Obitsu and furniture and teddies - oh my!
Yes everything has been changing for Sara of late.....

"Hi, lookit me on my lovely new obitsu! Gaspode was pleased with herself for fitting it with no problems!"

[Image: 4200066353_302b603def.jpg]

[Image: 4200066483_d653e355df.jpg]

"*giggle* Where's Jerome run off to?!"

[Image: 4200820326_8d1ebb96a3.jpg]

"Oh! Where did this come from? Do you know Jerome?"

[Image: 4200820478_6e9644b3ba.jpg]

"It's very comfy, thanks Gaspode!"

[Image: 4200820664_9bdd47307f.jpg]

"And a new teddy too!!"

[Image: 4200820864_fa4dd214d3.jpg]

"Isn't he cute?"

[Image: 4200067255_5c0cd89fcc.jpg]

"Oh and you can keep clothes inside too - that's really handy!"

[Image: 4200821212_e442582e36.jpg]

"I also got this chair from Gaspode too but she's not sure about it..."

[Image: 4200821374_6d9e012b9a.jpg]

"Well, see you all around!"

[Image: 4200067759_33d65b4571.jpg]

Thanks for looking,

Messages In This Thread
Obitsu and furniture and teddies - oh my! - by Gaspode - 12-21-2009, 04:08 AM

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