Dungeon trope
Escaping from the Bag is something most Smart Dolls can't wait to do
The newer Smart Doll stand has been modified from the original version; it now has a pointed black rubber tip
as compared to the earlier clear-coated flat tip
A soft abrasive sponge is provided with "cocoa" tone Smart Dolls to buff out
scuffs and scratches. According to Culture Japan, the "cocoa" vinyl surface is more
susceptible to visible scratches than are the other Smart Doll colors
ACHTUNG! Uhm... Japanese dolls with German instructions? Should we be
concerned about a regrouping of the Axis powers?
Oh well, keep calm and
"May I change in to my REAL wig now, please?"
Cocoa Mirai poses with an advertising postcard featuring her original incarnation
Goggles: CHECK!
Leather belts: CHECK!
Unidentifiable metal device: CHECK!
Gratuitous display of cleavage: CHECK!
Today's new arrivals: Smart Doll Cocoa Mirai and Panasonic Lumix TS30A Camera
Does she have a name? Yes... but that will be revealed later.
Does she have orange (or green) overalls? No, or at least, not yet.
Were these photos taken with the new camera? No; it literally arrived by UPS during this unboxing photo session.
Will she be the
last Smart Doll to join The Dollie Dungeon, at least for a while? I certainly hope so... unless they re-release Chitose in tea color.