Rainbow High Poppy Rowan & Daphne Minton (more pix Oct. 5)
So I'm waaaaaaaayyy behind with photos... trying to sort, edit, back up a few and here are the rest from Poppy's shoot with the pumpkin, eek, nearly a MONTH ago Oh My
Her colouring is perfect for 'fall' photos.  Too bad we don't have many colourful leaves.  But, once she's dry it will be fun to take her out again with her glowing hair.

(Edit, for those who wanted outfits, I found some on Aliex-press.)

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That pumpkin was radiantly photogenic; right up there with the algae! I hope you saved some of its seeds to plant next season.

These photos have me wishing I were there rather than where I am at the moment.
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
(11-28-2021, 04:07 AM)davidd Wrote: That pumpkin was radiantly photogenic; right up there with the algae! I hope you saved some of its seeds to plant next season.

These photos have me wishing I were there rather than where I am at the moment.

DUH. Someone was an idiot and was so distracted that they boiled ALL the seeds to roast and THEN remembered about wanting to save some. AUWE!!!!! Rawr! I picked through the "guts" that were going into muffins and found.... ONE. I will try to start it in the spring and will have to baby it along.
However, there are some "cousins" since I didn't plant all the seeds in the packet.

I might be willing to trade locations, LOL.


Welllll... you wouldn't believe it... but only after looking at some pictures online, I discovered Poppy came with ... TWO RIGHT BOOTS!!!!!! I thought the one was shaped a little funny and that it was a lazy design that they printed the same pattern on both... I should have looked before I contacted MGAE but... since the feet aren't really shaped it wasn't obvious. I figured it was just cheap design. Now I see that this is also a screwup. Unfreakingbelievable that someone missed all this in boxing her.
"Dear MGAE... further to my first inquiry...." slash
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She matches the pumpkin very well.
So Poppy got another boot after I contacted MGAE a second time.  They do at least respond well to complaints.  I "think" all her issues have been taken care of, finally. 

(11-28-2021, 04:04 PM)Alliecat Wrote: Someone was an idiot and was so distracted that they boiled ALL the seeds to roast and THEN remembered about wanting to save some.  AUWE!!!!!  Rawr!  I picked through the "guts" that were going into muffins and found.... ONE.  I will try to start it in the spring and will have to baby it along.
In another update, Mr Pumpkin's child has just sprouted and was waiting for me when I returned from a couple of days away.  I took a chance on putting him straight outside so he doesn't get all leggy like the broccoli sprouts.  I will be hovering over him to encourage him to grow.  A couple of cousin seeds were planted nearby.  As well as some squashes.  Let's see what happens this season.


So Poppy is now going to be sharing her thread with her new sister.  I was not going to get into these dolls... maybe one... and while away for a couple of days this week, I ended up with....  Daphne Minton.

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More fabulously shiny buy-me packaging.  With a ridiculous quantity of little plastic ties.  I mean, her jacket was plastic-tied to her skirt?!???  WHYYYY???  I didn't go at it in a hurry, but as I was watching TV, so I think by the time I was completely done getting her out of the box it was nearly an hour and a half.  LOL

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>gasp<  "You got me a SISTER?!!"

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"HI!  I'm so happy to meet you!  Welcome!"

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So, now there are two of these, and I DESPERATELY need a cabinet.  And have nowhere to put one.
I like that the facial sculpts are a bit different.  She has great hair.  No goop in it.  Her shoes are properly painted and there is one of each -- ha!  She has one knee that doesn't bend super well, or as far, and in general I really don't like these dolls' very stiff knees.  But she appears not to have other issues like Poppy did.  Her second outfit looks really neat.  When I get a little time I'll try it and shoot some more pix.  Both have very soft bright hair that kind of glows. 
They are cute!
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They go really well together, color-wise! The second picture where Poppy appears to be rubbing her hands together in anticipation is adorable.

Is it just the pictures, or is Daphne significantly less shiny-faced than Poppy?
That's my favourite shot too smile
Yes, Daphne is not shiny. I didn't mind the sparkly face with Poppy, as it was just "different". But when you compare them, it sort of feels to me like they made this batch a little more mature or sophisticated-looking. And less "toy"ish without the sparkly face. Emi is part of the same batch I think (at least, they were right together on the shelf at the same price) so I'm pretty sure she isn't shiny either. I might end up getting her sometime...
There are also some not-quite-mini versions of these, labelled "junior high", that are 9". It was the first I'd heard of them.
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I wasn’t going to get in to these dolls… is what I said about both Monster High and Smart Dolls.

Good news about Pumpkin Sprout!
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
Quote:Yes, Daphne is not shiny. 

Ooh, that is good to know!

I spent far too much time today on Instagram and ebay assessing the shininess of various RH girls...
Pumpkin Jr. is growing!  grin
Dargos, here is some enabling for you  wink

I'd sure like to see some more folks here doing some photodumps! 
Or even a few photos!
Or one!!
I finally sorted the first real photoshoot with Daphne.

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I might be in trouble.  These dolls are really pretty. 

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"The camera loves her..."

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The sun made stars in her eyes  yay

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The mosquitoes were getting bad at this point, so although I missed target on the sunny patch, it was like 'shoot one and move on'.

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Her hair was lovely and soft and not crunchy, her shoes go on and off easily, and aside from a little QC/design issue with the jacket sleeves, she doesn't have the problems Poppy had.

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The reason I 'swerved' and got her instead of Emi whom I'd thought I'd get if I saw her (and they had her too) was that I really liked her second outfit.

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The little faux-suede jacket is so cute, although it does have a bit of an 'issue' as one of the sleeves is too small for her hand to go through.  Sigh.  Not as bad as Poppy's jacket though.

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With some creative mowing that wasted ek$pensive gas, I left patches of daisies in the yard again this year.

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The light was really going at this point, so a handheld on the edge of the lupin patch came out with slightly funny colours.

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All that and I still didn't get a pic of my newest pair of sisters together!!
Maybe next time.

Thanks for looking  smile
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Ahhh, she is gorgeous! I really like her eyes. And that hair!

I might be posting a Rainbow High picture in my thread tomorrow... smile
The lighting really brings out the radiance in her turquoise hair!
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
I can't believe it's a YEAR since I posted pix on this thread!  My surroundings are creating such a state of creativity- and focus-stifling disruption that I'm not taking nearly as many pictures (or doing the other creative things) that I want to.   Cry
After browsing through last year's photos it seems I've done some rather similar ones on this shoot.
And yes, her hair is really radiant.

My lupins were wonderful when I took these on Thursday.  It rained on the weekend and wrecked them -- now they're all askew.  Still blooming, but sprawled all over.  Sigh.  Glad I got a few pix of Daphne with them.

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Radiant is the word, for your Dolly and for the verdant floral growth and greenery.

Yes, a year flies by all too quickly. I was thinking about that yesterday while working on storage tubs and wondering how long it had been since some of the things I was finding had seen the light of day.

And already we have reached the summer solstice. From this point on, the days will be growing shorter. The darkness of winter is yet again encroaching on the light.

Make the most of your floral paradise while you can.
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
Well here's another old thread that hasn't been active for over a year.  SIGH.  But, this one belongs to Poppy & Daphne so I'm gonna necro this one as well.  Here is Poppy with one of the few Monarchs I hatched this year.

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It was getting late so we put her on a tree so she'd get warmed up by the sun in the morning.

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"Bye!  Good luck!"
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