davidd’s A DOLL A DAY 2022
10 November - A Doll A Day 2022:

[Image: november10.jpg]
10 November - Congratulations to the Action Man Mobile Ops Forum On Their TENTH ANNIVERSARY
from five former members of the original ACTION MAN MOBILE OPS HQ in England

When I first joined the AMMO forum a few years ago, international shipping costs were merely unpleasant rather than prohibitive, and it was possible to pack parcels that were worthwhile to exchange. Over time, and to my surprise, I have accumulated five figures who have appeared as either background figures or as named characters in photos posted by England-based forum members. Here, the figures now on deployment in the States toast their comrades back home on the tenth anniversary of the forum.
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
Sounds like a cool forum and it would be fun to have figures you'd already seen in others' photostories.
Looks like the party is underway there.
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A Doll A Day 2022:

Back after a brief technical issue:

[Image: november11.jpg]
11 November - Back On Top da Fridge... in Florida!

Triv and the Gang return to Florida for a few months, only to find the Internet cable to the house had been knocked down by one of two recent hurricanes. Hey, if a disconnected wire is the worst of the damage, we ain't about to complain! Service has been restored and we are back in action!

[Image: november12a.jpg]
12 November - Pinky Street Beach Day!

[Image: november12c.jpg]
80˚F in Florida and Below Freezing High in Utah - Where Would You Rather Be?

[Image: november12b.jpg]
Typical Pinky - Falling Down on the Job! Some Things Never Change!
(Maybe it was heat stroke! Not enough time to acclimate after leaving wintery Utah!)
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
Ah, I'm jealous. I wanna be on top da fridge in Florida. Well, on da beach anyway.
I also want the sort of house where I can make a net decoration like in the background there.
Glad you had no more damage than a cable. It was sure a mess elsewhere, I guess.
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(11-13-2022, 12:44 PM)Alliecat Wrote: I also want the sort of house where I can make a net decoration like in the background there.

I'm happy the net decor was left here by the previous owner. The real challenge, which I run in to myself, in doing something like that is being willing to completely change things in my own home that have been the same for practically ever. It's surprisingly difficult, for me at least, to pull everything out and make big changes. I'm sure you could find space to do something like this, but it would mean "psychologically violating" the history of the space and tampering with years of memories.

I'm hoping my time away this winter, over the next few months, will put me in to a midset to make some major "stuff changes" when I get back to Utah in the spring.

As for now, though, there's a lot to get done in order to properly settle in. Triv is keeping track of the list... while wondering if she'll need to change back in to her orange coveralls.

13 November - A Doll A Day 2022:

[Image: november13.jpg]
13 November - Getting Settled In and Organized List

Arright, that's enough goofing around on the Internet. Let's get to it!
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
Pinky caught on camera mid-swoon made me laugh.
Oh no... back to work. I knew it.
There's a kitty....?.....?
Need kitty pictures.
And call your dad.
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(11-14-2022, 06:31 AM)Alliecat Wrote: Oh no... back to work.  I knew it.
There's a kitty....?.....? 

Yeah, the "necessary" chores never seem to cease.

Ha! Yeah, I see something about a "cat box" on the list. It wasn't a cat litter box, though; rather, a cardboard box with an old towel thrown over it that the cat(s) like to sit on. All the cats I have known over the years have preferred old cardboard boxes over fancy "store bought" cat furniture.

I called my dad. I try to do that every few days. 

14 November - A Doll A Day 2022:

[Image: november14.jpg]
14 November - "Ick! I should have put this chore on Janie's list.
Say... where IS Janie, anyway?"
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
Ew gross!
She’s gonna get her nice white shirt and summer shorts all dirty!

(11-15-2022, 06:52 AM)davidd Wrote: …a cardboard box with an old towel thrown over it that the cat(s) like to sit on.
… There’s a kitty?…
… I’m confused
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(11-15-2022, 05:42 PM)Alliecat Wrote: … There’s a kitty?…

If I can capture the kitties on camera I will share photos.

Kitties are much more challenging to photograph than are dolls.

15 November - A Doll A Day 2022:

[Image: november15.jpg]
15 November - A Discovery Most Curious

Having surreptitiously infiltrated the secret docking hangar of the airship Hyperion in remote Discovery Bay, Basil Leyland makes an intriguing discovery.
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
Very cool lighting.

I love photographing cats. Some are better models than others, but it can really help one learn to work quickly in composing and shooting.
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(11-16-2022, 04:51 PM)Alliecat Wrote: I love photographing cats.  Some are better models than others....

Okay, here's a kitty for ya:

[Image: cat_gabby1.jpg]
Gabby aka Leahi aka Diamond Head Cat

When I first came to Florida last year it wasn't long before I "met" the Neighborhood Cat. The cat would hang out at the vacant house next door, sunning itself in the driveway, or lurking under a plastic crate near the garage. Once in a while the cat would meander over when I was doing things outside, and just kind of watch me from a discrete distance. Eventually, of course, I began putting out a bit of food for it each day. Sometimes the cat would eat the food. Sometimes another cat would eat the food. Sometimes a roaming opossum would eat the food.

Eventually the woman who owned the vacant house showed up to clean out and freshen up the house. She told me that the cat had lived in the area for over ten years, and that as far as she knew it had never been an indoor cat. Her tenant at the now-vacant house had been a "cat lady" who owned more than ten cats of her own, some indoor and some outdoor, and she had been feeding the Neighborhood Stray, but when she left after living there for fifteen years, she had been unable to catch the outside cat to take with her.

Eventually I met a couple who live across the street, a pair of teachers who had moved in to the neighborhood a year previously. The woman told me she had been feeding the Neighborhood Cat ever since the Cat Lady had moved, and trying to tame it and adopt it. She called the cat Gabby, because it talked so much. I told her I had been calling the cat "Leahi," which was the Hawaiian word for Diamond Head, because the cat has a diamond-shaped mark on its head.

During my time last winter in Florida, Gabby/Leahi made near-daily visits, particularly during the day when the teachers were at work. Once I knew the cat was being fed, I put out less food overnight, but would take out "treats" during the day when the cat showed up.

This season, it took about two days for Gabby (I'm going with Gabby now, because that's what her adoptive owner calls her) to resume coming around. She shows up at the back door at mid-day, announcing her presence quite vocally, and staring through the glass sliding door at the cabinet where she knows the treats are kept.

Ironically, it was easier to get a picture of this semi-wild semi-stray neighborhood wanderer than it is to get a clear shot of the "tame" housecats. But I'll show those to you if I can ever get a pic.

There ya go, then -- a cat pic.

16 November - A Doll A Day 2022:

[Image: november16.jpg]
16 November - "Should We Open It?"

While packing for the trip, Janie and Triv found the "blind box" Bratz toys that I purchased a couple or three months ago and which I was planing to return to the store, but which I had misplaced. Apparently the girls managed to smuggle the packages to Florida, so I guess they won't get returned after all.
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
Oooh, what a striking kitty. This one is straight out of one of those cat-adventure/fantasy novels where the Chosen One has a mark from the cat gods, indicating that her destiny will be to lead her friends on a Quest.... yay
I'm glad she has some people looking out for her. I feel so bad for the strays who don't have a home with a cozy chair to sleep in.
Thanks for the kitty pic!

Are the Mini Bratz close enough in size to the Pinkys to share adventures?
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(11-17-2022, 03:11 PM)Alliecat Wrote: I'm glad she has some people looking out for her.  I feel so bad for the strays who don't have a home with a cozy chair to sleep in.

Are the Mini Bratz close enough in size to the Pinkys to share adventures?

Neighborhood Kitty Gabby has a cozy chair to sleep in on the neighbor's porch, and a cozy box to sleep in if she so chooses. Neighbors said they tried to get Gabby to stay inside their garage during the recent two hurricanes, but while she will go in to the garage when the door is open, she becomes frantic and wants out if the door is closed, so she rode out two hurricanes in the past month outside with no ill effects.

If she has really been around for ten years as I was told, she's been through a number of hurricanes and tropical storms.

I have not opened the Mini Bratz yet so I do not know what they will be like. I'm just hoping the boxes don't just have some lame accessory or something. They should have mini dolls, or possibly a mini Bratz car. There's another line that has make-up and accessories.

17 November - A Doll A Day 2022:

[Image: november17.jpg]
17 November - "I Brought One Too!"
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
18 November - A Doll A Day 2022:

[Image: november18.jpg]
18 November - Arachnotech Assault Module

Hasbro Batman Mission Masters Virus Attack Mister Freeze action figure with Arachnotech Assault Module.

That's some name, huh?

Check out the Toys R Us clearance price sticker!

Unfortunately, I paid more than three bucks for this. I think I paid ten or so. But that included shipping. The eBay seller probably lost money.

I already had one of these that I was going to use for a custom action figure project, but I misplaced the head and could not find it prior to heading to Florida for a few months, so I purchased this one via eBay and had it sent to the Florida address. It arrived yesterday. I'm sorta regretting having purchased it because my enthusiasm for the project has waned, I think I forgot to bring some other necessary parts for the project, and... it's just kinda dumb to be buying more of this crap.
They're not dolls, they're action figures!

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