A New Friend
[Image: NewFriend1.jpg]

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Sakura: Nate! What are you doing all the way out here by yourself?
Nathaniel: Went for a ride. What are doing?
Sakura: *laughs* Same.

[Image: NewFriend3.jpg]
Nathaniel: So......Where are your friends?
Sakura: *sigh* Kaori is spending time with Kona and Alice. Mary is at home obsessing over the fact that Cain isn't. Sayuri got roped into babysitting my sisters. *snicker* And Momiji is working.

[Image: NewFriend4.jpg]

[Image: NewFriend5.jpg]
Nathaniel: Ok, this is boring. Come on I'll ride with you.

[Image: NewFriend6.jpg]
Sakura: You can't start that thing around Keahi! You'll spook him!
Nathaniel: Spook him?

[Image: NewFriend7.jpg]
Sakura: Yes. Now I'll go back to the stables and get another horse. How are you at riding?
Nathaniel: I'm pretty good. Wanna see some tricks?

[Image: NewFriend8.jpg]
Sakura: Not your dirt bike! A horse!
Nathaniel: A......Horse? I don't know. I've never ridden before.
Sakura: Ok then, Snowdrop it is!
Nathaniel: Snowdrop? That doesn't sound very manly....
Sakura: He's manly enough for you. Stay here I'll be right back.

[Image: NewFriend9.jpg]
Nathaniel: *eye roll* Girls!

[Image: NewFriend10.jpg]
Sakura: Nate, this is Snowdrop. Do you know how to mount?
Nathaniel: *rolls eyes* I think I can handle getting on a horse.

[Image: NewFriend11.jpg]
Nathaniel: How's this?
Sakura: *giggles* Well....You shouldn't fall off I suppose...
Nathaniel: *grumbles* Very funny. You'll come back with me to get my bike right? I'll take you home if you do.
Sakura: Sure. After we drop off the horses.

[Image: NewFriend12.jpg]
Sakura: How are you doing?
Nathaniel: We are going too fast! I'm going to fall!
Sakura: *laugh* You are fine! You aren't going to fall. We are barely creeping along!

[Image: NewFriend13.jpg]
Nathaniel: You seriously do this for fun?
Sakura: It is fun!
Nathaniel: Girls are crazy!
Sakura: Do you want to come with us when we go out next time?
Nathaniel: I don't know. Maybe. Will Mary be there?
Sakura: Of course she will! She always comes riding with us.

[Image: NewFriend14.jpg]
Nathaniel: So..... tell me about your friends.
Sakura: Well Kaori is really sweet but she's kind of a brat. She always knows what to say to make me feel better though. Sayuri lives with us. She's a foster doll. She's like another sister. Mary is kind of a stuck up snotty princess, but she's really nice once you get to know her. Momiji is....perfect. Kaori says he's almost too perfect, but I don't think so. I like him just as he is.

[Image: NewFriend15.jpg]
Nathaniel: Mary Weather has a brother?
Sakura: Yes. Cain. He's really protective of her and gives her anything she wants.
Nathaniel: Does she have a boyfriend?
Sakura: No. She doesn't really seem interested in a boyfriend yet. She's only 10. Besides I don't think Cain would......

[Image: NewFriend16.jpg]
Sakura: Wait a minute! Do you like Mary????

[Image: NewFriend17.jpg]
Nathaniel: Of course not! Why would you think that???

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[Image: NewFriend19.jpg]
Nathaniel: Shouldn't we be getting the horses back?

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[Image: NewFriend22.jpg]
Sakura: You better not let me fall! Momiji will be mad if you do!
Nathaniel: I'm not going to let you fall. You are my only friend. If I let anything happen to you, I have no more friends.
Sakura: Right. Ok then. Let's go!
Aww, the last picture (and accompanying dialogue) is very cute! They make very nice friends. ♥
Volks MSD "Nagisa in Preschool" ClaireVolks SD "2008 Renewal" Nono MimiVolks DDS Ms. Mariko Lily
aww! That was cute, I'm looking forward to seeing how Mary reacts when she finds out smile

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