new witch
photos quick of Shizuka,my new doll
Along with Haruka I have my two witches

[Image: 6726922405_0f37f02a75_z.jpg]
Shizuka por Asato_Tsuzuki, en Flickr
[Image: 6726920807_53dd108a35_z.jpg]
Shizuka por Asato_Tsuzuki, en Flickr
[Image: 6726923757_615bc1c4f1_z.jpg]
Shizuka por Asato_Tsuzuki, en Flickr

Gracias por mirar
is much more handsome than in the promotional photos
Nulla è reale, tutto è lecito. Requiescat en pace

[Image: 6023292626_b737b12c20.jpg]

Congrats! Definitely agreeing with near, and that new wig looks really good on him too!
[My dolls]
Veritas, Adsiltia, Elizabeth, Blanche, Apollo, Bloody Red Hood, Nahh-Ato, Ende, Hermine, Tiphona, Neo Noir, Sucre, Craziia, Sabrina, Sol, Nosferatu, Kleine, Tokidoki Luna, Lunatic Queen, Pere Noel, Kiyomi, Sailor Moon and a whoole bunch of minis!
[Saving for]
Princess Ann, Banshee, Romantic Rabbit (mini?)
He looks really good! I like the wig you have him in. smile
Currently playing:  Animal Crossing: New Horizons on the Nintendo Switch
Friend Code 2036-6707-2961 (KiraKira)
Currently reading: If I Had Your Face by Frances Cha
Last movie I saw:  Parasite
Big improvement over the promos!
He looks so cool! Congrats!
My pic-fic, SVM: Drop Dead Gorgeous, is no more. Check out the tiny archive here: Episode 1 Heart 2 Episode 2 Heart 2
I love his eyes! He really does look way much better than on promo pictures.
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He is so cool smile Congrats
thanks everyone for the comments
He's SO COOL!! I was wondering about owner's pictures, as always promo pic made it look bad.
Congrats on your dolly!
We're Polish. We don't drink THAT much. We drink more.
Congrats! He is really cool smile
AWESOME choice of wig on this lad! I love my Ama, but that hair ... oh boy! lol it kind of grew on me, and i'm a wimp when it comes to changing things on my dolls so he's living with it lol

but gosh your Shizuka looks flat out STUNNING! and i'm a sucker for the different eyes *swoons*
"A tree can't grow without the sun in it's eyes
And we can't live if we're too afraid to die."
~The Black Angels, "Young Men Dead"

(my fishie got bit by a vamp lol)
thanks everyone

(01-22-2012, 10:23 AM)FishiesGoPook Wrote: AWESOME choice of wig on this lad! I love my Ama, but that hair ... oh boy! lol it kind of grew on me, and i'm a wimp when it comes to changing things on my dolls so he's living with it lol

but gosh your Shizuka looks flat out STUNNING! and i'm a sucker for the different eyes *swoons*

also have one?Remove the wig is very easy just go slowly inserting a blunt knife behind until debonding and paste the new double-sided tape
yeah I have an Ama as well, face up is just so gorgeous i couldn't resist adn the clothes are wonderful as well lol

I know everyone says it's easy enough to change wigs, but with my luck something would go horribly wrong somehow and i'm not going to risk it lol and i dodn't think i could ever find the "right replacement wig" that i could ever be happy with lol

i think it's best i just admire other's beautiful doll modifications
"A tree can't grow without the sun in it's eyes
And we can't live if we're too afraid to die."
~The Black Angels, "Young Men Dead"

(my fishie got bit by a vamp lol)
Oh my gosh agreeing with everyone - he looks stunning and love the new wig *__* ahhh I want one now ~
[Image: sig.jpg]
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