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08-17-2022, 04:00 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-17-2022, 04:01 AM by davidd.)
(08-16-2022, 01:49 PM)Alliecat Wrote: ...with a lava monster in the background?
Reminds me of the remains of the International Marketplace, where I bought one of these to support one of the vendors who was just so darn nice.
Pele! Goddess (es) of the volcano!
One of these hula dolls came from the Aloha Stadium Swap Meet. The second one was sent to me by a relative after I moved to Utah, "in case you were missing Hawaii."
16 August - A Doll A Day 2022:
16 August - New Book on an Old Subject
Years ago, maybe decades ago, when "internet stuff" was really taking off, I decided I wanted to learn web site design and stuff, so I purchased a big stack of books about HTML and CSS and JAVASCRIPT and related subjects. Back then, most of the books were published by a company called O'Reilly, and they were pretty ex-pensive, like thirty or forty bucks apiece. I spent a couple hundred bucks or more on those books, and I lugged them around for years -- while barely cracking open a single cover. I kept those books until they were obsolete. I think I finally donated them to the local library book sale in Waialua.
Here I am, forever and an age later, and a week or ten days ago I had a sudden urge once again to learn to set up a web page on my own. I literally took a break from what I was doing -- some kind of fix-it project outside -- and fired up the computer and searched Amazon for a current, entry-level HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) book.
HTML code is the "language" used to program web pages. As is to be ex-pected, HTML gets updated periodically. I think the current version is HTML 5. Supposedly this new book I purchased is current, although, gah! Amazon reviews! Some reviews say the book is all up to date. Other reviews say it is outdated. So whatever -- it's probably adequate, especially since I'm unlikely to ever open the book.
I mean, seriously, why do I want to create a web page? Individual web pages, and blogs, and, if recent activity levels here at DM are an accurate indicator, forums are yesterday's news. I shoulda bought a book on how to use TikTok or... what seems kind of weird to me, apparently Discord is making a comeback of sorts with The Younger Generation. I was talking to some college-age relatives a while back, and asking them what online hangouts they use, and they told me that they are mostly on Discord.
If Discord is making a comeback, then Dolly Market seems kinda hep, huh? I mean, there's still a Dolly Market live chat "server" on Discord:
Discord does my head in. I have no idea how the navigation works. But Dolly Market has a Discord channel, and I've recently been stepping back in -- teeny tiny bit -- to try to figure out the new AI text-based image generating app that's all the rage, MidJourney, that is hosted on Discord.
Anyway, for some reason, I wanted to learn to make a simple web page, so I bought a book. The books are still ex-pensive, and O'Reilly is still around, although this is not an O'Reilly book.
The spiral binding is a fun and functional touch. The spiral bound version cost more than the regular spine version, but if I'm gonna have a book that I'm never going to use, I may as well have the more fun and functional version.
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
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08-17-2022, 05:36 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-17-2022, 05:37 AM by fishy.)
Discord is a hellhole full of pedophiles, communists, and neonazis and guys who do all three.
Kids using is it is horrible.
I have a grooming story from one of the "kid-friendly" hobby ones that'd make your hair stand on end. (The police got involved, but too late and afaik did nothing.) I can't even bear to see the app anymore even though there's a doll channel from here.
Old-school sites and forums are best.
(Tiktok's full of nuts too, I've heard.)
If I ever have kids, they get two choices from our heritage: telegraph or smoke signals. No internet.
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08-17-2022, 03:03 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-17-2022, 03:04 PM by Alliecat.
Edit Reason: because
Ehh, that sounds like a lot of work. If you want to build a nice website with a super easy designer, Wix is free…
I really ought to finish mine sometime.
Nice to see you back, fishy.
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08-18-2022, 11:16 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-18-2022, 12:00 PM by davidd.)
fishy Wrote:Discord is a hellhole full of pedophiles, communists, and neonazis and guys who do all three.
I haven't seen a lot of that on the Dolly Market channel. I must be missing all the good stuff. As I said, when it comes to navigating Discord, I'm clueless. The whole thing seems utterly chaotic.
(08-17-2022, 03:03 PM)Alliecat Wrote: Ehh, that sounds like a lot of work. If you want to build a nice website with a super easy designer, Wix is free…
I really ought to finish mine sometime.
Yes, WIX looks like a pretty decent platform. Several people from the action figure forums have WIX accounts. I wonder if WIX sites have issues with being hacked like WordPress sites?
Your website? Oh, yes, the one you set up back in the Golden Age of Sail.  Who knew teh interwebz were around back then!
17 August - A Doll A Day 2022:
17 August - Frankie Tries to Wrap Her Head Around the Metaverse
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08-18-2022, 01:09 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-18-2022, 01:11 PM by Alliecat.
Edit Reason: 42
She looks really absorbed. I think most days many of us would be better off exiting the metaverse.
(Maybe it’s just me, shrug)
Yes, I had to redo my site on a better platform, and long story short still haven’t officially finished it. Everything that was on the old one is there, but I thought I would like to put a doll page up as well. That shouldn’t take that long!
That discord link is a blank white screen on my phone at least. Am I missing something?
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08-19-2022, 11:35 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-19-2022, 11:36 AM by davidd.)
(08-18-2022, 01:09 PM)Alliecat Wrote: She looks really absorbed. I think most days many of us would be better off exiting the metaverse.
(Maybe it’s just me, shrug)
It's not just you. There's insanity running rampant online, even on doll and figure forums. I'm trying to decide which venues to exit permanently and which ones to scale back for a while.
The madness is all across the physical universe as well. I think we here in the States are totally doomed this coming election. Actually, I don't think things are going to last until the coming election.
18 August - A Doll A Day 2022:
18 August - Hasbro Action Man Net Trapper and Jungle Dart Figures
Blow through a tube in the back of the Jungle Dart figure
to shoot a foam 'poison dart' across the room
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
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Even on doll & figure forums? That surprises me a little because at least the doll forums I look at have always been a nice happy place away from the madness.
These guys look perfectly suited for your wild outdoor surroundings. Will we see them in some adventures?
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08-20-2022, 02:53 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-20-2022, 02:54 PM by davidd.)
(08-19-2022, 01:38 PM)Alliecat Wrote: Even on doll & figure forums? That surprises me a little because at least the doll forums I look at have always been a nice happy place away from the madness.
There's been a lot of friction on one of the Action Figure forums. One of the members has gone in to "easily triggered mode" and has been lodging complaints with Admin about other members. So far one member has had their account deleted in response. Admin seems to be going out of their way to placate the whiner.
Same person has an account on another action figure forum, and tried to get some sh***t started, but the Admin there will have none of it, thank goodness.
One of the other doll forums has become largely a hate-fest against the Smart Doll company and its owner. One of the recently announced Smart Doll costumes has a red and dark grey color scheme with a red stripe on one arm. The Instagram Hordes immediately pounced, calling it a "Nazi uniform" and ex-pressing outrage over the insensitivity. It didn't look "Nazi" to me, but the viciousness became so intense that the Smart Doll account, which was once a thriving "community" by Instagram standards, has now turned off comments. Members of one particular doll forum have had a long-running topic for complaints and grumbling about Smart Dolls, but they kicked it in to high gear over the "Nazi" stuff. Now they're off on a tangent on "child safe," and, swear-to-god, a full-on adult forum member is whining because she pinched her finger in a Smart Doll joint and she thinks they should have safety warnings. It's a ffffkkknnnggg vinyl doll! It's not a fffkkknnnggg combine harvester or wood chipper! Deal with it!
Okay, anyway...
19 August - A Doll A Day 2022:
19 August - England Swings!
Monster High Elissabat and Bratz Pretty 'n' Punk Telephone Box
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
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She’s cute, and the lighting here is neat.
I didn’t even realize there were that many doll forums still active. Too bad that they have fallen victim to the conflict that seems to be everywhere else on the Internet too.
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I'l be back with a ton of catching up pic-spam, eventually, maybe, I think.
But not yet.
Forum was down. I was away for a week. Got spam-banned again. Got sick. Still sick.
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
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1 September - A Doll A Day 2022:
Recently discovered photographic evidence in the form of a mid-19th century daguerreotype offers evidence
supporting anecdotal claims attributing preternatural age to infamous Royal Kadath Society demon hunter Kroger Terreblanche.
Skeptics note that the possibility of digital fakery has, as of yet, not been entirely ruled out.
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
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Couple of very atmospheric photos there. Hope you feel better soon.
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21 August - A Doll A Day 2022:
21 August - Emmy Tending Bar
22 August - A Doll A Day 2022:
22 August - The sooner we get going, the sooner we can get back... in theory.
23 August - A Doll A Day 2022:
23 August - The Nightmare Never Ends
24 August - A Doll A Day 2022:
24 August - "Did I Ever Show You My Old Soft Shoe Routine? Tea for Two?"
25 August - A Doll A Day 2022:
25 August - Rin Claims the Table Top
26 August - A Doll A Day 2022:
26 August - Had I Been Looking For Him, I'd Have Never
Found This Guy in a Million Years
27 August - A Doll A Day 2022:
27 August - Rin Finds a Relic from The Olden Days
28 August - A Doll A Day 2022:
28 August - I Wish I Could Find Her Clothes. So Does She.
29 August - A Doll A Day 2022:
29 August - "Why do we save the broken tops of old soap dispensers, you ask?
Why, because they will make excellent scale model submarine periscopes and snorkels, obviously, duhhh!"
30 August - A Doll A Day 2022:
30 August - Creepy Bratz Baby who Lives in the Back of the Storage Shed
31 August - A Doll A Day 2022:
31 August - Another Night, Another Hotel
1 September - A Doll A Day 2022:
1 September - Kroger Terreblanche
2 September - A Doll A Day 2022:
2 September - Triv fills the power steering fluid
3 September - A Doll A Day 2022:
3 September - Janie tops off the motor oil. During extremely hot weather,
the vehicles seem to require additional maintenance
4 September - A Doll A Day 2022:
4 September - And She Thought These Jobs Couldn't Get Any Worse:
Triv Gets to Empty the Cat Litter Tray
5 September - A Doll A Day 2022:
5 September - "Hey! Is anybody in the mood for lunch at Olive Garden?"
6 September - A Doll A Day 2022:
666 September - H0773r 7h4n H3ll
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
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Great use of the tentacles again.
Who's the blue-hair girl? That's a great shade.
And what a fun idea for the soap dispenser tops! I'm not quite that prone to saving stuff, but I do tend to look at bits & pieces that might be useable, or that I feel bad throwing away cos you can't recycle nuthin' here.
I have the impression that storage shed would be a great set for a Toy Story style movie... the characters who live in the back of the shed and ex-plore all the interesting corners of it.
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(09-07-2022, 10:38 AM)Alliecat Wrote: Who's the blue-hair girl? That's a great shade.
She's one of the Winx Club characters.
7 September - A Doll A Day 2022:
7 September - Revoltech Fräulein Pocco Steampunk Figure
They're not dolls, they're action figures!