Show your new Doll!
Another new guys at home

Barasuishou. I bought her in June
[Image: 27034424104_16ef33f620.jpg]Barasuishou!!! by it's_a_secret, en Flickr

And my last Taeyang Undertaker, who I'm in love with
[Image: 26215537266_73cbd4ec65.jpg]Undertaker with complete outfit by it's_a_secret, en Flickr

[Image: 26175205071_014d305e50.jpg]I can't stop taking photos of him! by it's_a_secret, en Flickr
congrats they are both lovely dolls smile I love to see undertaker's owner photos smile
it's a secret, Erzbeth is gorgeous! <3 And your Bara is too! I love seeing photos of the old Rozen Maiden dolls. <3 And aaah, Undertaker! Stop reminding me how much I love him! Dx

I love Jayni, GreysPrincess! Lumiere's wig looks so cute on her, too! What a cutie!

The doll I got in a trade with KiraKira arrived today, and I couldn't be more in love!

This is my first doll that won't be based on an original character. I've become....QUITE obsessed with the new Voltron 2016 reboot, Voltron: Legendary Defender. Specifically one Pidge Gunderson, as demonstrated by my current desktop BG:
[Image: 2016-07-13_1508.png]
A bit of a spoiler for those who haven't watched this show(and you should, btw): I'm jumping on the girl Isul bandwagon too.

I still need to get a new wig(I already have it picked out and I'm so excited) and some new glasses(these ones are stolen from my poor poor blind Filato), and possibly a new body and eyechips(I like these but they are a bit darker than Pidge's eyes).

But for now, meet my newest baby!
[Image: 27673821334_ac23420d7c_z.jpg]Pidge Gunderson by Haley, on Flickr
[Image: 27674135723_dd4ca86b4b_z.jpg]Pidge Gunderson by Haley, on Flickr

I think it's a bit fitting to use a typically male doll to make a character that is a girl who spends the first half of the series masquerading as a boy.
She looks perfect ! And there is a voltron reboot?!? I have to see that. I was a big fan when I was a kid.
Congrats everyone of your new dollies! I always like watching them! Heart

DeadlyNova: I think she fits really well on the character, based on your info (haven't seen the anime). I love the "twist" on her character! She is super cute! LOL

it's a secret: Wow the eyes on Undertaker! I never noticed! But damn they look cool!
Blog ^___^
I loves me some 1st release Barasuishou! And the Undertaker looks pretty awesome, too.

DeadlyNova, Isul Light is a great choice for that character. I'm looking forward to seeing how she looks on a girl body.
Thank you guys! <3 I'm going to try to get all the stuff I need to make her look like Pidge ASAP! grin

I definitely recommend the Voltron reboot. It's animated by the same animators as Avatar and Legend of Korra so the animation is breathtaking. And the characters are wonderful. <3
I actually watched the 1st hour of the show (not really my thing LOL ) but I CANNOT believe how perfect Isul is for Pidge. The wig is good, almost perfect, as are the glasses. Did you already have the jumper? Because I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw how right it is. Yours is just a prettier colour green grin
Arashi N&B - Rayne N&B - Alfred
In the past few days I received Isul Milk Tea, Romantic Alice Blue, Alice du jardin pink, and mad hatter du jardin..and about a week ago I bought Isul Vesselle at Tuesday Morningsmile pictured though, are my alice dolls (and a tiny bit of milk
[Image: 20160721_213250.jpg]
Deadly nova: omg omg .... Pidge is the cutest thing!!!! She's my favorite character in Voltron!!!!
desiree: what a beautiful collection you have! They all look awesome together.
[size=small][i]Dolly Family
Pullip: Nanette, Banshee, Alice du jardin mint, Le petite prince fox, Yuri, Romantic Alice pink, Nella retro memory, Prupate, Bloody red hood, Laura, Alura, Kiyomi mint icecream, Naoko, Sparrow
My first Pullip arrived today. She is so beautiful. I could not be happier with my choice for my first. I can't figure out how to post the photo so I just left the direct link, I hope that is okay.
Congrats on your new doll! Will you be deboxing her?

If you're trying to do this from a phone, I don't know if that's the same. On a computer, to the right of your photo, there are 3 icons. The one in the middle is an arrow. Click on that. A window should open that says "Share 1 photo to:" Click the option for BBCode and choose a medium size or smaller from the drop down like 464 x 640. Then copy everthing that appears in the box above the size and has url in it, and then paste it in your post.
Thank you for the help Cornflower Blue! I am trying to post if from my iPad. I am going to eventually debox her as soon as I figure out a good spot for her to be displayed. smile
[Image: 28489033242_7c4ecd937b_z.jpg]Pullip Sailor Pluto by Beth, on Flickr
Aww! I adore her! *o* Many congratz for her orkira!

My new doll is Eternia
[Image: 28559041125_8db3d31d31.jpg]Pullip Eternia by it's_a_secret, en Flickr

[Image: 28559040735_9d54e4d778.jpg]Pullip Eternia by it's_a_secret, en Flickr

[Image: 28530877571_4226f0928f.jpg]Sin nombre aún-Pullip Eternia by it's_a_secret, en Flickr

The lighting is a mess I know ^^'
Thank you it's a secret & congrats on your new beautiful doll Eternia!

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