Dexadrine_green's Feedback
+1 positive

Fast payment and great communication, thank you!
+1 from me! Awesome seller, great communication!

[Image: kimogirlssig1_zps3fac5dd8.png]
[Image: flickr-1.png] [Image: DALogo.png] [Image: instaemb_zps2b18bc28.png] [Image: tumblr_zpsec8e401a.png]
+1 for a great buyer!!! Super nice and great communication!!!

thanks again and i hope you love them!!!
current family~
<3 mini moon, mercu, lrrh, arietta, mini swan, bnp, souseiseki, celsiy, dita, bouquet, froggy, sebastian, grell & xiao fan<3

Feedback FLICKr

[Image: PA050080-1.jpg]
+1 as a buyer! Paid fast and great to talk to, as always!
Stock wanted - Blythe Cousin Olivia blouse and corset, Angelic Pretty Dal, Momoko Sweet Poodle
Items wanted - Girl Ciel boots, Pirate Dal's boots
Clicky for bigger WANTLIST!

Ruled by one Kenner blythe....
My pal Dex is a wonderful seller!!! I bought a obitsu body from her. She was super nice to answer my wanted thread! I got it very quickly too! She sent it from the UK on the 23 and it arrived to me earlier today! I was shocked! This is by far one of the fasted items i received from out of the country!
current family~
<3 mini moon, mercu, lrrh, arietta, mini swan, bnp, souseiseki, celsiy, dita, bouquet, froggy, sebastian, grell & xiao fan<3

Feedback FLICKr

[Image: PA050080-1.jpg]
+1 for sure!

Completely awesome buyer! Thanks so much!

+1 from me! Another awesome transaction! Excellent buyer, fast payment! Thanks!

[Image: kimogirlssig1_zps3fac5dd8.png]
[Image: flickr-1.png] [Image: DALogo.png] [Image: instaemb_zps2b18bc28.png] [Image: tumblr_zpsec8e401a.png]
+1 as a seller! I received my Hello Kitty hood! Thank you so much!! ^^
My feedback is here!

I wish for...
Dal: 2 Frara, CIEL!, little Dal Pink Alice, that Angelic Pretty Dal Pullip: Peter Pan, Adsiltia, GRELL Taeyang: SEBASTIAN!, Hash Blythe: Precocious Candy's Mushroom (named Adelyne?)
+1 as a seller

It was a great deal, thanks again!
<img src=" />
+1 positive as buyer ^__^
+1 for a great buyer!
was great with communication during a comfusing situation :]
also a great person to work with <3
[Image: dollymarket_signature.jpg]
+1, quick reliable and great communicator, hopefully i'll do business with dexadrine again

i have animal magnetism. Squirrels stick to my clothes
+1 as buyer! Thanks very much!!

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