15 August - An I'm Not a Doll I'm an Action Figure A Day 2023:
But it's close!
Louis J. Marques of The Royal Kadath Society
For over three years now I have been working on creating my own
emulation of one of MiskatonicNick's characters and figures he created a decade ago, Louis Marques of The Royal Kadath Society, based on a Triad Toys "Zorro" head sculpt. I have never been satisfied with my results, and I have ended up parting out each version for use with other figures and characters. Finally, with this latest iteration, I feel I am getting close to a version of the character that will be safe from becoming scavenger bait.
This version is not
quite complete. I have a couple more minor accessories on the way, and there are two or three bits and pieces I know I have around here somewhere that I will try out on the figure once I find them. If this figure retains the sun helmet, the helmet will require some further detailing. Overall, however, the figure is now close to what I originally visualized when I started this project.
At present, the Triad Toys "Zorro" head is paired with a TBLeague M32 (Bruce Lee) body and an assortment of 21st Century, Hasbro GI Joe, Ujindou, and other action figure accessories.
Here are some of my earlier attempts:
Louis Marques and Ellie Fields (another MiskatonicNick character) - September 2020
Louis Marques - February 2021
Louis Marques - March 2021
Louis Marques - December 2022
Louis Marques - August 2023 - pending additional accessorization
Following is a brief "history" of the Louis Marques character and figure as it originated with MiskatonicNick:
Louis Marques of the Royal Kadath Society
"Louis Marques" is based on a character originally created by 1/6-scale enthusiast MiskatonicNick and featured in his photos and photo-stories posted to Flickr and other websites, first appearing in April 2012.
In his earliest named incarnation,
circa early-2012, "Louis" was known by the name "Jacques," before Nick eventually settled on the name "Louis Marques."
Link: April 2012 incarnation, under the name "Jacques":
The name "Louis Marques" is a play on the Louis Marx company, a once-major toy manufacturer remembered today for the Johnny West line of 1/6-scale action figures... and as the original producer of the Big Wheel riding toy.
Link: August 2012 incarnation, now under the name "Louis Marques" and assigned to the Royal Kadath Society:
The Royal Kadath Society is a fictional society of ex-plorers and adventurers created by MiskatonicNick, and loosely based on the real life Ex-plorers Club and Disney's fictional Society of E

lorers & Adventurers (S.E.A.). The term "Kadath" refers to a mythical location referenced in at least two stories by writer H.P. Lovecraft:
The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath (published posthumously in 1943, likely written
circa 1926) and
At the Mountains of Madness (published in 1936, likely written
circa 1931).
Link: April 2013: Louis Marques with Professor Victor Champion and Lady Pollyanna Parker of The Royal Kadath Society:
Link: August 2013: Louis Marques with Professor Champion and Pollyanna Parker of the Royal Kadath Society:
Link: February 2016: Possibly the final photo of Louis Marques to appear in MiskatonicNick's Flickr photostream. Lady Pollyanna has been superseded by Miss Ellie Fields:
To acknowledge the original, temporary name of the character, "Jacques," I have added the middle initial "J." to the name of my version.
A few current (as of 2023) members of popular online action figure forums, including the AMMO Forum, have been resurrecting some of the characters and concepts originally dreamed up by MiskatonicNick, who passed away une

ectedly a few years ago (November 2018). These characters and concepts are being revisited and re-imagined as an homage to Nick's creativity, his crafting and photography skill, his sense of humor, and his willingness to answer questions from and offer encouragement to others in the toy photography hobby.
Characters being "re-visited" or "re-imagined" include:
Professor Victor Champion of The Royal Kadath Society
Louis Marques of The Royal Kadath Society
Kroger Terreblanche of The Royal Kadath Society
Ellie Fields of The Royal Kadath Society
Gavin of The Royal Kadath Society
Doctor Diablos, arch nemesis of the Royal Kadath Society