10-24-2010, 02:31 PM
Sakana_hime bought my Frara from me. She paid when she promised. However, a month or so after recieving her, she had put Frara on EBay. Apparently she was unhappy with the condition of the doll. I had forgotten I had added some clear glitter arylic to her lips and above her eyes. I messaged Sakana_hime both on EBay and here offering to help fix the deal and how to remove the glitter (it would have washed off). Honestly I had added it not long after she arrived and I really did not remember doing it until I read her ebay auction. She never let me know the doll had arrived or that she was unhappy with it. I would have been more than happy to work with her. I don't want to leave bad feedback but I do want to make other buyers aware.