PrettyTiny Film Company -- Alliecat's crew (Jan. 28)
Looks like we've lost dargosmydaddy too  sad  Hopefully she will be back.

Yes, Aya has been to the beach but only a couple of times.  I made the beach turtle... inspired by Hannah Bullen-Ryner whose land art is gorgeous!  That's the only daffodil I have.  It's a clump, and did pretty well this year, but it's the only one.  Guess cos it's close enough to the house to not have been eaten by the deer  slash  And I think dandelions are just dandy  LOL

I was hoping to get some more Christmas pix but ran out of time before having to leave for a house-sit and worrying about storm damage (insert long rant about neighbour destroying windbreak).  Miraculously my trees survived 2 rounds of gale from opposite directions.  I'll do some more photos when I get home and they can be for next year's cards, I guess. 
What else are you gonna do in a power outage but shoot dolly photos in the dark??  xp

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Dolly photos in the dark seems like a clever and creative way to capitalize on the potential of a power outage! At least, it is if you have the foresight to have fresh batteries on hand!

The holiday photos look quite cheerful and joyous and convey a quietly celebratory mood.

Hmmm… Dargosmydsddy drifting away? She was still posting at Instagram when I went on another self-imposed Insta hiatus last week.
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
I got a few more pix at the house-sit.  It's nice when homeowners decorate even though they're going to be away.  Then again, some people start the day after Halloween, so maybe they put it all up weeks ago  LOL
Anyway, it's a chance to take some photos with some different decorations.  I think this little battery snow globe lamp is really cute. I wanted the star in the background but of course it "burned in" on the long ex-posure.
Merry Christmas to all 2 of us keeping the lights on!!

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Sometimes I forget how mini the minis must actually be. Unless, perhaps, the holiday decorations in this enormous guild hall you are guarding are massive monuments to Yuletide merriment.

The images are fun and colorful and festive no matter the scale.

Why do people hire house-sitters? If they have a cat or dog (or fish or birds) to feed it makes sense. Are the landed gentry of Eastern Canada so afraid of looters and vagabonds they require on-site security during brief absences? Are you heavily armed to repel domestic invaders? (I know, that is information you are unable to disclose or discuss.)
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
Well, the minis are 6"... Pretty tiny... PrettyTiny, haha!!

(12-26-2023, 11:00 PM)davidd Wrote: Why do people hire house-sitters?
Because travel is stressful for pets, and it's not great for them to be alone all day with someone coming in just for a few minutes to feed them.  Much nicer for them to stay in their familiar territory than be dumped in a kennel where everything is strange and scary.

Quote: landed gentry
LOL.  Two kids who've ended up with more of a fixer than they bargained for, for their first house -- hardly landed gentry.
I'd have liked someone trustworthy to stay in my house because like many places there are drugs and stupid kids -- although way less crime than the mainland.  But I'm doing exactly the thing I would never do in my own house -- have some random off the internet stay in it!!  xp  LOL
We do have to have references to join, and once you get a few reviews, it's easier to get more sits.  I guess some people are more trusting than I am!
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Ah, interesting. So the gig is usually more of a "pet sit" than a "house sit."
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
Almost always with pets.  Although I would like to have a plant-sitter.
I am urgently in need of a house/pet sit along the eclipse track, if you happen to have any leads!  The TX house-sit people, who said amiably, "come back for the next one", appear to have forgotten they did so.  I haven't outright asked, but when I mentioned I was looking for somewhere for April, she wished me luck.  sad
I wish people wouldn't say stuff they don't mean  Irritated

I should take more pictures of Annie.  But she's so hard to pose.  And I'm really bummed about how yellow she has gone.  I'd heard resin yellowed, but... ugh  sad

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Fun fact!!  Did you know most bobcats are not named Bob?  LOL
This is Tony, who came from the Natural Bridge Caverns in Texas, via San Antonio.

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Annie is still a striking doll with a cute outfit and stunning eyes.
This is a fun series of images. I like the nautical-themed backdrop.
I thought tigers were named Tony. Probably another one of those widely held beliefs that is not grounded in fact.

Resin dolls yellow over time, huh? Is this a general tendency of resin dolls, or is this type of doll particularly prone to fading and color shift?

I have heard that resin dolls can be fragile, or more accurately, brittle and crack easily. I tend to subject my dolls, toys, and figures to, if not outright abuse, at least to a lower standard of care, so I have tried to avoid easily breakable examples.

As for the upcoming eclipse -- I was thinking about trying time my return to Utah to coincide with crossing the eclipse path, but I am already hearing about hotels raising prices, so I'm thinking that might not be the best travel window, because I do not know how long before and after the event prices will be affected.
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
I think it's a general tendency of resin dolls, as I'd heard about it in general terms.  I dunno... I won't be getting into resin bjds.  They are more fragile, although some people do tote them around. 
Haha, I guess tigers have to deal with it too LOL
There will probably be some Airbnb rooms left, if you are willing to take new ones with few or no reviews, or ones not as good as you might like.  Just check their dates for random other times of the year to see if they're price-gouging.

Time for some J-Doll love!  I really don't photograph them as much as I'd like to.  Somehow the Pullips always jump in first.  I think if they were more visible in a better cabinet I'd pay more attention to them.
Anyway, thinking about St. Patrick's Day and green things, here's Aislinn!

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Doll photos are like chips... you can't take just one!!  xp
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Aislinn is such a nice name!
Her green eyes are lovely.
Did you select the outfit for her, or is that a stock outfit?
The backdrop, even though it is mostly moss, looks rich and green. Is spring already springing to life on the island?
Yes, with such a fun series of pics, it would definitely be challenging to cull it down to fewer. But that's okay, I like seeing them all!
How many J-Dolls are in your crew? Maybe if one or more of them were to dress like pirates they'd see more screen time!
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
J-Dolls have gorgeous eyes!  I have 10.  Never would have imagined that when the first 2 came.
Then again, when the first wee Pullip arrived I never envisioned a whole collection!  LOL
The outfit is from eBay and was billed as a Thai outfit.  It looks nice for display but the skirt is so narrow they can't look like they're walking in it at all!
Spring?!?!  LOL.  Heck no.  A bit of snow this week, minus wind chills, crappy wet weather.  It won't feel like spring for at least a month.  WHYYY do I live in such a cold place  Cry

This year's PUDDLE theme is "Retro Memories".  So here are my 80s sisters. 
This little room set was so much work assembling all the pieces, and then was so darn cute I didn't want to take it apart.  LOL
Maybe SOME day in the NEXT house (sigghhh) I can recreate it in a cabinet.

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"We'll play one of mine and one of yours, OK?"

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"Listen, I can do the motorcycle."
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I'm just loving the retro vibe here! Like the whole diorama setup is great. The wood paneling too reminds me of the wood paneling you would see in older homes, so it just lends itself to the retro feel!
What a fantastic setting! Like a basement "rumpus room" from the 1970s!

And so many fun details! Air Supply! I haven't heard of them in ages!

John Denver - I still miss his bright, perky country-rock style sometimes.

And I see that your recent person-of-interest, Mister Loaf, makes an appearance!

Great selection of mini album covers. Did you make all those? And the records? How did you make the records?

Perfectly in-scale guitars. The wood acoustic looks particularly good.

Love all the junk scattered in the shag carpet -- MINIATURE SHAG CARPET! OMG, I'm über-squeeing here!

Is that the window you painstakingly assembled using a miter saw to bevel the corners... and then covered up with curtains!   LOL   LOL   LOL
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
Thank you both!  yay
It's all crammed in a corner in the office, where there was the only suitable bit of wall that I could make a corner with.

I love John Denver too.  Air Supply is still going, but gosh they look old.  I have never seen them live but they're coming to NB in October -- wheeeee!  grin
The records came with the record player.  I just printed out album covers from a carefully dated online search.  And then had to photoshop out the edges cos I didn't stick them to the cardboard sleeves well enough!
The guitars are great for Pullips with their big heads.  They're a bit big for actual 1/6 normally-sized dolls.
The miniature "shag carpet" is my bathmat, LOL  xp 
Yes, that's the window.

Sara & Celeste had a photoshoot this week, mainly for a PUDDLE "Retro Memories" contest entry, but of course, you can't take just one dolly photo.

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As popular as blinking Pullip eyes are, I rarely shoot them.  Somehow I always think winking makes them look a little drunk.  LOL

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Lighting here was sooo difficult.  Not much help for a pale doll with dark hair in the sun!

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"On our way to the rally", for PUDDLE "Retro Memories" contest.

Thanks for looking!  smile
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These "retro" photos look fantastic! They're just gorgeous, those outfits, the lighting, the poses.

Indeed, I can safely say that those last two pix, at the bus stop. are among my favorite Pullip doll photos that I have seen. The two girls at the bus stop, with all their Woodstock era protest accessories, look like they stepped through a time warp from 1969.

If you're going
To San Francisco
Be sure to wear
Some flowers in your hair

Yup, one of 'em even has flowers in her hair! Haight-Ashbury, here we come!

This is a really really fun set! Seeing these scenes totally made my day!
They're not dolls, they're action figures!

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