Competition! (Picfic)
Disclaimer: To all the people who already know who the new doll coming this week is, for this competition you cant enter.
I was careless and such about it but next time I wont be, and anyone who saw the post I had in the 'Spontaneous purchases' before I edited it cant enter also, I'm very very sorry sad

Next time I promise I'll be more vigilant about keeping it secret, I plan to do more competitions on 'guess the doll coming'

Also, sorry Lilcurly for using your girl as the 'pretty obitsu babe' XD

Richt: Wooaah check out the Obitsu on this babe!
Nosferatu: ....I'd rather not, I'm married.
[Image: compone1.jpg]

Richt: <.< It's an Elisabeth...
Nosferatu: What where?!
[Image: compone2.jpg]

Richt: Heh tricked you, she's pretty though.
[Image: compone3.jpg]

Akane: Richt. What are you doing.
[Image: compone4.jpg]

Richt: *clicks out of it lighting fast* UM. Nothing, me and Nos were just browsing the forums for er..clothes for you yeah clothes.
Akane: you were finding me an obitsu
[Image: compone5.jpg]

Akane: Well...I have news for you....
[Image: compone6.jpg]

[Image: compone7.jpg]

Nosferatu: This is getting intense, I'm going to hide over here.
[Image: compone8.jpg]

Nosferatu: Eep.
[Image: compone9.jpg]

Richt: Oh Akane sama I am so sorry. I beg for your mercy.
[Image: compone10.jpg]

Akane: Hmph. Well i came over here to tell you I went through Hannah's email and found a paypal recipt for a new doll coming.
Akane: I don't know.
[Image: compone11.jpg]

Nosferatu: Oh I hope its Elisabeth or my little darling Ende...I just hope its not HER
Richt: It could be a Naomi..
[Image: compone12.jpg]

Akane: I'll kill the bitch who tries to steal my man.
Richt: I feel sorry for her.
[Image: compone13.jpg]

[Image: compone14.jpg]

Akane: *pops in* About who can guess who the new doll coming is! The prizes include a picture from all of us here, including the Isolde's, Chihiro and the mini's, and the new arrival.
[Image: compone15.jpg]

Akane: Some delicious Australian candy, shipped to you for free.
[Image: compone16.jpg]

Akane: I'd offer you some Pullip related goods but we don't particularly have too much cause our owner is stingy.
[Image: compone17.jpg]

Akane: But can YOU guess who it is?
[Image: compone18.jpg]

Richt: Can you get off me, you're really heavy
Akane: ....
[Image: compone19.jpg]

[Image: compone20.jpg]

Nosferatu: We look forward to your entries!
[Image: compone21.jpg]

Hint: This is a 2009 Doll
Hint: It is a Dal
Hint: She has her hair in pigtails.

Info on competition:

Winner will be decided on the first person to post who it is.
I will PM the winner on Friday when the new doll arrives, letting them know they've won and then announcing it in the thread.

The winner will have to give me their address to send the candy to, if you're not comfortable with that, don't enter.

I'll be shipping regular air mail the candy in question, if you win and you're allergic to anything let me know in the pm with your address, you can also specify what kind of candy you like eg strawberry.

Picture of all my doll family holding a note with either your name or username on it will be pmed to you pronto, once I take it.

(Realised this part was a hypocrisy and deleted it XD, first person to post it is the winner)

Thanks and good luck XD

Again, if you saw the post or already know who it is, please don't post who it is sad I'll do another competition soon.
Disturb not the harmony of Fire, Ice, or Lightning lest these three Titans wreck destruction upon the world in which they clash.
Though the water's Great Guardian shall arise to quell the fighting alone its song will fail. Thus the Earth shall turn to ash.

Oh how fun! Um...let's see...I'm going to say it's (edit) Naomi??? grin
~*My Dolly Flickr*~ **Kawaii Kandy**

My Girls: Kirsche, Xiao Fan, Papin and Prunella grin
My (Don't I Wish!) Dream Girl: Haute NY
^ You may edit your entry if you want, since I added the hint ^^;

I put a hint in so its not super impossible XD
Disturb not the harmony of Fire, Ice, or Lightning lest these three Titans wreck destruction upon the world in which they clash.
Though the water's Great Guardian shall arise to quell the fighting alone its song will fail. Thus the Earth shall turn to ash.

LOL Thanks!

I was trying to think logically but if that's not right, I bet it'll end up being my second choice... grin

Great pic fic by the way, all of your dolls have such distinctive, vibrant personalities...
~*My Dolly Flickr*~ **Kawaii Kandy**

My Girls: Kirsche, Xiao Fan, Papin and Prunella grin
My (Don't I Wish!) Dream Girl: Haute NY
Hmm.. is it Neo Noir?
I broke a fingernail. Woops. No I did not, okay? I sliced it. I sliced it like a man.

I'm finally back! Sorry for disappearing! Rb_x
AHHHHH I KNOW WHO IT IS..... I could have gotten free candy!

You should get a Naomi <3 I have one and she is super pretty XD I love Akane and Richt's scenes, they are so funny XD

[Image: 4411431791_d1aa67b3b7_o.png]

A Naomi?
My pic-fic, SVM: Drop Dead Gorgeous, is no more. Check out the tiny archive here: Episode 1 Heart 2 Episode 2 Heart 2
Hmm, I wanted to guess Elisabeth, just because Nosferatu's so darn cute that I hoped it was one. xD
But... 2009. Hmm. Judging by your other dolls, I think... Neo Noir?
[Image: 48505022@N04.jpg]
Coming: None.
Next: None.
I think it is Grell.
I think it is Elisabeth, as that poor nosferatu needs some company! XD (and I really want to see what your Elisabeth's personality is going to be like when you eventually get her!)
[Image: dollbbc.php?sex=girl&back=0000&][Image: dollbbc.php?sex=girl&back=0000&friendsu=...&acch=0000][Image: dollbbc.php?sex=boy&back=0000&friendsu=0...&acch=0000][Image: dollbbc.php?sex=boy&back=0000&friendsu=0...&acch=0000][Image: dollbbc.php?sex=boy&back=0000&friendsu=0...&acch=0000]
As much as I want an Elisabeth, its a 2009 doll XD ^ Elisabeth is a 2010 doll.
And remember guys, i said a 2009 Doll
doesn't mean its definitely a Pullip, could be a Dal, Byul or Taeyang wink
Disturb not the harmony of Fire, Ice, or Lightning lest these three Titans wreck destruction upon the world in which they clash.
Though the water's Great Guardian shall arise to quell the fighting alone its song will fail. Thus the Earth shall turn to ash.

Whoops, you're right! XD I'll say... an Arion! He looks like he'd fit in nicely with your dolls.
[Image: dollbbc.php?sex=girl&back=0000&][Image: dollbbc.php?sex=girl&back=0000&friendsu=...&acch=0000][Image: dollbbc.php?sex=boy&back=0000&friendsu=0...&acch=0000][Image: dollbbc.php?sex=boy&back=0000&friendsu=0...&acch=0000][Image: dollbbc.php?sex=boy&back=0000&friendsu=0...&acch=0000]
OH! Yeah, an Arion! I bet you're right, but I am wondering about Angry... Maybe?

EDIT:Angry. I think it's Angry.

Please, if you deal with me, leave feedback!
All my guesses were already mentioned by others, so I'll just say...Sebastian Private Teacher
Currently playing:  Animal Crossing: New Horizons on the Nintendo Switch
Friend Code 2036-6707-2961 (KiraKira)
Currently reading: If I Had Your Face by Frances Cha
Last movie I saw:  Parasite
Keep guessing people! XP I really think everyone needs another hint! I want free candy.... but I can't participate since I already know DX

[Image: 4411431791_d1aa67b3b7_o.png]

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