Beyond Recognition [Custom Dolls]
Working towards my dolly goals! So that means I'm trying to be better about taking photos of dolls and posting them up.

Custom Doll Appreciation! I have 4 full customs at the moment.

[Image: 14382856631_6ea1beb308_z.jpg]
(L to R: Femme!Maguna is Requiem Custom, Haretsu is a Doodlepony Custom, Abyss is a Myufish custom, and Jansen is a Blaire_Flair custom)

[Image: 14382856371_b3de5ce326_z.jpg]

[Image: 14385208224_6960550242_z.jpg]

[Image: 14199592688_3c1f7e9f28_z.jpg]

[Image: 14385208124_de794ee91d_z.jpg]

[Image: 14363110126_be3eea7e6c_z.jpg]
Abyss is a little awkward, he's got that wide-eyed stare.

[Image: 14386195465_7ecc4b3670_z.jpg]

[Image: 14386195245_892967ac15_z.jpg]


[Image: 14406370913_271f129462_z.jpg]
Femme!Maguna & Regular Maguna (Sai)

Thanks for Looking! smile
They all are lovely, they all seem to have a lot of personality smile
Awesome dollies, I love how you posed haretsu in the first picture.

It's been such a long time since we've seen doll photos from you! I forgot about the Maguna Pullip and I remember seeing the Doodlepony custom before.
It's funny how much personality shows through in doll pictures. LOL I love the close-up of Abyss, he just looks so nervous and shy.
Thanks everyone!

I do my best to keep my doll's personalities in mind. It makes for more interesting photos. smile
is Abyss the custom Namu from last years PUDDLE?
(06-12-2014, 03:45 PM)MissMandyLynne Wrote: is Abyss the custom Namu from last years PUDDLE?

Actually I think he was the custom from 2012? Because Spica was another custom that was raffled off and her theme was stars...
yup they are both star themed dollies
[Image: abyssandspica_zps93eb08f3.jpg]
Thanks for confirming Myu!
Haareeetssuuu <3 <3 <3
When I first saw her I said to myself it looked like one of your customs. I then kept reading and confirmed my assumptions :3

(06-20-2014, 02:35 AM)Anne Gwish Wrote: Haareeetssuuu <3 <3 <3
Wow they are all sorts of cool smile
[My Flickr]
ISO: Pullip Yuki stock wig / Pullip Panda glasses / Dal Tweety stock outfit / Byul Secomi stock outfit


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