Arrival of Sophie [Ddalgi]
Many tons of THANK YOUU to Miss Edith!

Hello everyone!

My new Ddalgi Pullip (aka: Sophie) has arrived in a very colourful cherry red and green box. I can't express how thrilled I was to get her and now she's here grin Took some shots of my dolls doing their greeting to this new 'cute idol' that the other dolls were gossiping about!

New Pullip's Ddalgi

Lumina: My my! It's great to meet you, Sophie and another Pullip in the neighborhood! Everyone has been talking about your arrival. You are just beaming in strawberry! Special 2

How the boys greet Ddalgi

Henry: How pleasant to meet another lovely Pullip like yourself, Miss Sophie. Please enjoy your new home.

Loki: Uh... yeah, Hi, Lumina--my sis made me come here. ((mutters: great, more girls here.))

Sophie blush Oh, why thank you... I feel like a celebrity already, hehe! Everyone has been very nice to me! It was a short trip here from the red van all the way from Liverpool~ Special 1
So is Sophie finally going to open up her swap gifts from Kitty? :LOL:

Congrats on the new girl!
Currently playing:  Animal Crossing: New Horizons on the Nintendo Switch
Friend Code 2036-6707-2961 (KiraKira)
Currently reading: If I Had Your Face by Frances Cha
Last movie I saw:  Parasite
@KiraKira Haha, thank you! She certainly is! I had the pink princess-themed box sitting on my desk for weeks... I was like, I wonder when I can open this?? I felt so bad, since I'm grateful for my swap gift! I go to Singapore, I couldn't afford /or bring back any dolls because my parents made me leave my stuff there. right

Wonder what she say about.. 'What another doll?" o_o
(lol I'm supposed to be packing and now new presents keep coming!)
Artist open for Doll portraits and custom eyes.
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Spilt want: Isul Retro Johan
I can't wait to see more pictures of Sophie, Ddalgi is one of my favorites!
[thread=7254515]My feedback[/thread]
she has a ready made bunch of friends, I'm so glad smile I feel guilty when I don't get to debox someone but so many dolls, so many little twisty tie thingys LOL

I couldn't be happier she has gone to such a loving home !
Arashi N&B - Rayne N&B - Alfred
@Miss Edith: Thanks so much, your doll has become my favorite Pullip smile I can't wait to take more photos of her, she always stays in my room now. Amazing, she had almost no flaws at all, unlike the past Pullips I got, what a lucky doll ^^ Her eyes closed and opened with ease, and her hair is smooth and not dry/flyable strands sticking out.

Ddalgi is such a gentle-looking doll yet it looks like she has a sunny cheerful side to her too. Oh yes, it use to take me hours to get them out, and luckily I start getting 'better' at pulling off that tough tape to get to the twisty ties x_x

Just 1/2 of Sophie's presents!
Lavender Love!

Look Sophie, its MLP!

Does this look edible?
Artist open for Doll portraits and custom eyes.
Tumblr: | Etsy Shop
Flick'r Gallery | Instagram

Spilt want: Isul Retro Johan
I've seen your comment wanting her, glad to know you finally have her, you're lucky as she's sold out now. Congrats!
I like Ddalgi too, she's pretty yet not overly done faceup & not too white, which is nice.
And oh, lovely presents, I especially love the parasol! smile
[My Flickr]
ISO: Pullip Yuki stock wig / Pullip Panda glasses / Dal Tweety stock outfit / Byul Secomi stock outfit

(04-28-2013, 02:38 PM)beajjai033 Wrote: I've seen your comment wanting her, glad to know you finally have her, you're lucky as she's sold out now. Congrats!
I like Ddalgi too, she's pretty yet not overly done faceup & not too white, which is nice.
And oh, lovely presents, I especially love the parasol! smile

@beajjai Thank you, I am glad to have given Ddalgi a chance! Before the sales, I was indecisive whether I would love her (or her stock) but as soon as she arrived, my doubts were out the window and I didn't mind her unique stock with an apron and matching tie at all, seems to add to her charm yay

I think she will stay in my collection for a long time! blush I think the color red seems to suit her look, or maybe I'm convince by the strawberries. I hope to give her lots of nice clothes and pic-fics!
I have the same thoughts about Regeneration Paja - I'm quite afraid if I'll bond with her. *buying her on layaway* I hope that it will be the same as yours and she'll stay.

Yeah, unique stocks are great, a bit of sway from lolita is refreshing to the eyes. Charming indeed Tongue

I think any red, pink or green outfit would be nice.
That's great as she needs a lot of lovin'. I read pic-fics so I'm anticipating for her as the next lead, tee hee smile
[My Flickr]
ISO: Pullip Yuki stock wig / Pullip Panda glasses / Dal Tweety stock outfit / Byul Secomi stock outfit

Oh, I love a happy adoption story! And you got an original, with her own stock! Woo hoo! My Ddalgi is such a sweet girl, she has such a loving expression. And I love her wig once I got the bang situation remedied. Love your new avatar too!

La la la, I don't know. The world forget... Feel like so!

Life's too short for ugly dolls!
Congrats on Ddalgi! She's got reall cute stock to go with with the rest of her cuteness.
@kuanyin4 She was definitely worth the money, at first I was wondering if Miss Edith was selling the 'Select Pullip' version or the original one, glad it was Ddalgi and her original stock. Surprised that they didn't even need to wrap her legs in plastic and she was stain-free *cheers* Thank you, I shall try to take more photos of her in the garden.

@cornflower Blue Her stock is very cute, I have yet to try on her boots and tying her cloth-wrap and she's so easy to redress too. I am so glad to have props to go with my dolls, back then I had just dolls and my bed. Chelsea can also wear her stock.

I wrote a short review about Ddalgi here:
Great to see she is home smile She's a pretty doll, her face-up looks lovely <3

She's so pretty!
Congrats on a new and very pretty girlie! (:

[Image: tumblr_inline_mj98vnbBX81qz4rgp.gif]

// stuff i want~♥♥

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