Show your new Doll!
Oh Alliecat, how beautiful!! ^^

Deadlynova your new girl is a stunner!
Pullips: Langley(Asuka), Maddie(Merl), Ophelia(Tiphona), Camille(Kiyomi), Ally(Classical Alice), Roz(Rosalind), Nate(Nosferatu), Eirwen(Snow White), Mariette(Milk Latte), Lily(Puki), Nataleigh(Nanette), Courtney(Reg Fan), Nami(Rei), Fleur(Luna), , Tiberius(Tantus), Petunia (Jouet 2.0),  Vanessa(BRH), Mary(Oui'Vera), Hugo(Gyro), Bella(Chibi Risa), Nicki(NekoMao), Sunny(Raphia), Dorian(Custom), Odette(Isolde), Aisha(Nahh), Lian(China), Maaya(Nina), Haruka(Purezza), Hero(Apollo), Cecily(Sfoglia), Carly(Podo), Suri(Blackberry), Dominique(Shinku), Temperance(Veritas), Clair(Violetta), Bonnie(Hello Kitty), Emily(Si'Anna), September(Fourrure), Natsume(Summer Purezza), Cherami(Akemi), Kate(Paja), Lizzy(Elisabeth), Crissy(Papin), Siegfried(Arion), Andromeda(Ra Muw), Wanda(Hermine), Odile(Adsiltia), Daisy(Leroy), Maggie(RQ), Cissa(Chibi Risa), Sam(Mao), Amelia(Sailor Saturn), Susan(Silane), Nora(Alura), Momo(Youtsuzu), Hanzo(Okita)
[Image: 26461200290_2ba01d9dc3_z.jpg]Happiness ☆ADAW 16/52☆ by Antique Wolf, on Flickr

Here's My new Puki!!! I haven't decided on a name and shes very hard to photograph because of her dark hair but I love her so so much!! Im so happy to have my own Puki!!
Puki is a gorgeous Dal - congrats
Arashi N&B - Rayne N&B - Alfred
Thank you guys!

Your Puki is so cute!! I love her in this wig!! <3 Congrats!
I love Dal Puki's cute little facey and little heart eyechips. #u# So kawaii! X3
She's sooo cute! Puki looks so sweet and innocent! <3 Congratulations!
[Image: PAA_zpsf228551a.png]
~Parfait (Dal Heart Macaron), Alice (Pullip Alice du Jardin), and Amethyst (Custom MIO Pullip), my most special dolls <3~

*Sprites made by me*

(05-01-2016, 04:47 AM)Pink Haired Freak Wrote: Here's My new Puki!!! I haven't decided on a name and shes very hard to photograph because of her dark hair but I love her so so much!! Im so happy to have my own Puki!!

She's beautiful and those gorgeous green eye chips with the little hearts are precious! Congrats PHF!
>>>I'm not gone, just really, REALLY busy.<<<
FT: Dolls (updated: 3/7) | FS: BJD Eyes | FS: Accessories | Feedback | Freebie Dress | Freebie Wig
Thank you guys!!! I love her so much and its nice to see other people do too!!

@Marilyn I love her eyes so much! I think they only look green in the photo due to the grass but there more of a gray. But the hearts are why i'm keeping them grin
Congrats, Pink Haired Freak! Puki is one the cutest Dals. I love the little hearts in her eyes.
Can't get a bbc code from my phone sorry. But I am super excited to share my new girl who is nameless, wigless and w/o eye chips LOL I am using artist photos with permission. I was admiring Mikiyochii's work over the last a few months but she doesn't do face up outside of Europe at the moment. I am in Germany right now for a week and I took a chance and messaged her last week. I don't have a MIO kit with me. But she had a tan kit like I wanted and she said she can finish and ship her to me so I can take her home with me. She made this girl in lighting speed. I really hope she can do face ups for other countries soon. But she has a full custom she will be listing on etsy for anyone to buy.
The doll is a piece of art. Even my husband admired her face and saw differences between her and Yona. He also thinks she is exquisitesmile
I will need help with wig choice as usual hahah if I can find a screwdriver I will try to put her together smile
(05-19-2016, 02:10 AM)Offgenemi Wrote: Can't get a bbc code from my phone sorry.

I can help. Happy

Offgenemi's girl:
[Image: 26801115680_24d87e0be7_z.jpg]

That is an awesome story! And wowsers, she's a hottie! Look at that face! (I have to say though, I would never have guessed she's tan.) I can't wait to see what eyes, hair and outfit you give her.
>>>I'm not gone, just really, REALLY busy.<<<
FT: Dolls (updated: 3/7) | FS: BJD Eyes | FS: Accessories | Feedback | Freebie Dress | Freebie Wig
Marilyn you are an angel thank you!!!
It is hard to distinguish her from natural or fair girls on her flicker but next to Yona yep she is tan smile I made my first photo story smile I will post in the apropriate section of the forum when I get to a computer. Thank you smile she is very pretty but I already posed her over hard surfaces Whacked I am terrible hahha
Congrats, she's lovely! Can't wait to see her all put together and dressed.
Thank you CB smile I can't wait either. For the travel I have to take her apart and stuff in a MIO kit box sad but when she is complete I will spam here with photos smile
Congrats, offgenemi! I saw posts about your doll on the customizer's facebook page(and I just typed faceup page at first.....) but I didn't realize the doll was for you. I'm so excited for you and I can't wait to see photos of her, she's gorgeous! <3

I got my girls from the split here today! I posted them their own thread, but I want to show them off here too:
Meet Nooroo:
[Image: 26511708283_e98658bdb5_z.jpg]Nooroo by Haley, on Flickr
And Juno:
[Image: 26841167160_dc9da9eb97_z.jpg]Juno by Haley, on Flickr

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