Shaffire partial custom
Hi! here is the result of my last commission custom doll. Hope you like it ^^

Custom for Perse

Custom for Perse

Custom for Perse

Custom for Perse
She's beautiful <33 I love the spider & web, so pretty! Why is she a partial custom?

Ooh, the tiny details are so impressive. 0___o How did you get such small (and not-wavy) lines?! ;__;

(Is she a Barasuishou base? The lashes + eyeshadow look a little bit similar to me.)
thank you! is partial because has the original make up, and I added shadows, the spider and the web and color in her lips.
Yes is a barasuishou ^^
I supose I was surgeon in other life xDDD
Wow! What a gorgeous girl! You've done a fantastic job!
Tatianna (Uncanricky), Kittie (Naomi), Omega/Mini-Me (Grell), Alys (Yeolume), Priscilla (Eris), Grell (Male Grell), Nanachan (Nanachan), Sebastianne (Stica), Natalie (Natalie), Sylvie Valentine (Premium Pullip Veritas Crimson Version), Strawberry Rose (Siry), Karen (Karen), Marie (Marie), Angela (Cheshire Cat Steampunk), Alice (Optical Alice), Noir (Regen Noir), Jeanne (Jeanne)
Pullip Alura, Pullip Elizabeth Always on the hunt for Re-Ment
did you carve her lips at all? - they dont look like normal pullip lips
Gorgeous custom work! I love spiders!
Currently playing:  Animal Crossing: New Horizons on the Nintendo Switch
Friend Code 2036-6707-2961 (KiraKira)
Currently reading: If I Had Your Face by Frances Cha
Last movie I saw:  Parasite
She looks perfect!! and the spider nest is a super cute detail *-*
Thanks to all!
No I don't have carved her lips, could be an effect of the light and gloss.
Wow!! You're really talented! grin

Such incredible and pretty detail on the little spider web and those lips are soooo glossy <3
Thank you very much! ^^
I really like how the spider is a gem!! <33

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