Werepuppy's (Attempt At) Doll-A-Day 2019!
A dance of Matilda’s?
(06-02-2019, 08:59 PM)Lejays17 Wrote: Ooh, I can definitely pick the Quentin Blake model - he has a very distinctive art style

He really has. It's actually quite hard to mimic his style, as well. I've tried. But it does mean you always recognise it from anywhere.

(06-03-2019, 02:16 AM)Jubilee Wrote: I love pokemon.-. I'm excited to see the new game. Scorbunny is my favorite new starter.I have books that have the pokemon from different generations(like if you don't remember their names which that happens to me at times as well ). I don't know if there is one for alola though. I'm neutral on snuball as a pokemon '_" . Is snuball one of your favorites though. I  really love pokemon so its great to hear about other people liking it.

I don't think I have a favourite of the new starters yet, I'm waiting on some more information. Mind you, I don't have a Switch, so unless they release a cheaper or newer model, I will have to wait a long time to get hold of Sword/Shield to have a go of them. I think a lot of the strategy books/info books are done away with now, and I think they stopped being produced just before Sun/Moon. Snubbull is one of my Gen 2 faves, I like how they always look so grumpy. 

(06-03-2019, 03:46 AM)neon_jellyfish Wrote: Now, I didn't have to google these! They're both cute!

Little Miss Matilda is one of the cuties of the book world! 

(06-03-2019, 09:52 AM)davidd Wrote: Two Matildas? Or... Matildæ? Crikey! That means twice as much waltzing!

Well, at least they each have a partner to waltz with! 

(06-03-2019, 04:52 PM)Elfy Wrote: A dance of Matilda’s?

Ooh, I like that one! 

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154. The Jet-Set Pets
[Image: 54962327_f81761cee25a6c070d339f148743701d_standard.jpg]
The full name of this line weirdly made me think of things like Charlie's Angels and Emma Peel of the Avengers (UK spy series), so I had to do a picture for it, clearly.
Great action pose with your jet-setters!
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
I get none of the references, but they're pretty!
An excellent picture - before I read the note I thought it was Charlie’s Angels.
My Girls: Alice Mint du Jardine (Lottie), Brand New Purrezza (Amelia), Ayanamei Rei (Evie), Princess Ann/Roman Holiday (Kit), Aquel (Becky), Scarlet (Izzy), Meg (Jo-Meg), Laura (Antimony), Nahh-Ato (Shala), Chicca (Maeve), Peter Pan (Meredith), VeryBerryPop (Daisy), SDCC2016 Wonder Woman (Diana), Taffy (Tansy), Amelia (Beatrice), Steampunk Cheshire Cat (Antoinette), Arietta (Ashli), Naoko (Zoey), Mocha MIO (Nyxie), Steampunk Mad Hatter (Hattie), Sapphire Princess Knight (Roni), Steampunk Alice (Lizette), Asoka Sorayu (Nova), Steampunk Taeyang Dodo (Theodore), Steampunk Isul White Rabbit (Finn), Tiphona (Felicity), Anthy Himemiya (Ester), Mocha MIO (honey), Alte (Bethan)
Yep, the Charlie’s Angels vibe is definitely there!
@werepuppy I don't have a switch either so I might just watch a playthrough of it ."_". Also if they really stopped making guide books and info ones that sucks,I  enjoyed them especially if people wanted to get in pokemon they would have these to learn about them. Ah and yeah they look like they have a puppet mouth (snuball).I get it if you don't have a favorite starter for the new game,it'll be great to see their evolutions.
Thanks for the comments, all!

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155. The Goodest of Boys
[Image: 55021705_a81965439b232d21c4ce5e6a51582316_standard.jpg]
Olivia got a puppy. She's calling him Bernard.
That's so very cute!
Very cute, and your Charlie's Angels girls are fun. Such a varied collection.
[Image: 52753689362_648099ee70_o.jpg]
[Image: 52754230731_a6068b46d4_o.jpg][Image: 50534896333_d4a2b8e718_o.jpg][Image: 52754472289_1f6d6c34b1_o.jpg][Image: 49782607208_b108a0ee26_o.jpg]
Oh boy, rabies and fleas! Fun times ahead!
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
(06-05-2019, 01:19 AM)neon_jellyfish Wrote: That's so very cute!

Olivia was so happy to get her own puppy. 

(06-05-2019, 12:43 PM)Alliecat Wrote: Very cute, and your Charlie's Angels girls are fun. Such a varied collection.

Those girls are from the Pinkie Cooper and the Jet-Set Pets line. In my doll-canon, they are actually spies and the fashion school thing is a cover. 

(06-05-2019, 01:22 PM)davidd Wrote: Oh boy, rabies and fleas! Fun times ahead!

It's Olivia's job to look after him! 

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156. The Bunnies of the House
[Image: 55021490_c7dca8bf17d2c109b1a1bb823b8e0f52_standard.jpg]
Just took a group picture of my little bunny dolls. They're interesting to look at, really. The tallest two are Petworks Usaggie dolls, then there's Rabbie in the middle, and the smaller two are Tea Bunnies.
What a colorful bunny family! Ever felt tempted to add Sylvanian Families / Calico Critters to it?
Very interesting collection... I think the green one is my favorite. It has an alien vibe going on.
(06-06-2019, 05:16 AM)neon_jellyfish Wrote: What a colorful bunny family! Ever felt tempted to add Sylvanian Families / Calico Critters to it?

yay  I was looking at a Calico Critters bunny family in a store today and thinking about this photo, and wondering the same thing!
They're not dolls, they're action figures!

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