Show your new Doll!
(05-31-2019, 03:31 AM)werepuppy Wrote: Oh, she is so cute! The kimono looks really good for the small size.

*resist urge to comment on Scottish Piper* lol

Thanks guys!
Kuroko is very nice and I was pretty lucky to have found her. Only 1500 yen too!

As for tiny Scottish girl, her skirt have the annoying tendency to fall down to her ankles. At least she's not going commando like TRUE Scotsman have to do!  LOL
[Image: 8ZtVOxb.jpg]
Yay for another mini collection! They are underappreciated and she's really cute. smile

Congrats to Goblin & dargosmydaddy too on your new additions. Lovely to find dolls you've wanted for ages at affordable prices!
[Image: 52753689362_648099ee70_o.jpg]
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(05-31-2019, 11:43 AM)Alliecat Wrote: Yay for another mini collection!  They are underappreciated and she's really cute.  smile

Well, the Minis are quite appreciated... if the price is right.
Still hoping to find an affordable mini Byul Creamy Mami… sad
[Image: 8ZtVOxb.jpg]
Got a modest Mandarake haul. Some prize anime figures and Little Principessa!

[Image: dHs0cJy.jpg]

The Mikus are pretty damn solid for their low price point. Ribbon Girl is adorable and the normal one will be sent to an artist so that she can turn her into a different character.

[Image: JmYAWm3.jpg]

Homura and Madoca are sleeping together, in a yin/yang fashion. This have lots of symbolics on so many levels! You much watch the awsome anime if you don't know why.

[Image: XMRukpT.jpg]

And finally, Principessa. From the back, the wig cap is apparent but once her bonnet is on, she's perfect. Some bright colors is a welcome change of pace from all that black.

[Image: fgqneM9.jpg]
[Image: 8ZtVOxb.jpg]
Kanrabat, I know the post was about your figures and Little Princi, but I must say that Little Craziia is adorable! As well as the cheery Kikipop girl. x3

[Image: 48193320451_6d31b23e7b.jpg]
Violette is more beautiful in person than she is online. I'm not even slightly disappointed I missed out on Hortense, because I liked Violette so much better to start with!!!
(Just look at all those moons! I love it Heart 2 )
[Image: 49035651448_1fbe84a2fc_o_d.jpg]

Ooh, so much purple! She's adorable; congrats!
(07-04-2019, 12:38 PM)*NatTheCat* Wrote: Violette is more beautiful in person than she is online. I'm not even slightly disappointed I missed out on Hortense, because I liked Violette so much better to start with!!!
(Just look at all those moons! I love it Heart 2 )

Woah, she's truly magnificent! She have a very premium feel to her.

Now the hard question: To debox or not?   Innocent
[Image: 8ZtVOxb.jpg]
So pretty! And so purple! Congratulations on Violette! She's beautiful!
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
Two new additions arrived in the last few days here... meet Gloriana (Dal Ho-ho) and Novalie (Pullip My Melody)

[Image: 48205791517_4aaec739f7_z.jpg]NovaGlory1 by tisue999, on Flickr

Dal Ho-ho is courtesy of the Groove Sample Sale... she made an appearance there earlier this year, and I considered her and ultimately passed, and then when she disappeared for awhile I regretted it. So when she popped up again, I got her. She's adorable, and came with all her outfit pieces and little goodies, making me think once again that many of the reoccurring Sample Sale dolls are really just unboxed dolls that aren't selling well... Ho-ho in box is currently listed at $120.99 on the Groove website, while the Sample Sale version is $44... who knew the box, stand, and card are worth $76.99!

My Melody is a doll I've thought was cute for quite awhile, so I had my eye on her when a bald/ nude/ rechipped version ended up on ebay a few weeks ago. I put a bid in, but she ended up selling for quite a bit more than I was willing to pay... Then she reappeared (same one) a week later... while I was debating her not-so-bad BIN price, someone put a first bid in... kept my eye on her throughout the auction and put the BIN price in at the very end but was outbid... Then she was relisted again that very same evening... and this time I won her for under the BIN price, so I was quite pleased. She's adorable! I love her little smile. (Meanwhile Ho-ho looks rather displeased that she did not arrive at a beach...)
Interesting saga leading up to your acquisition of Melody. Apparently she was determined to end up at your house!

That story illustrates the serious problem on eBay with non-paying bidders, which is a significant inconvenience for sellers, but which occasionally works out well for buyers.

Congratulations on the pretty new arrivals!
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
She's adorable! LOL

As for Melody, congrats on getting her. But this illustrate why I'm so reluctant to sell anything on Ebay nowadays.
[Image: 8ZtVOxb.jpg]
Congrats on all the new arrivals, everyone! smile
Wow, dargos, that's lucky! It echoes how I got Petra -- she went around 3x too. At the time I didn't realize non-paying bidders were such an epidemic. How dumb -- but then lucky for us!
[Image: 52753689362_648099ee70_o.jpg]
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(07-04-2019, 12:56 PM)Kanrabat Wrote:
(07-04-2019, 12:38 PM)*NatTheCat* Wrote: Violette is more beautiful in person than she is online. I'm not even slightly disappointed I missed out on Hortense, because I liked Violette so much better to start with!!!
(Just look at all those moons! I love it Heart 2 )

Woah, she's truly magnificent! She have a very premium feel to her.

Now the hard question: To debox or not?   Innocent
Debox, all the way. Those plastic bands leave marks on their foreheads sometimes... and besides, how can I enjoy her with my other dolls if she's stuck in a time capsule? xp.
(And thanks, everybody! She is very purple. Probably half the reason I like her so much. Tongue.)

And Dargos, congrats on your girls! I was watching that Melody repeatedly reappear and was wondering if she'd ever sell or not. Glad she found a home! x3
[Image: 49035651448_1fbe84a2fc_o_d.jpg]


Finally, I got Jun Planning's Rozen Maiden Suiseiseki and Byul Docolla Creamy Mami!

[Image: cAtScn4.jpg]

Creamy Mamy is absolutely fantastic.
I do have a rule to debox everything but this time around, Creamy must remain sealed. Only a corner of the box is dented. The rest is absolutely perfect. Plus the doll is perfectly visible, fully dressed, and there's a picture of the Anime character on front. Also, this doll is stupidly rare and stupidly expensive. So she will remain boxed.

[Image: EbyBrZ7.jpg]

The display is perfect!

[Image: N72z1bk.jpg]

Why do I love that character and her anime so much? I just saw it last year for the first time! It's pretty weird...
Now, will I get the Dollfie version of her? At 150K yen for a used one? Hmmmmm……. Never say never I guess...

On to JP Suiseiseki.

Why getting her while I already have the Groove version? Because I always wanted her. But I wanted the other just as much. So it just ended up as a "why not both?"
BTW, that doll was cheaper because the box was supposed to be in bad shape all over... But this here box is PERFECT! So, once again, I'm going to break a house rule and carefully debox the doll in order to keep the box.

[Image: HQ1IAdY.jpg]

The JP version have more stuff than the Groove one. Suiseiseki have her weapon (a watering can), better shoes (although a bit slimy due to age) she have more frills and she even have TROUSSERS!

[Image: eqGqYCY.jpg]

Her metal stand have the RM brand name on it.

[Image: m1sc6WF.jpg]

So, who's better in the end? Jun Planning or Groove?

[Image: sNf8AWQ.jpg]

I say both are equally awesome in their own right. Goove's is more anime accurate. Even almost perfectly so.
Jun's is more like a "true" doll, with enhanced details, a different head shape, and eyes. Next to each others, they are so different, it's almost like they are not the same character! So having both is just PERFECT!


I got something else too. Something big. Look up for a new thread on the Other Dolls Art Gallery!
[Image: 8ZtVOxb.jpg]
I did not know that Pullips of the same character were released by both Jun Planning and Groove, with slight differences! Or not so slight, actually! That is quite a fascinating fact to learn!

I've never seen a Pullip stand with the character name printed on it before, either. This is quite an educational post!

I'm guessing that the Dolfie Creamy Mamy is pretty much a given at this point, seeing as how a sub-collection is already well on its way!
They're not dolls, they're action figures!

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