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(04-21-2016, 03:29 PM)DeadlyNova Wrote: Eee, congrats on getting Sol! He's definitely my favorite Taeyang overall.

As for his arm, maybe try wrapping some teflon tape around the peg.

thank you, your Sol attracted my attention and so i was looking for him. I thought i would get grell but oh well smile
i dont know if teflon tape works for this problem it is like a clasp? sorry i really dont know the terminology. I'll take a photo next time it happens.

(04-21-2016, 08:54 PM)Severity Wrote: Sol! Gosh I love him; he was the second Pullip family doll I ever got (after Cavalie). I ended up gifting him to my best friend and waiting for what seemed like forever to finally find a new one for myself! I'm just waiting to get help changing his eyechips: the top screw in his head is stripped and I need to get my stepdad to fix it, but I keep forgetting. Mine is kind of stiff/squeaky too, I chalked it up to the age of the doll, but I don't know for sure. Congrats on yours!

Groove, can we have MIO kits in this color please?!
thank you smile yes mio mocha looks kind of blah next to him. he is shimmering! i want a cavalie like blonde guy as well.i have been bitten by taeyang bug bad.
Congrats everybody on the new arrivals!
Offgenemi, you know you're going to have to go back and get a motorcycle for your handsome boy... LOL
Teflon tape is plumber's tape but I think you have to get a certain kind...?
[Image: 52753689362_648099ee70_o.jpg]
[Image: 52754230731_a6068b46d4_o.jpg][Image: 50534896333_d4a2b8e718_o.jpg][Image: 52754472289_1f6d6c34b1_o.jpg][Image: 49782607208_b108a0ee26_o.jpg]
Sol is a handsome chap!
Pullips: Langley(Asuka), Maddie(Merl), Ophelia(Tiphona), Camille(Kiyomi), Ally(Classical Alice), Roz(Rosalind), Nate(Nosferatu), Eirwen(Snow White), Mariette(Milk Latte), Lily(Puki), Nataleigh(Nanette), Courtney(Reg Fan), Nami(Rei), Fleur(Luna), , Tiberius(Tantus), Petunia (Jouet 2.0),  Vanessa(BRH), Mary(Oui'Vera), Hugo(Gyro), Bella(Chibi Risa), Nicki(NekoMao), Sunny(Raphia), Dorian(Custom), Odette(Isolde), Aisha(Nahh), Lian(China), Maaya(Nina), Haruka(Purezza), Hero(Apollo), Cecily(Sfoglia), Carly(Podo), Suri(Blackberry), Dominique(Shinku), Temperance(Veritas), Clair(Violetta), Bonnie(Hello Kitty), Emily(Si'Anna), September(Fourrure), Natsume(Summer Purezza), Cherami(Akemi), Kate(Paja), Lizzy(Elisabeth), Crissy(Papin), Siegfried(Arion), Andromeda(Ra Muw), Wanda(Hermine), Odile(Adsiltia), Daisy(Leroy), Maggie(RQ), Cissa(Chibi Risa), Sam(Mao), Amelia(Sailor Saturn), Susan(Silane), Nora(Alura), Momo(Youtsuzu), Hanzo(Okita)
(04-16-2016, 12:22 PM)PullipPrincess Wrote: Congratulations, she's beautiful, Alice! smile I love the design on her box, too!
Thank you! Yeah I love the colors and everything, I had a hard time taking her out of it but eventually I caved LOL

(04-16-2016, 12:26 PM)Haint Blue Wrote: Ahhh! What a stunner!

(04-17-2016, 02:22 AM)Offgenemi Wrote: She is gorgeous! I love how simple her face up is. Her stock is very cute smile
She definitely has one of the most intricate outfits any of my dollies have!

And by the way, congrats on Sol!!!! He's a gorgeous guy!

(04-17-2016, 06:59 AM)martah Wrote: Congrats AliceMR, she is beautiful. smile
Thank you so much!
(04-17-2016, 01:30 PM)Cornflower Blue Wrote: The more I see of her, the more I like her. Congrats!
I know right! She looks great in person, I love the subtle traces of gold in her face up Happy
[Image: Untitled_3.png]
(04-22-2016, 04:20 AM)Alliecat Wrote: Congrats everybody on the new arrivals!
Offgenemi, you know you're going to have to go back and get a motorcycle for your handsome boy... LOL
Teflon tape is plumber's tape but I think you have to get a certain kind...?

Thank you smile I have that tape. I never used it but got it as precautionsmile I ll see if that helps

Thank you missy crane and AliceMR smile
Congratulations, everyone! grin Offgenemi, I saw pictures of your new Sol on flickr! He's gorgeous!
[Image: PAA_zpsf228551a.png]
~Parfait (Dal Heart Macaron), Alice (Pullip Alice du Jardin), and Amethyst (Custom MIO Pullip), my most special dolls <3~

*Sprites made by me*

@offgenemi: I was thinking you meant where his arm connects to the elbow. I think it would be much easier to figure out how to fix it if we could see a photo.

I went to Tuesday Morning yesterday, and found Hednar and Hello Little Girl. I bought both of them. I had to 'steal' a step stool from somewhere else in the store and dig behind several dozen Barbies to find them, but here they are! <3

[Image: 25975090864_68a3cd8551_z.jpg]Jack by Haley, on Flickr
Meet Jack! He's got a bit of an obsession with Halloween, no matter how out of season it is.

[Image: 26307029000_e7a4d2b673_z.jpg]Marina by Haley, on Flickr
Meet Marina! She's got a bit of spunk to her and wants to be a famous rockstar. She's starting out with trying her best to join her older brother's band "Dudes with Long Hair", the only problem is...she's not a dude...AND she doesn't have long hair.
Congrats they are very nice finds! Yellow little girl looks so much better in black hair. I love her stock smile
Congrats! That's Sith not Hednar.
I just realzied that now and now I feel like an idiot for typing Hednar instead of Sith...lmao.

Yes, I found SITH, not Hednar. Derp.
Dal eyed tigerlily is here
Isn't she so cute! I wigged her with a leekeworld wig. For the first time I looked at a doll and named her on the spot. Her name is Guu after Hare nochi Guu smile)) she doesn't look like any of the main characters but her face just said that smile Guuuuuu
Congrats!! She looks so cute! I ADORE that wig!
That wig looks great on her!
Thank you Deadlynova and Haint blue smile
Well Deadlynova's tigerlily attracted my attention but cornflower blue's tigerlily with her colorful wig sealed the deal. I was looking for one ever since smile
congratulations everyone - all your new family members are beautiful.

DN, Hello Little Girl is one of my favourite Dals. I love what you did with her, you have an amazing eye for changing these dollies up smile Sith is wonderful, he was the only Isul I owned once, a long long time ago.

offgenimi, your new Tiger Lily looks awesome in that wig! I loved her in the wig she wore at fishy's but this is the first TL I have seen in green hair and Wow Heart 2

Can I ask a quick question? Someone on this forum had/has a Tiger Lily with a Kirsche-red plaits wig. The difference is that the plaits look smaller, thinner, placed closer together at the back of her head? and the head of the wig looks slightly ... more. I am shit at describing things, but I know I saw it and wanted it for my girl. If anyone can decipher my BS and knows of the doll, or owns the doll, please let me know where the wig came from or who to ask. Thanks guys smile
Arashi N&B - Rayne N&B - Alfred

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