My new tan girl arrived today <3.
My beautiful custom by The BlytheShed/Sofie arrived today. I love her so much. She has the softest alpaca reroot, I can't stop stroking her hair <3.

[Image: 14927024074_d5f78d02f7_z.jpg]My new girl is home grin by Buzzingbumblebee, on Flickr
[Image: 15545094011_d927295540_z.jpg]My new girl is home grin by Buzzingbumblebee, on Flickr
[Image: 15548611222_f901160677_z.jpg]My new girl is home grin by Buzzingbumblebee, on Flickr
[Image: 15545087791_837a81f9e2_z.jpg]My new girl is home grin by Buzzingbumblebee, on Flickr
[Image: 14927011804_a581bfb37c_z.jpg]My new girl is home grin by Buzzingbumblebee, on Flickr
Call me Bee =(^-^)=
My Blythe customising blog:
She's very pretty and she looks like she's a tad bit of a Diva!
Thank you <3. She definetly is a bit of a diva ^-^.
Call me Bee =(^-^)=
My Blythe customising blog:
I've been oohing and ahhing your photos of her <3
Her hair looks so soft *_* I love the very faint color in it, and her eyelids are so cute!

[Image: tumblr_m2313bJDaG1qfamg6.png][Image: tumblr_lkqzdsu2he1qi6qow.gif][Image: tumblr_lkl6qodkIv1qfamg6.png]
[Image: tumblr_inline_mpedggLYdS1qz4rgp.gif]My Flickr
[Image: tumblr_inline_mpedggLYdS1qz4rgp.gif]My Instagram
[Image: tumblr_lqlg8cr6SL1ql1l0v.gif]

1957-2016 ♥
1949-2018 ♥♥

oh wow! she looks very nice. I love the tan skin with the light hair combo, it's very pretty.
Congratulations! She's gorgeous.
my dolls: Ouisa (Heart of Montmartre), Nata (Gentle River), Millefeuille (Tarts & Tea), Coconut (Custom Bohemian Peace), Kanna (Marrakech Melange), Annabella (Anna Adores Blythe), Teuta (Gerda Eternity), Aimi 愛海 "Momo" (Cinnamoroll '08), Charlotte (Charlotte), Mignon (Vintage Rock Risa), Mikhai (Kain), Fuchiko 淵子 (Vendettina), Natsume 棗 (Natsume), Sena 瀬名 (GACKT), Sidonie (Icarus), Ronjwen (Ra Muw), Miru みる (Tinkerbell), Evi (Select Frara), Re Yan 熱琰 (Grell Sutcliff), Rie 理恵 (Classical Alice), Aki 明希 (Lunatic White Rabbit), Min Woo 민우 (Mao), Nara 나라 (Alura), Amisa (Manuel), Ming Yue 明月 (Angry), Ru Qin 茹琴 (Delorean), Sun Hee 선희 (Sooni)
Thank you. Her hair is simply divine <3. I didn't want her hair all white so the customiser suggested she could use some light fawn alpaca as well. I love the result ^-^.
Call me Bee =(^-^)=
My Blythe customising blog:

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