Show your new Doll!
Congratulations on your new acquisitions, all smile I love HK's "after" outfit!
[Image: 52753689362_648099ee70_o.jpg]
[Image: 52754230731_a6068b46d4_o.jpg][Image: 50534896333_d4a2b8e718_o.jpg][Image: 52754472289_1f6d6c34b1_o.jpg][Image: 49782607208_b108a0ee26_o.jpg]
(04-19-2015, 07:26 AM)Missy_Crane Wrote: Aubrey! She actually arrived a while ago, but was stinky so she got shoved into a tupperware box with some coffee grounds. Not the warmest welcome LOL

Aubrey is beautiful! The grey hair really suits her. And the outfit you chose goes so well with her overall look. She really doesn't look like a Stica anymore. Oh man... Smoke smell... I got a doll that had that stench once. I swear, I zeroed in on the text of any used stuff I bought after that, looking for "smoke-free home" in the description. I never tried coffee grounds, but I did try newspaper.

(04-20-2015, 07:55 PM)Chyntia Wrote: Well my HK arrived almost 2 weeks ago...... I finally had some time to play with her yesterday! yay

Some before and after pictures!! yay

Aww, Hello Kitty is so lovely! I love the new style you gave her. I always had wanted a HK, I even bid on her a couple times but never won. She looks pretty versatile. Your pictures make me want her again.^^

My Dal is here and done!
[Image: 17032797239_50521816b0.jpg]

Only her face was customized. Her wig was already straight and I changed her out of her stock for this pajama. I'm quite pleased with how she came out. She's waaay more pinkish in person, but my camera is a stinko white washer. It only gets colors in when it wants... I don't have a name for her actually... But I will get to thinking! ( 。•_• 。)
thisday, she is adorable! Heart She reminds me of my previous Dal, Chibi Risa.
[My Flickr]
ISO: Pullip Yuki stock wig / Pullip Panda glasses / Dal Tweety stock outfit / Byul Secomi stock outfit

(04-19-2015, 02:17 PM)PullipPrincess Wrote: Your Stica is so cute, Missy~! x3 I love her style!

Thanks so much!! grin

(04-19-2015, 02:43 PM)Kyubi09 Wrote: She's super cute! The outfit and wig really suit her.

As far as coffee grounds, presumably they should be fresh, not canned for best effect? My father-in-law who my husband and I care for, is a coffee drinker, but he drinks super super cheap stuff. I am doubting that would be as effective, but I don't know.

Thank you! Heart As far as I know, the coffee's main purpose is being absorbent of the other odours (and as a nice bonus making everything smell of coffee instead xD) so any old coffee will do. I've been using instant and it works just fine!

(04-20-2015, 08:27 AM)Summer Skye Wrote: Aaaaah, Stica is actually one of my favorite dolls. Sad to hear of so many with smell issues. I got mine new from PS and she's fine. Such an underrated doll, tho. Great gaceup, unfortunate wig.

Thanks, I'm very fond of her! smile Yeah, that stock wig had to go. It was seeing rewigged Sticas on Flickr that convinced me of her potential.

(04-20-2015, 11:53 AM)Cornflower Blue Wrote: I love Stica! And I don't mind her red eyes, either. Congrats, Missy_Crane! I haven't run into a stinky Pullip so far, but second hand wigs, yes. And other dolls bought on eBay. Sellers really need to disclose that kind of info.

Thank you, CB! I agree and find her eyes a very pleasing colour wink and yes, sellers really should...although I consider it my fault for not learning yet that if a listing doesn't specifically say 'smoke free home' then to ask before buying...

(04-20-2015, 07:55 PM)Chyntia Wrote: Wauw Missy, I'd never thought that was a Stica! She looks great! And you must be very happy that she smells a lot better now as well!! grin

Thank you so much Chyntia! xD I'm absolutely thrilled to get her out of 'cold storage' and finally play with her, lol, poor girl. Even though she now makes me want a coffee whenever I'm near her, heh...

And oh my gosh - your HK looks adorable! Congrats! She's such a beautiful classic Pullip smile I think she's one of those girls who looks fantastic both in stock and out. I just love what you've done with yours.

(04-21-2015, 07:03 AM)Jencut Wrote: She so pretty Chyntia! Heart

Missy, your Aubrey has made me look twice at Stica (I've always overlooked her) but she's gorgeous! I love the colour of her eyes smile

Thank you, Jencut!! Heart I love her eyes too, in person they're more wine/ruby than red. I'm so happy that Aubrey has inspired you to take a second glance at this lovely underrated Pullip! Sticas need more love smile

(04-21-2015, 12:19 PM)thisday Wrote: Aubrey is beautiful! The grey hair really suits her. And the outfit you chose goes so well with her overall look. She really doesn't look like a Stica anymore. Oh man... Smoke smell... I got a doll that had that stench once. I swear, I zeroed in on the text of any used stuff I bought after that, looking for "smoke-free home" in the description. I never tried coffee grounds, but I did try newspaper.

Thank you very much! xD I thought really carefully about what hair and clothes would look best with her eyes and faceup and I'm happy with her 'finished' look...although I might turn her into a blonde again just for fun someday smile Flickr tells me that Sticas can be surprisingly versatile!

Haha...yep! I should have done exactly what you say, and you'd think I'd have learned after China to read the description carefully and ask about smoke if it's not mentioned. Ah well, lesson learned!

I absolutely love your Dal, what a cutie. Chocolate brown hair and eyes look so sweet together. Does she have a name?
Pullips: Langley(Asuka), Maddie(Merl), Ophelia(Tiphona), Camille(Kiyomi), Ally(Classical Alice), Roz(Rosalind), Nate(Nosferatu), Eirwen(Snow White), Mariette(Milk Latte), Lily(Puki), Nataleigh(Nanette), Courtney(Reg Fan), Nami(Rei), Fleur(Luna), , Tiberius(Tantus), Petunia (Jouet 2.0),  Vanessa(BRH), Mary(Oui'Vera), Hugo(Gyro), Bella(Chibi Risa), Nicki(NekoMao), Sunny(Raphia), Dorian(Custom), Odette(Isolde), Aisha(Nahh), Lian(China), Maaya(Nina), Haruka(Purezza), Hero(Apollo), Cecily(Sfoglia), Carly(Podo), Suri(Blackberry), Dominique(Shinku), Temperance(Veritas), Clair(Violetta), Bonnie(Hello Kitty), Emily(Si'Anna), September(Fourrure), Natsume(Summer Purezza), Cherami(Akemi), Kate(Paja), Lizzy(Elisabeth), Crissy(Papin), Siegfried(Arion), Andromeda(Ra Muw), Wanda(Hermine), Odile(Adsiltia), Daisy(Leroy), Maggie(RQ), Cissa(Chibi Risa), Sam(Mao), Amelia(Sailor Saturn), Susan(Silane), Nora(Alura), Momo(Youtsuzu), Hanzo(Okita)
Thank you for all the nice comments!! yay I really love how my HK turned out!! Heart

Wow Thisday your Dal looks gorgeous!! Agreeing with Beajjai, she really does look like Risa!! yay
[Image: 16152755741_2441f1e716.jpg]
Two new dolls in one picture:

[Image: 2aio421.jpg]

The Pullip is a custom Kirsche; I don't know who customized her but she's pretty. wink
The Taeyang is from an MIO Kit and customized by Nerdygal smile
Eee! I'm so excited because my Retro-Memory Nella has arrive. On a great day where I adored her smile (having a moody day and she made me feel better) Retro Memory Nella

I think I finally found my Pullip to give her the name 'Rosette', just like my avatar, she has a similar pink hair that I've been looking for.
Wonderful! Congrats on finding a doll to match your av. smile
(04-26-2015, 02:28 AM)fishy Wrote: Wonderful! Congrats on finding a doll to match your av. smile

Aw, thank you fishy! I'm going out to take some daylight photos of her. Decided to try unbraiding her hair, stand out from the other Nellas. Happy
Artist open for Doll portraits and custom eyes.
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Spilt want: Isul Retro Johan
Congrats Joichi! She's gorgeous Heart
Sixpence & Song

(Custom Blythe & Custom Pullip)
Severity - Your customized Kirsche and your MIO Taeyang are really cute! yay Hope to see more photos of them!

Joichi - Congratulations on Nella Retro! <3 She's so pretty! It seems like a lot of people are getting her lately, and seeing all of these pictures of her are making me want her, too! xD
[Image: PAA_zpsf228551a.png]
~Parfait (Dal Heart Macaron), Alice (Pullip Alice du Jardin), and Amethyst (Custom MIO Pullip), my most special dolls <3~

*Sprites made by me*

Everyone's new dollies are so cute!

Here's my newest girl, the first doll I've bought in four years and the one who got me back into Pullips after a four year hiatus, my Regeneration Noir, Piper.

I know not everyone has positive feelings on the Regens, but I adore Piper to bits and if it wasn't for her I may have never gotten back into my dolls!

[Image: 16594030534_dc2f5f1f94_c.jpg]<3 by ♥DeadlyNova♥, on Flickr
Well, that's what keeps it interesting; everyone likes different dolls, so everyone gets to see other dolls they wouldn't buy themselves.
This is such a great photo -- beautiful lighting and there seems to be a story; where is she going on this path, is she travelling toward or away from something...? And I love that she looks in scale with the surroundings smile
[Image: 52753689362_648099ee70_o.jpg]
[Image: 52754230731_a6068b46d4_o.jpg][Image: 50534896333_d4a2b8e718_o.jpg][Image: 52754472289_1f6d6c34b1_o.jpg][Image: 49782607208_b108a0ee26_o.jpg]
My newest doll is Roxanne, a Dal Tezca. :3
[Image: 11187046_413165318855469_1236893586_n.jpg]
Beautiful shot of your Regen. Noir, DeadlyNova! I was really put off by both the original and the regen. version of Noir, but she just looks so much prettier to me now after seeing your photo of her!

Kulukala, your Tezca is so cute! I really love her eyes!
[Image: PAA_zpsf228551a.png]
~Parfait (Dal Heart Macaron), Alice (Pullip Alice du Jardin), and Amethyst (Custom MIO Pullip), my most special dolls <3~

*Sprites made by me*


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