I just won her for about $217! Whoo! I've wanted a Paja since forever ago <img src=" /> So, really, you just have to be patient and wait for a deal. smile Could take awhile though but its totally worth it in the end!
I agree with icravemeowmix! I got mine for suuuuuper cheap! You'll get her eventually!
[Image: kimogirlssig1_zps3fac5dd8.png]
[Image: flickr-1.png] [Image: DALogo.png] [Image: instaemb_zps2b18bc28.png] [Image: tumblr_zpsec8e401a.png]
Paja is for sale here on the boards 220.00 + shipping everything but little Dino I think.
May 5 2009, 07:39 PM

Paja sometimes shows up on Yahoo Japan Auction. Maybe you can keep an eye on that site.

I found mine there. I hope that helps to find one. :sp 2:
I have forgotten saying thanks smile .. but i couldn´t find her :< maybe you have to be registered , too ._.?

Alldolledup.. do you mean Miss Mawis Paja :3 ? I´ve already been in contact with her about the girl smile but thanks anyway <img src=" />
I think that on Yahoo Japan it depends on the sellers if Paja shows up.

I used to search for Pullips (I typed in Pullip) and a lot of them appeared. Maybe that will help.

When I went to look for her, sometimes she wouldn't be there at all. But I won one a few months ago, there were three Pajas on there!

The price of Paja on YJapan differs a lot too. I've seen her for as much as 30,000 Yen, but sometimes for around 15,000 Yen. It depends on the condition that the doll is in.

So don't give up :sp 3:

I've been looking for Paja everywhere and I stumbled onto her for $170 excluding shipping (since the owner is selling some dollies for lower prices) and she has a picture of the Paja but I was wondering if anyone had any comments of it being a scam or something? I'm new into collecting and I just want to make sure it that sounded correct. Thank you soo much! <3
It doesn't look like a scam to me, but I personally think $170 is a little too much for a nude Paja. :sp 4:
Clickr for My Flickr I'm on tumblr too!
Avatar created and used with permission by kraftwerkthough on tumblr
Sorry! I forgot to add that she is only shown with her pajamas, dino outfit, and little dino. I'm not sure if she will come with her mug and her book (since she doesn't say what she will come with) but I'm guessing they will come since half the set is there. But she isn't nude.
Do you mean the Paja on Ebay?
No. It isn't on Ebay.
that sounds like a very good deal, a little too good maybe? Just be careful smile
I would make sure the seller has more photos and good feedback before I'd spend that much on a doll. I'd also ask for insured shipping plus a delivery confirmation as well! Good luck getting Paja! She's a beauty! grin
[Image: kimogirlssig1_zps3fac5dd8.png]
[Image: flickr-1.png] [Image: DALogo.png] [Image: instaemb_zps2b18bc28.png] [Image: tumblr_zpsec8e401a.png]
Ahh thank you Little_Red_Monkey and Kimochi. <3

And Kimochi. Thanks for your input. I was thinking it was a scam but I guess that would prove if it was or wasn't. :sp 2:
oh and you might want to see if they have feedback somewhere, hope it goes well smile
Paradize in Japan is the Best!
Good luck grin
<3 <3 <3 <3

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