Happy Halloween!
My dolls wanted to wish everyone a Happy Halloween! (and show off their costumes!)

The little ones: Anya is a bunny. Alice is a little pixie.
[Image: AnyaAlice.jpg]

The kids: Ashley is an Angel. Little Kat is a princess (and I just realized I forgot her tiara..... Shhhhhh! Don't tell her!). Alyssa is a little Greek Goddess.
[Image: AshleyLittleKatAlyssa.jpg]

The younger teens: Sayuri (my friend's doll) is just....Ummm.... A bad girl? I have no clue. She likes it though. Sakura is a mermaid (Don't you dare tell her she doesn't look like a mermaid! It took me forever to convince her that she did. I didn't get a chance to make her the costume I had planned.).
[Image: SayuriSakura.jpg]

The boys: Kona is a zookeeper. Cain is.... Kona!!!
Cain: Kona, when I said I wanted to be you for Halloween, I didn't realize all your clothes were so......Bright! Don't you have anything in say.... Black?
[Image: KonaCain.jpg]

Zoey!: Zoey is a ballerina. The pose is weird I know but she kept trying to do a face plant off the shelf so I did the best I could.
[Image: Zoey.jpg]

The whole group!: Alyssa, Little Kat, Ashley, Anyabelle, Sakura, Kona, Alice, Zoey, Sayuri, & Cain
[Image: HalloweenGroup2.jpg]
[Image: HalloweenGroup.jpg]

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