Pullip Couples
I yanked this idea from Pullip Style's forum; I love to look through this thread over there but it's not posted in anymore sad I thought I'd start one up here!

I don't have many photos, as I'm still trying to decide who to pair up, but here is Cheyenne and Drew, who aren't *official*, but they are to me LOL
[Image: 19350199119_b062fd47be.jpg]

Share some photos of your pullip couples!

Forever Home:
Nina Nina, Dan Sage, Luciano Cavalie, Claudia Nero
Deirdre Carol, Drew Andrew, Kalel Dilettante
Kieran Raiki, Preston Alberic,
Sky Arion Angela Neo Angelique

Aww, cute couple smile

I have two couples, only one that I've photographed.....

[Image: 14279085937_f872280813_z.jpg]DSC02036 by Lilcurly, on Flickr

[Image: 14278905649_29a65829de_z.jpg]DSC02035 by Lilcurly, on Flickr

Meg & Jake <3

Aww, I like how their shirts coordinate! Also, I love her freckles!
[Image: 6872569888_9744eaa2c7_z.jpg]
I tend to pose Edward with a lot of the girls, but Stella is his one and only true love.

[Image: 5444227112_0cd8e22831_z.jpg]
James and Pan are a couple.

[Image: 8566179008_1504c219ea_z.jpg]
And so are Saya and Whim.

[Image: 8648689605_1cf49969ec_z.jpg]
My 2nd, used to be a floating head, Fai has a thing for Jaldet. It's unclear whether she returns his feelings.

[Image: 16397648351_c6a747dddd_z.jpg]
There's a mysterious baby momma from Veer's past.

[Image: 7376636150_41e5be6d08_z.jpg]
Puppy Love Heart

[Image: 11540119393_871272a6b3_z.jpg]
Puppy Love Triangle

[Image: 15511758517_bd17633b74_z.jpg]
Teagan didn't realize how much she liked Von until she turned him into a frog and he got scooped up by a Blythe.

[Image: 15498824872_0c06c6f04c_z.jpg]
Luka and Connor are not a couple.

[Image: 6138286813_fee77c7b90_z.jpg]
And lastly, Sebastian has his cat.

I think that about covers it.
Aww, everyone has some totally adorable couples! Lilcurly, your Jake is so gorgeous! I love Lead. And Meg's faceup is so pretty, I love her eyelashes. Cornflower Blue, I adore your Edward Scissorhands! Such an underrated guy. I never realized how pretty Jaidet is, either, her faceup is gorgeous.

Forever Home:
Nina Nina, Dan Sage, Luciano Cavalie, Claudia Nero
Deirdre Carol, Drew Andrew, Kalel Dilettante
Kieran Raiki, Preston Alberic,
Sky Arion Angela Neo Angelique

There are so many dolly couples in this house....oh boy.
[Image: 17127403805_8a1754f695_z.jpg]<3 by Haley, on Flickr
Neekitaka and Alabaster

[Image: 18288868484_9e11094900_z.jpg]Untitled by Haley, on Flickr
Dispari and Yoshi

Now there isn't nearly enough gay in this thread....

All the homo.

[Image: 6752056861_7ca9fd7e80_z.jpg]Challenge 1: Date Night by Haley, on Flickr
Raleigh and Erasmus

[Image: 16698864153_016ea01e0c_z.jpg]<3 by Haley, on Flickr
Eva and MoeMoe

[Image: 5962912656_5f727dc0d1_z.jpg]Panama City by Haley, on Flickr
Kitty and Lyrick

[Image: 6170444153_fa2124f6fa_z.jpg]<3 by Haley, on Flickr
Darcel and Jimmy(Don't worry, he's 18!!!)

[Image: 18147119941_0b63d21808_z.jpg]Piggyback by Haley, on Flickr
Mi-Mi and Christon
Kerradin and Little Olly, representing my boyfriend and I!
Olly&Kerradin Pullips
I'm an artist. [thread=7257750]~Custom face-up commissions available here~[/thread] ~Commission info and portfolio here~ [thread=7256925]~Art and Commission Thread~[/thread]
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Photo Albums: Sasha Lumina~Ai-Zen (Freya)~Nahh Ato~Serpent~WonderWoman
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I love this thread! All these couples look so cute together!
(07-12-2015, 10:36 AM)GreysPrincess Wrote: Aww, I like how their shirts coordinate! Also, I love her freckles!

Lol, thanks! That was actually an accident :p they just have similar styles. And thank you smile I love freckly dolls.

(07-12-2015, 11:18 AM)PancakeKarma Wrote: Aww, everyone has some totally adorable couples! Lilcurly, your Jake is so gorgeous! I love Lead. And Meg's faceup is so pretty, I love her eyelashes.

Lead is quite the man isn't he lol, a little more butch looking than most Taes. Thank you smile I can't decide if I'm ok with her lashes or not... they may get redone one day.

I love couples threads, seeing everyones matching up is so cwl smile

Everyone's couples are so sweet! grin Now I can't resist sharing my dolly couples as well LOL

Audrey and Cole
[Image: IMG_0792_zpsnv4nxvxx.jpg]

Vergil and Emma (I couldn't let go of these two together Cry )
[Image: IMG_0781_zps3oszptmo.jpg]

The cluster that is Lucifer and Temperance. They're engaged, but Temp isn't excited about it. Delphine and Pandora are both quite envious of Temp's position, but for very different reasons LOL
[Image: IMG_0776_zpsfnri6gqd.jpg]

Vincent and Stella
[Image: IMG_0844_zpsxxoq5nz1.jpg]

Nolan and Pomona... they're not really a couple, but everyone knows they like each other, so they might as well date already. right
[Image: IMG_0799_zpscabdrdwm.jpg]

Kioshi and Nyx
[Image: IMG_0804_zpss8vkvdyc.jpg]

Imae and Rhett
[Image: IMG_0808_zpszlqrkeao.jpg]

Odette and Gavin
[Image: IMG_0823_zpsjlzi57ye.jpg]

Landon and Layna... and Miyako, "the other woman" Sweatdrop
[Image: IMG_0840_zps8q7r9kbe.jpg]

(07-12-2015, 01:39 PM)DeadlyNova Wrote: Now there isn't nearly enough gay in this thread....
I agree Heart

Desdemona and Elsinore
[Image: IMG_0789_zpst3fqbzuk.jpg]

Misha and Dimitri
[Image: IMG_0846_zpspnpvx1ns.jpg]

And some alternate/past relationships LOL

Odette and Aphra
[Image: IMG_0817_zpsiop9kddw.jpg]

Aphra and Temperance...They were casual LOL
[Image: IMG_0814_zpsmhfofoge.jpg]

Gavin and Cordelia
[Image: IMG_0833_zpsuzzelk4j.jpg]

Alright, I think I'm done Sweatdrop
Lots of cute couples! abeautifullittlefool, your posing is so dynamic and spot on!
Everyone has such cute couples! I love dolly couples LOL

Forever Home:
Nina Nina, Dan Sage, Luciano Cavalie, Claudia Nero
Deirdre Carol, Drew Andrew, Kalel Dilettante
Kieran Raiki, Preston Alberic,
Sky Arion Angela Neo Angelique

I have some more couples! I have one more that I already am sure about, but both dolls are such WIPs I don't want them to be seen LOL

Eve & Landon
[Image: 19076095994_5671c0ef93.jpg]
Dominic & Regina (whose hair is uncontrollable)
[Image: 19077744613_92d8b3d2c2.jpg]
Camille & Juliet. Juliet is so much shorter since she's on her stock body LOL
[Image: 19691533062_fb40305e39.jpg]
Kalel & Luciano
[Image: 19077747303_fdcfbbbe2a.jpg]
Nina & Dan
[Image: 19510634048_62149bfc18.jpg]
Fiora & Claudia
[Image: 19672465626_702b2cc7a8.jpg]

Forever Home:
Nina Nina, Dan Sage, Luciano Cavalie, Claudia Nero
Deirdre Carol, Drew Andrew, Kalel Dilettante
Kieran Raiki, Preston Alberic,
Sky Arion Angela Neo Angelique


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