Neon’s A Doll A Day… Again (2020)
Must be the lighting making her head look particularly large... or is she aspiring to Pullip proportions LOL
Hope your weather (and knee) cooperates tomorrow.
[Image: 52753689362_648099ee70_o.jpg]
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Thanks everyone!

Day 307

My head decided to show my knee some solidarity and started aching, too, so I didn't go visit the grave this year (might get to it later, but nothing beats visiting on All Souls Day). I mentioned grave candles last year - special candles in glasses with lids, which I absolutely love. Aside from putting them on the grave, our family also put them on our windows, as a tribute to those dearly departed who are buried elsewhere / not at all (the part of family that lives in Slovakia keeps the urns at home), so this is my window-grave candle (the one in the middle).

I've hit another Isowannadropthischallenge patch. For some time, I thought I became addicted to daily dolly photos, but right now, I don't think so. Right now I don't feel like doing any sort of challenge next year, not even the weekly one. It's becoming a chore more than anything else. I'll decide after I'm done with 2020.

[Image: f6250ccd808772b67cdfcc2342df2038.jpg]
Aww, this photo looks so lovely.

I hope you are not doing with photo challenges - it's always lovely seeing what you come up with
I often think about your informative and interesting grave candles post from last year. We learn so much from you over the course of each year about history and legends and stories... and sometimes even about dolls.

I'm going through a "drop it now, because who cares anyway" patch myself.

I would say that if it's more chore than fun, drop it... next year. I suspect you would be very annoyed with yourself for having made it through this much of 2020 only to falter at the very end. What do we have, fewer than sixty days remaining. On a day that you're feeling up to it you could even set up and snap the majority of the photos necessary to see you through the remainder of the year.

I think at least a couple of us will be re-thinking the daily challenge for next year, particularly if there is little change in the world situation over the next few months.
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
That’s a lovely picture, and I really like the use of candlelight.
Oh, the window candle is very meaningful to me, for reasons TL,DR. That is a nicely lit photo.
Sorry you're feeling bummed out. I can imagine having to post a photo a day would be quite a challenge. But as davidd said, you have posted a lot of interesting and educational things, so I hope you'll at least continue with a weekly pic -- that's not hard. It shouldn't be a chore though, daily OR weekly. It should be fun. Hope you can rediscover some fun doing it.
[Image: 52753689362_648099ee70_o.jpg]
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(11-03-2020, 01:36 AM)werepuppy Wrote: Aww, this photo looks so lovely.

I hope you are not doing with photo challenges - it's always lovely seeing what you come up with

Thank you very much!

I'm definitely not done with them forever, but I might want to take a break next year.

(11-03-2020, 02:03 AM)davidd Wrote: I often think about your informative and interesting grave candles post from last year. We learn so much from you over the course of each year about history and legends and stories... and sometimes even about dolls.

I'm going through a "drop it now, because who cares anyway" patch myself.

I would say that if it's more chore than fun, drop it... next year. I suspect you would be very annoyed with yourself for having made it through this much of 2020 only to falter at the very end. What do we have, fewer than sixty days remaining. On a day that you're feeling up to it you could even set up and snap the majority of the photos necessary to see you through the remainder of the year.

I think at least a couple of us will be re-thinking the daily challenge for next year, particularly if there is little change in the world situation over the next few months.

Thank you!

Oh, I'm definitely not going to drop out now (that's what I meant by deciding after I'm done with 2020), Someone wants the challenge completed (with extra day!), and we just discussed what Someone does to troublemakers (...what blood.), so I'm definitely going to finish the remaining two months. But I'll see about next year. This year was mostly me not being able to do the things I'd planned, partially due to migraines, partially due to the whole world being bonkers, and that's frustrating. I'm also bored out of my mind with the same old, same old photos on black background, I'd like something more creative for a change, but right now, I don't have enough creative juices to do something about it.

(11-03-2020, 02:23 PM)Elfy Wrote: That’s a lovely picture, and I really like the use of candlelight.

Thank you!!!

(11-03-2020, 04:02 PM)Alliecat Wrote: Oh, the window candle is very meaningful to me, for reasons TL,DR.  That is a nicely lit photo.
Sorry you're feeling bummed out.  I can imagine having to post a photo a day would be quite a challenge.  But as davidd said, you have posted a lot of interesting and educational things, so I hope you'll at least continue with a weekly pic -- that's not hard.  It shouldn't be a chore though, daily OR weekly.  It should be fun.  Hope you can rediscover some fun doing it.

I think I can see why. Thank you and thank you!

Day are we there yet? 308

ADAW #41 (I'm behind, I need ketchup)

The knee is getting better, the migraine is getting worse (but I can still see well enough to draw), so I bring you another uber-simple migraine doodle. Also, it's Jellyfish Day, so yaaay, I guess.

[Image: 922a1bed13496578a971217caa46dff2.jpg]
Jellyfish doodle looks fantastic!

Also Haunted Rochelle has such a soft looking face-up. It's so lovely.
I saw a picture of this version of Rochelle on Instagram a few days ago, and I was wondering what it was. Now I know.

Lovely jellyfish drawing. The deep blue colours look very abyssal.

This illustration reminds me of when I was in the third grade (age 8 or 9, I suppose) and trying to draw illustrations of jellyfish for a school report. Needless to say, my childish pencil scrawl looked nothing like your delicately rendered denizens of the deep!

Find yourself a flat piece of styrofoam (polystyrene) or foamcore board, paint some "bricks" on it, and you'll have yourself a different... although admittedly similarly monotonous... background with which to work!  yay

The portraits you create of your dolls are so lovely that the backgrounds don't really matter. And you do have the circus set!
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
The windown candle is such a nice idea, and I'm sorry that you couldn't celebrate it properly.

HauntedRochelle is softly pretty - all the Haunted line were really - and cute pics of the jellyfish.

You're hardly alone with 2020 giving you a good kicking, it's been an awful time for everyone, and it's not looking any better in the short term. But yay for sticking out the year & making a decision for 2021 later.

Like Alliecat & davidd (& others), said, the posts you do with the cultural informtion are so fascinating to read & inspire me to look up the things myself for further research.
My Girls: Alice Mint du Jardine (Lottie), Brand New Purrezza (Amelia), Ayanamei Rei (Evie), Princess Ann/Roman Holiday (Kit), Aquel (Becky), Scarlet (Izzy), Meg (Jo-Meg), Laura (Antimony), Nahh-Ato (Shala), Chicca (Maeve), Peter Pan (Meredith), VeryBerryPop (Daisy), SDCC2016 Wonder Woman (Diana), Taffy (Tansy), Amelia (Beatrice), Steampunk Cheshire Cat (Antoinette), Arietta (Ashli), Naoko (Zoey), Mocha MIO (Nyxie), Steampunk Mad Hatter (Hattie), Sapphire Princess Knight (Roni), Steampunk Alice (Lizette), Asoka Sorayu (Nova), Steampunk Taeyang Dodo (Theodore), Steampunk Isul White Rabbit (Finn), Tiphona (Felicity), Anthy Himemiya (Ester), Mocha MIO (honey), Alte (Bethan)
Thank you very much, everone!

Day 309

The focus is a bit migrained, but look! My Aca x Zygo hybrid's blooming! Only three blossoms on a single stem (they tend to have more), but considering that I can't provide her with a proper habitat, this is success! I guess my frantic misting her leaves the whole summer payed off! Yaaay!

[Image: 2182257f370107a431ce1c1db42452fd.jpg]
Lovely botanical photography! Reminds me very much of photographic illustrations I have seen in vintage magazine articles and books.

Can't provide a proper habitat? You mean you do not have an enormous glass house or conservatory adjacent to your villa?
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
Oooh, so lovely!!

It just shows it off so well
Whoooaaaa, that is a fantabulous orchid!! I had to look up "Aca". Oooh so pretty!!! I would love a zygo. They are really cool. Those are exotics that we wouldn't get here -- you can't even buy on eBay because of phytosanitary import restrictions.
My beallara, which suffers chronic concertina growth, has a spike for the first time in several years. Fingers crossed!
Love the colours in this pic and how your model is colour-coordinated.
The jellyfish doodle is cool too -- the 'reverse' effect of white drawing on a dark background is neat.
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