davidd's A Doll A Day Challenge 2020

[Image: december19a.jpg]
Uhmm... can we start again?
Start what?
Start opening the present!
The present we had to stop opening?
Yes, the present we had to stop opening!
The present we had to stop opening back in November?
Why did we have to stop opening the present back in November?
Somebody said "STOP!"
Who said "STOP?" Did you say "STOP?"
I don't know! Maybe I said "STOP!" Or maybe you said "STOP!"
We all look alike! I can't tell us apart!

[Image: december19b.jpg]
I think we can start again!
Start what?
Start opening the present!
Start opening the present that we stopped opening?
Start opening the present that we stopped opening back in November?
Yes, start opening the present that we stopped opening back in November!
Resume opening the present that we stopped opening back in November!
Oooh, listen to you, all fanceh French and stuff!
"Re-zoom," not "Ray-zuu-may!"

[Image: december19c.jpg]
Re-zoom? You mean, start over? From the very beginning?
*Sigh* Okay, from the top... what is it?
Yes, what is it?
It's... can we skip the big colorful box part? It's a present!
What kind of present?
I can't read the words!
You should have paid more attention in school!
I can't read the words because they're upside down!
The proof-reader at the paper factory must have been asleep at the switch!
Or... maybe the box... I mean the present... is upside down!
The present is upside down!
Maybe that means... it's a cake!
An upside-down cake!
Maybe that means... the present belongs in Australia!

[Image: december19d.jpg]
I've heard that there's One Of Us in Australia. But she goes by a different name.
She should come live with us. Then she would get presents.

[Image: december19e.jpg]
Maybe we should flip the present over!
Oh. So it won't be upside-down.
Oh. So it will be right side up.
Oh. So we can read the words.
Oh. So we can read what kind of present it is.

[Image: december19f.jpg]
Okay, get ready to lift.
Lift? I thought we were going to flip!
I'm going to flip if you don't lift!
All together now...

[Image: december19g.jpg]
YAY! We lifted the present!
YAY! We flipped the present!
YAY! We... wait! Where's the kangaroo?
I think the kangaroo is in Australia. With the other One Of Us.
The One Of Us who doesn't get presents.

[Image: december19h.jpg]
Now read the words!
Yes, now read the words!
Yes, now read the right side up words!

[Image: december19i.jpg]
Yadhtrib yppah!
Yadhtrib yppah!
Yadhtrib yppah!
Yadhtrib yppah!

[Image: december19j.jpg]
Looks like we have summoned an eldritch horror, a Yosothotheric abomination from the depths of R'lyeh!

[Image: december19k1.jpg]
Aw, man!
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!
You can say that again!

[Image: december19k2.jpg]
No! Do NOT say that again!

[Image: december19l.jpg]
Quick! Flip the present over!
Yes! Flip the present over!
Yes... uhmm... why are we flipping the present over?
Because then we can read the incantation backwards!
Read the incantat... what's an incantation?
The words on the present! We can read the words on the present backwards!
And then things will go back to the way they were!
When there were unicorns? And dinosaurs?
Maybe, but mostly when there was no eldritch horror!
No Yosothotheric abomination?
No abominable eldritch Yosotheric horror from the depths of R'lyeh?

[Image: december19m.jpg]
Get ready to flip!
I thought we were... OW!

[Image: december19n.jpg]
We flipped it! YAY!
We flipped it! R'l-YAY!
Don't ad lib! Just read the words!

[Image: december19o.jpg]
Happy Birthday!
Happy... Birthday?
. . .
We coulda saved ourselves a lot of trouble, huh?

[Image: december19p.jpg]
Where did the abominable eldritch Yosothotheric entity go?
Back to R'lyeh, prolly.
Or maybe Australia.
Can we just open the present now?
The present?
The birthday present!
Yes, let's open the birthday present!
But... whose birthday is it?
(*psssst!* We'll just say it's all our birthdays!)

[Image: december19q.jpg]
I'll get the scissors!
I'll get the dynamite!
Let's just pull off the tape!

[Image: december19r.jpg]
What's in the present?
What's in the box?
What's in the present box?

[Image: december19s.jpg]

[Image: december19t.jpg]
That pony... kind of looks like you!
I think the pony looks like you!
I think the pony looks like....

[Image: december19u.jpg]
Me! I think the pony looks like ME!

[Image: december19v.jpg]
Oh! She's...
She... looks like the pony!
And the pony looks like you!
And like you!
And like... all of us!
The pony looks like all of us!

[Image: december19w.jpg]
And the pony looks like ME!

[Image: december19x.jpg]
So... YOU look like ALL OF US!
You're ONE OF US!
One of us? Not ONE of us!

[Image: december19y.jpg]
Eight Of Us!
And... we have a pony!

[Image: december19z.jpg]
Are you from Australia?
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
Well that escalated quickly.
Now I'm going to go look for a blue light flashlight or whatever that was.
And I am not at all surprised at the contents of the box.
Well, maybe the pony is a little surprising.
I wonder if this one will be able to marshal the others into some sort of order. LOL
A lot of work in all that posing -- I LOL'd.
[Image: 52753689362_648099ee70_o.jpg]
[Image: 52754230731_a6068b46d4_o.jpg][Image: 50534896333_d4a2b8e718_o.jpg][Image: 52754472289_1f6d6c34b1_o.jpg][Image: 49782607208_b108a0ee26_o.jpg]
One of us! One of us! One of us!
This is fantastic!

So much setting up & posing of them all for the photos, I’m really impressed, I particularly liked the ones with the Eldritch Abomination & the blue light. So, so clever.

And Bea was listening, and now she wants to know where her pony is. She’s wondering if she could wrap Opal up without Ronnie getting annoyed smile smile
My Girls: Alice Mint du Jardine (Lottie), Brand New Purrezza (Amelia), Ayanamei Rei (Evie), Princess Ann/Roman Holiday (Kit), Aquel (Becky), Scarlet (Izzy), Meg (Jo-Meg), Laura (Antimony), Nahh-Ato (Shala), Chicca (Maeve), Peter Pan (Meredith), VeryBerryPop (Daisy), SDCC2016 Wonder Woman (Diana), Taffy (Tansy), Amelia (Beatrice), Steampunk Cheshire Cat (Antoinette), Arietta (Ashli), Naoko (Zoey), Mocha MIO (Nyxie), Steampunk Mad Hatter (Hattie), Sapphire Princess Knight (Roni), Steampunk Alice (Lizette), Asoka Sorayu (Nova), Steampunk Taeyang Dodo (Theodore), Steampunk Isul White Rabbit (Finn), Tiphona (Felicity), Anthy Himemiya (Ester), Mocha MIO (honey), Alte (Bethan)
Brilliance of the purest, awesomest grade!

This is so hilarious and creative! The Lovecraftian part is perfection personified, the (black)lighting is absolutely marvelous! Such a funny idea. I'm grinning so much my cheeks hurt! And the posing in the whole batch is off the charts! As someone who came to hate posing Pullips for photos, I'm absolutely mind-blown by this!!!

And the Eight of Them got a pony, what a lovely surprise! I might have been ex!pecting an eldritch abomination to make a cameo appearance, or even the Spanish Inquisition with soft cushions, but I wouldn't ex!pect a pony!

I tip my hat to you, sir. Bravo!
One of us!

And it's a really funny sequence!
[Image: december20.jpg]
20 December – Monster High Jinafire Long - New Scaremester Version

I have managed to misplace the tails of all my Jinafire figures. I think I have three Jinafires, two Scaris and one Scaremester. I know I have the tails; I have seen them relatively recently (in the past year or so) in one of the storage tubs. I do not know how the tails got separated from the figures. It seems that whenever I find the figures I do not remember where the tails are, and when I run across the tails I have no idea where the figures are lurking.
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
The picture is beautiful and the story is rather funny! Though I feel for Jinas, it must feel weird to be missing a tail...
[Image: december21a1.jpg]
21 December – Monster High Astranova views the Grand Planetary Conjuction of Jupiter and Saturn on the night of the Winter Solstice

[Image: december21b1.jpg]
I could not get the planets and Astra to appear in the same photograph, but here Jupiter and Saturn can be seen
just above the trees. I apologize for the motion blur. I did what I could with the equipment I had available

[Image: december21c.jpg]
Thirteen Crystal Skulls assembled together
during the Grand Planetary Conjunction on the Winter Solstice

Thirteen crystal skulls have been resurrected for the Grand Planetary Conjunction occurring on the Winter Solstice of 2020.

The thirteen crystal skulls have been dormant since the Winter Solstice of 2012, when the Mayan calendar predicted the world was about to end... unless thirteen mystical crystal skulls could be brought together.

The world did not end in 2012, so I am hoping that gathering the skulls together once again on this astronomically propitious occasion will help vanquish the malign forces that are presently active around the globe.
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
Poor jinafire to be always missing her tail.

That’s a great shot of the conjunction. And hopefully the crystal skulls will do their work & get rid of the bad vibes of 2020.
My Girls: Alice Mint du Jardine (Lottie), Brand New Purrezza (Amelia), Ayanamei Rei (Evie), Princess Ann/Roman Holiday (Kit), Aquel (Becky), Scarlet (Izzy), Meg (Jo-Meg), Laura (Antimony), Nahh-Ato (Shala), Chicca (Maeve), Peter Pan (Meredith), VeryBerryPop (Daisy), SDCC2016 Wonder Woman (Diana), Taffy (Tansy), Amelia (Beatrice), Steampunk Cheshire Cat (Antoinette), Arietta (Ashli), Naoko (Zoey), Mocha MIO (Nyxie), Steampunk Mad Hatter (Hattie), Sapphire Princess Knight (Roni), Steampunk Alice (Lizette), Asoka Sorayu (Nova), Steampunk Taeyang Dodo (Theodore), Steampunk Isul White Rabbit (Finn), Tiphona (Felicity), Anthy Himemiya (Ester), Mocha MIO (honey), Alte (Bethan)
Grea shot of the conjunction. Too much ambient light out in the burbs to get a good view if these things.
I am just SO BUMMED that it's raining.  [Insert long rant about astronomical observing fails here.]  I mean, I got a glimpse last week when they were farther apart, and that was OK, but the photos were all crap because it was like -15 with wind chill, my eyeballs were frozen & the wind shook the tripod.  Maybe there will be one evening in the next couple weeks I can still see them, but there's no real substitute for seeing The Official Moment Cry

I don't think I've seen that MH before. Cool lighting in all of these!

Hmmm... after reading a bit about black light flashlights I wonder which application yours is for: just dolly photos, or searching for scorpions/bedbugs/dirty hotel beds!  I watched a video where some news outfit showed how hotels were not changing the sheets between customers & UGH  Oh My   ... as another article stated, maybe ignorance is bliss  sad
395nm seems to be the default but that's close enough to almost not count, according to what I read.  Do you find that model effective for... whatever...?
[Image: 52753689362_648099ee70_o.jpg]
[Image: 52754230731_a6068b46d4_o.jpg][Image: 50534896333_d4a2b8e718_o.jpg][Image: 52754472289_1f6d6c34b1_o.jpg][Image: 49782607208_b108a0ee26_o.jpg]
Oh, thank you for the conjunction photo! The weather here wasn't conjunction-friendly, so I'm glad I could at least see it on your photo!

But the best part is the crystal skull assembly! What an idea! I love it. I might need to get some crystal skulls of my own.
(12-22-2020, 04:23 PM)Alliecat Wrote: Hmmm... after reading a bit about black light flashlights I wonder which application yours is for....

I actually purchased the UV flashlight after learning that scorpions glow under black light. So it was for scorpion hunting, although I have not yet used it for that purpose.
I have found that the UV light reveals dust and lint. Carpet lint glows like nobody's business!
It's also great for "charging up" glow-in-the-dark things like wristwatch dials and Bratzillaz dolls!
Mostly I use the light for "special effects" dolly photography.
I actually think that the light I use is a bit too bright. A smaller one might be better for doll photography.

[Image: december22.jpg]
22 December – Ghoulia Yelps presents Road Trip Art

Road trip art? This couldn't possible mean...

Unfortunately, yes, it can.

You'd think, with the country and the world locked down because of a stupid virus, I could stay home for a while, but noooo! Looks like I will be on the road again starting a day or two after Christmas and extending in to the middle of January.

I'm gonna try to figure out a way to post from the road, because... spoiler alert... OF COURSE I'LL BE DOING A DOLL A DAY AGAIN!
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
Amazing doodle! I love the old school adventure vibes!

No tips on how to post from the road, sorry, but I hope you'll be able to figure it out!

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