Elfy's Doll a Week 2019
It depends on which origin story you read, and I’m far more aux faix with Marvel than DC. My main association with Harley was the Suicide Squad film and in that she was actually The Joker’s therapist, until close association with him led to becoming obsessed with him and every bit as psychotic as he is.
The Joker is a bit ... well his origin depends on what story he feels like telling that day.

I really like the little variants of Harley - is that the bombshell design too, I can't quite tell.
They’re all the Bombshell designs - series 3 includes men this time, Joker Batman & Superman
My Girls: Alice Mint du Jardine (Lottie), Brand New Purrezza (Amelia), Ayanamei Rei (Evie), Princess Ann/Roman Holiday (Kit), Aquel (Becky), Scarlet (Izzy), Meg (Jo-Meg), Laura (Antimony), Nahh-Ato (Shala), Chicca (Maeve), Peter Pan (Meredith), VeryBerryPop (Daisy), SDCC2016 Wonder Woman (Diana), Taffy (Tansy), Amelia (Beatrice), Steampunk Cheshire Cat (Antoinette), Arietta (Ashli), Naoko (Zoey), Mocha MIO (Nyxie), Steampunk Mad Hatter (Hattie), Sapphire Princess Knight (Roni), Steampunk Alice (Lizette), Asoka Sorayu (Nova), Steampunk Taeyang Dodo (Theodore), Steampunk Isul White Rabbit (Finn), Tiphona (Felicity), Anthy Himemiya (Ester), Mocha MIO (honey), Alte (Bethan)
I don't know very much about comics in general, and I don't care for Suicide Squad either, but I DO know a little bit about Harley, like that she's finally gotten away from that abusive relationship with Mr. Joker and is now dating Poison Ivy! Woo! (I don't think she has ever been The Joker's daughter in any version, though. As far as I know she always did start off as his therapist turned girlfriend.)

I've always had a fascination with Harley Quinn, and I blame it on the fact I almost shared a name with her until my dad stopped it and named me Haley instead. Tongue

These figures are so adorable!! I love them.
Oohhh, I’ve got an Ivy in the collection. I may to do a shot of her with one of the Harley’s.
I kind of changed my mind for what I was going to post this week. One of our Pullips actually belongs to me. Lejays gave her to me on our anniversary last year. We call her Roni, or to use her correct title Princess Veronica Sapphire. She's a Pullip version of a manga/anime character called Princess Knight. I used to watch the show as a kid and when I saw the Pullip version of her I just fell in love. Last year Lejays posted a pic fic about Roni driving the Pullip's purple jeep, because Kit (in our Pullip world, Princess Anne, Audrey Hepburn from Roman Holiday, is called Kit and she's Roni's older sister) wouldn't let Roni drive her Vespa, and her horse; Opal, was still in quarantine. I managed to find a Pullip sized horse that wasn't too pricey yesterday, so now that I have reunited with a horse, and she is technically my Pullip, I thought I'd a weekly photo of it.

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Roni is very happy to have Opal out of quarantine, although she's not entirely sure that she should have let Kit decorate his mane and choose what colour saddle. Jo watches on and waits for the ride Roni promised her in repayment for the driving lessons in the jeep.

Bonus image:

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As this was her first time on a horse, Jo was understandably a little uncertain as a rider.
Yay for Opal getting out of quarantine.

I was so tempted to get a pic of you lying on the grass getting this weeks shot...
My Girls: Alice Mint du Jardine (Lottie), Brand New Purrezza (Amelia), Ayanamei Rei (Evie), Princess Ann/Roman Holiday (Kit), Aquel (Becky), Scarlet (Izzy), Meg (Jo-Meg), Laura (Antimony), Nahh-Ato (Shala), Chicca (Maeve), Peter Pan (Meredith), VeryBerryPop (Daisy), SDCC2016 Wonder Woman (Diana), Taffy (Tansy), Amelia (Beatrice), Steampunk Cheshire Cat (Antoinette), Arietta (Ashli), Naoko (Zoey), Mocha MIO (Nyxie), Steampunk Mad Hatter (Hattie), Sapphire Princess Knight (Roni), Steampunk Alice (Lizette), Asoka Sorayu (Nova), Steampunk Taeyang Dodo (Theodore), Steampunk Isul White Rabbit (Finn), Tiphona (Felicity), Anthy Himemiya (Ester), Mocha MIO (honey), Alte (Bethan)
Hurray, Roni finally has her trusty steed! And that's so nice that she let Jo ride him to repay her for the driving lessons!
You have Princess Sapphire! Princess Knight is one of my faves!

Seriously, it's an amazing shot!
Aw, glad she got Opal back.
Very cute shot!!
How fun that you and Lejays can share the hobby and take pictures together. I love it!
Also love the glimpse of your greeeen yard and the lovely tropical-looking trees. wink
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Hooray for Roni finally being having her own means of transportation. I'm sure Opal is glad to be out of quarantine, too.
Thank you to everyone. I was so stoked when I saw there was a Pullip of Princess Knight. I’m not really into manga/anime, but I did love that one. We need a Pullip version of Tink. I was lucky to find a right size horse cheap, too.
I love the bombshells minis, and these are great pictures of them! And the Pullips look like they had fun on the horses.

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