How to seduce Taeyangs..(Pic heavy) Starring Isolde and Akane!
Isolde: Ooooh lets go look at some Taeyangs on here...I wonder if anyone has Arion...oh arion *sigh*
[Image: DSC_0006-2.jpg]

Isolde: *click click click*
[Image: DSC_0007-1.jpg]

Akane: What are you doing?
[Image: DSC_0008-1.jpg]

Isolde: AAHH oh um oooh uhh nothing!
Akane: Oh?
[Image: DSC_0010-1.jpg]

Akane: So why were you on the Taeyang pictionary thread? When we can go to pullipstyle and BUY SOME.
[Image: DSC_0011-2.jpg]

Isolde: Um Akane I don't think this is a good idea! Hannah will make us bait dolls if we spend her money!
Akane: But don't you want Arion?
[Image: DSC_0012-1.jpg]

Isolde: Oh Arion...
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Chihiro (She's in a transition phase since she's not done): *emerges from shadows* what are you two idiots doing?
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Akane: Well I don't know her password so we'll have to wait, budge over Isolde
[Image: DSC_0018-4.jpg]

Isolde: And when he comes we'll walk around holding hands and and eat cake!
Akane: wait what?
[Image: DSC_0019-1.jpg]

Akane: You think a new Taeyang that comes if its Arion will immediately fall for you just because you're one of his partners? What if an Adsiltia shows up?
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Akane: You gotta be sexy, show some leg! Wear heels! You gotta show any other Pullip who's going to get that Taeyang!
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Chihiro: Why do I live with idiots?
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Akane: Okay, strut your stuff! Show me that sexy walk.
Chihiro: Sigh.
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Isolde: *daintily raises leg* Like this?
[Image: DSC_0027.jpg]

Akane: *pats on head* was a good effort...
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Chihiro: Can someone install a rolling eye mechanism on me please?
[Image: DSC_0029-1.jpg]

Isolde showing some love for Dolly Market Heart 2
[Image: DSC_0031.jpg]
Disturb not the harmony of Fire, Ice, or Lightning lest these three Titans wreck destruction upon the world in which they clash.
Though the water's Great Guardian shall arise to quell the fighting alone its song will fail. Thus the Earth shall turn to ash.


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How to seduce Taeyangs..(Pic heavy) Starring Isolde and Akane! - by Hannahnoface - 06-19-2010, 02:25 PM

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