Dolly patience is not my friend.... *Mao is on his way - also Naomi!!*
I love Zuora's eyes but even if I didn't, I am the one who still hasn't changed chips .. years into my collection straight Started as too chicken, now it's too shaky - oh well, I have learned not to worry when I don't like the chips in someone. Think of it as - they're a (plastic) person. Their eyes are as they come LOL
Hook is definitely a perfect Drogo Heart 2 He was made for it, even that messy wig is perfect, once you do many many braids in it grin
I would love a 'Khaleesi' style outfit for Zuora but needless to say I don't sew either - I am such a fine display of the "womanly arts" - hehehe

I am sorry Gem, I have hijacked your thread and led kuanyin4 with me *hugs* You know me, I do that slash

I know we will be treated with photos of your boy when he arrives smile I can't wait to find out where he will fit into the family and what your plans are. Also seeing the other new faces you're ordering. One is Naomi, is there a third .. ? Not that Naomi and Mao aren't perfect and enough all on their lonesome for extreme excitement !~! smile
Arashi N&B - Rayne N&B - Alfred
There is a 3rd, but she is for my little sister smile for her 18th birthday in July..... & yes, leaving a Pullip in box for 4+ months will be hard, but she's a Pullip I've never been interested in, so it should be ok - Ez picked her out herself a yr or so ago. She doesn't know she's getting her, so It will be a surprise. I have no idea if she'll even want to persue the hobby, but I thought I'd take the chance smile If she decides she doesn't want her I'll help her sell her & she can have the money instead.

I'm undecided on Mao at present, I keep thinking he'd be ridiculously cute as Jake's little brother :p & I'm thinking he might be called Sam.... but that's my ex's it kinda puts me off lol, I still think it would be lovely on him though. Only problem with him being Jake's little brother is that I'd want their eye chips & hair matching, & I'd planned blue eyes & brown hair for Mao.... which would mean I'd either have to change Jake's chips & hair, or re-think Mao to match Jake. Ok, I've decided he is going to be Sam lol, it's just very cute. So yeh! Undecided. He's going to be about 8 or 9 years old I think smile & into Spongebob square pants.

Sam is such a lovable name smile It's funny, Tae's inspire totally different, foreign, based on characters I love from books etc, but my Isuls always tell me their names immediately and they are short, soft and sweet. Quentin & Quinn(Vesselle), Toby (Apollo), Ned (Lir), Seth (Sith Tongue ). Finn (Romantic King) is Irish (it's automatic for me LOL ) but it's still simple and soft. Only Hednar -- Faolán and Midnight Deja Vu -- Auberon, brought out my usual style - lol. They sorta demanded it really, one can't name a Victorian era ghost Fred or something hehe, or a Romanian shapeshifter Bob ! Tongue

Sam and Jake sound exactly like brothers (the names I mean lol) They could be half brothers to explain different hair and eye colour, maybe?
I am glad Jake is becoming more than Meg's man-bag LOL Lead is a gorgeous boy and now, with such a cute brother, the possibilities are endless. But must Sam like Spongebob??? arghhhhhhhh, I still have nightmares about that IRRITATING yellow thing from when my kids were teens living at home and it seemed every teenager in the world was obsessed by a sponge GRRRR ! LOL

I bet Kitty will love playing with Sam smile I can imagine Erin will mother him, Meg will love him of course, but Polly ... hmmm. That should be fun, I do love it when Polly gets annoyed grin She's such a ... (leaving blank, this is a PG forum)

ETA - after ALL of that I forgot to say what a wonderful sister you are smile I bet your sis has the collecting gene too, I'm sure she will love her very first pullip !
Arashi N&B - Rayne N&B - Alfred
I hate spongebob too, I think it's a bit vulgar for some reason.... but it suits a little boy I think smile

Lol - I really do need to do more with Jake, maybe having a little brother will mean I'll put more into him smile

I haven't thought about relationships with my other dolls yet....hmmm, guess I'd better start putting his profile together really smile

I've always spoilt my little sis, love her to bits smile She got genuine ugg boots for xmas the year before last lol. I think she'll be thrilled with her (hopefully lol), my mum said anything I get her she'll be thrilled with. But it's whether she sits on her shelf for the next few years lol. As she's only 17 & only has a part time job (& is learning to drive), so she won't have much money to put into the hobby, but if she really gets into it I can always share my girls stuff with her.

Whooooooo, lives in a pineapple under the sea?! ********* ***********!!!

Where's the love for Spongebob? My hubby and I took the kids to the movie several years ago, because we liked it too. Not that DH would want to admit that....

Anyway, my oldest is named Samuel and I love the name. Plus, this will help remove connotations that are needlessly attached to a great moniker. How many caucasion siblings do you know that have the same hair color and eye color? One takes after Mom and one takes after Dad, obviously! LOL

La la la, I don't know. The world forget... Feel like so!

Life's too short for ugly dolls!
or maybe older bro wears eye color changing contacts and dyes his hair? lmao

i think Sam is a PERFECT name for a Mao *nods* and he will be a splendid little bro for Jake lol just to get rid of that Spongebob love ... lol wink super cute though smile glad you could track one down *nods* kinda sad he's all sold out at Groove though sad
"A tree can't grow without the sun in it's eyes
And we can't live if we're too afraid to die."
~The Black Angels, "Young Men Dead"

(my fishie got bit by a vamp lol)
(03-04-2013, 02:01 AM)kuanyin4 Wrote: How many caucasion siblings do you know that have the same hair color and eye color? One takes after Mom and one takes after Dad, obviously! LOL

Lol, true. My sister has poker straight dark brown hair & grey/green eyes. I have very curly mousy brown hair & blue eyes :p But I like it to be obvious with my dolls that they're supposed to look similar, because me & my sister look similar despite our colouring because of our faces.... but dolls are never going to :/ I've managed to get Kitty & Kacey looking really similar just using eye chips & hair colour smile so I really would prefer them to match in at least one aspect of their colouring.

(03-04-2013, 12:07 AM)Lilcurly Wrote: I hate spongebob too, I think it's a bit vulgar for some reason.... but it suits a little boy I think smile

Lol - I really do need to do more with Jake, maybe having a little brother will mean I'll put more into him smile

I haven't thought about relationships with my other dolls yet....hmmm, guess I'd better start putting his profile together really smile

I've always spoilt my little sis, love her to bits smile She got genuine ugg boots for xmas the year before last lol. I think she'll be thrilled with her (hopefully lol), my mum said anything I get her she'll be thrilled with. But it's whether she sits on her shelf for the next few years lol. As she's only 17 & only has a part time job (& is learning to drive), so she won't have much money to put into the hobby, but if she really gets into it I can always share my girls stuff with her.

OMG you are such a nice sister! I'm so jealous! Also, I really can't wait to see Sam annoy Polly, that ought to be a riot!
Tatianna (Uncanricky), Kittie (Naomi), Omega/Mini-Me (Grell), Alys (Yeolume), Priscilla (Eris), Grell (Male Grell), Nanachan (Nanachan), Sebastianne (Stica), Natalie (Natalie), Sylvie Valentine (Premium Pullip Veritas Crimson Version), Strawberry Rose (Siry), Karen (Karen), Marie (Marie), Angela (Cheshire Cat Steampunk), Alice (Optical Alice), Noir (Regen Noir), Jeanne (Jeanne)
Pullip Alura, Pullip Elizabeth Always on the hunt for Re-Ment
Yeh, Polly will steer clear of little Sam :p She's not his biggest fan lol. & it may surprise you guys, but Erin will be staying out of his way too.....she really doesn't like little kids!

I really wish I had a tracking number for him sad I got sent an email with a link to 'track him', but all it does is take me to the order page where it confirms that he's shipped, $42 for shipping & no bloody tracking!!! on the email is says 'here are your tracking numbers:' with a big blank space where the tracking numbers should be sad total pap.

Naomi is now also on her way to me grin as is the doll for my little sister!! I'm pretty excited. Ordering a doll I'm not interested in is actually going to be quite..........interesting lol, I wonder if I'll decide I want a version of her for myself :p

I'm a tad brassic now :s well, more than a tad actually!! I have £12 left in my bank account & £15 in my purse....that's got to keep me in food for 2.5 weeks!! And anything else I may need. Which, actually, should be just about Ok. I will have to use my credit card to get my hair done, & also for spending money for a day out for me my mum & my sister (it will bo SO hard not to say anything about her Pullip!!!!!). The things we do for dollies :p

can you tell us which doll you got for your sister?
Arashi N&B - Rayne N&B - Alfred
Yes, do give us a hint at least! I want Naomi very much and I hope to have her soon too. I'm glad you got yours. I take it brassic means broke to me and yup, I know just what you mean!

La la la, I don't know. The world forget... Feel like so!

Life's too short for ugly dolls!
Brassic does mean broke yeh lol. Hmm, I'm not sure if I shld tell u guys or make u wait lol :p

Please tell us!! grin
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If I forgot to leave you feedback, please let me know!

Eos : Delilah (Lunatic Queen) : Akoya : Onassis (Fiori) : Ayame (Sooni) : Berry (Hujoo Berry) : Monomono : Tragedy : Barley : Amelia : Eclipse
Lol.......... Maybe we should have a guessing game. First clue, she was released in 2009.........


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